Chapter 3 The Meeting with Uncle Zenith.

Zorin laid in his bed and covered up. He was thinking about that dream he had for awhile, until he fell asleep.

Raven was getting ready for bed herself, until she heard Zorin groaning in his sleep. She went to go check on him. She pulled the covers down, and saw the mark was glowing. She was shaking Zorin awake. Zorin. Hey Zorin. Wake up. He woke up and the mark stopped glowing. What is it Raven? Your scar glowed. Were you in pain just now? Yeah. Actually I was. Maybe we should call Nate? No. I will be fine, its a mild pain. I don't want to wake him this late. Ok well try to get to sleep ok? Yeah I will. He slept soundly the rest of the night.

The next morning Zorin woke up, tried to get up, but it was painful and managed. He got dressed just fine. Hey Raven. Morning. Said Zorin. Yeah. Said Raven. How you feeling? Oh fine I guess. Less pain than last night. That's good. Well I will see you after school, before I head to Zenith's store. Ok see you later, have fun at school. Yeah. So he went on the bus and was off to school.

Zorin got to school and his friends met him at the door. Hey guys what's up? How you feeling man? Said Sky. OH I'm fine now. Man that was crazy. Yeah well, we are glad your ok. Said Sky. Yeah thanks. let's go to homeroom. Hey Sky is your dad here today? Yeah he is. Good I need to speak with him after homeroom. They finally got to class and did their work. After the bell rang, Zorin said Hey Mr. J. can I talk to you for a min.? Sure what is it? Can you meet me at Zenith's store? There will be another person there too, Sapph's dad. After school I will be headed to Ravens, then I will be over. Ok yeah, I will. Thanks. Then Zorin headed for breakfast.

Sapph saw Zorin at his table and told her friends. I will be right back. She went over to Zorin and asked him, Are you alright? Yeah Sapph. I was in some pain last night, but now it's just a light pain. That's good. After school, is it ok if I come over? Actually I will be going to Zenith's store. You can meet me there. We can go to my place after. Ok sounds good. See you then. Then she went back to her friends. Zorin was staring at Sapph for awhile, thinking about things, when Sky called Zorins Name. Zorin. Zorin. Hey Zorin! Huh? Oh what now? Sky said, Are you ok? You are spacing out a lot. Yeah I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind. Then the bell rang for the next class.

Hours went by then it was finally lunch time. Zorin didn't get anything, he wasn't all that hungry. Sky was a little worried. Hey man. Why aren't you eating? Said Sky. Oh I'm just not that hungry. While everyone was eating, he was staring at Sapph again thinking. Just as Sky and his friends finished eating, he called Zorins Name. Zorin. Hello Zorin. Earth to Zorin. Zorin! Oh huh what? Sky said, Ok follow me. Sky dragged Zorin outside. Where are we going? Said Zorin. To the Training shed. Want me to clear my head huh? Said Zorin. Yeah. OK so let's go. Sky got his fists ready. Before we fight. Said Sky. The Rule is no power, hand to hand and feet if necessary. Ok got it. Said Zorin. So they started fighting. Zorin was fighting unconsciously, not knowing when to quit. Hey Zorin. Zorin. Stop that's enough! It got so bad that one of his buddies had to get Mr. Sanchez. Zorin that's enough! He pulled Zorin off. Zorin shook his head. What happened? What did I do? Sky said, Zorin are you ok now? Yeah what happened? Did I do that to you? Yeah. I will be ok really. Said Sky. Ok enough kids. Let's lock up the shed, and get ready for PE.

A few min later it was PE. Ok so today we are going to the Lab, not the shed today. I have some things to take care of in the in the Lab. Sapph looked worried about Zorin. They finally got to the Lab, Zorin was feeling a little strange. Zorin was the last one to go in to use his powers. Something was off about them. Mr. Sanchez noticed too. Once PE was over, Mr. Sanchez Said, Zorin can I see you for a min? Yeah. He went over and Mr. Sanchez said, Are you ok Zorin? You have been acting strange today? Yeah. I just haven't been myself lately. Hopefully I will by tomorrow. Ok well hope you get better soon. Get to the bus before it leaves.

Zorin got on the bus and was off to Ravens. It was a quiet ride to Ravens. Zorin told Raven what happened at school, and said Maybe it had something to do with the mark? Well maybe, you will find something out at Zeniths. Yeah I'm heading there now. Bye Raven see you later.

Zorin finally got to Zenith's and Sapph was just showing up as well. Sapph I need to talk to my uncle, and I need you there as well. Ok sure. We are going to the back of the store to the training Room to talk. Zorin walked in with Sapph. Hey uncle Zen, can we go in the back and talk. Sure no problem.

They went in the back, Mr. J. and Sapph's Dad were waiting for him. Ok so let's get down to business. First part of business. Said Zorin. He took off his shirt and showed them the mark. They all looked surprised. Zenith knew what the mark meant. So you do have the Mark after all. Said Zenith. What is the Mark? Said Zorin. What does it mean? Well Zorin. before I tell you, did anything strange happen since you got it? Well at first it was my date with Sapph. We were riding our 4 wheelers and I crashed because of some pain. Then I was fine. I went home to Ravens, then the pain got worse and Raven told me the mark lit up until I woke up. This morning I was in a little pain but was ok. During lunch I was spacing out and my friend Sky took me to the fighting shed, and we fought. I was unconsciously fighting. It got so bad. They had to get Mr. Sanchez to stop it. I finally came to my senses. Sky was beat up pretty bad, but he was more worried about me then himself. Also when PE came, and we did our power thing, my powers were out of whack. Does this have to do with my mark? Zenith answered and said, Yes, it does have to do with the mark. When did you first notice this mark? Well after I took my shower to get ready for my date with Sapph, I was drying myself off, I saw it, but thought nothing of it. That long ago? Do you know why you were sick? Said Zenith. Well I was thinking about that for awhile. It wasn't long after I met that man I told you about. Zenith I started feeling weird. Well I need to meet up with this boy. When I do, you, me and Jason need to be there. Zenith, I need to talk to just you for a min. Yeah this way. They walked to Zen's bedroom.

OK. Said Zorin. Zenith. It's about a dream I had. That boy I told you about, was talking to me and saying that me Jason and you were in danger. He wanted to protect us from something. Except I woke up before I found out. Zenith said. We have to meet with him sooner or later. By the way Zorin, his name is Mizuki. I used to call him Zuki. He hates it though. Do you think its safe to meet him? Yeah. I would still be cautious though. OK so when do we meet up with him? I will call you when I know. Then they walked out and Zorin said, That's all the business I had. Said Zorin. Ok well thank you for telling us Zorin. About that mark, I can temporarily remove it, but for how long I don't know. Hey I have an idea. Said Zorin. Why don't you do it now, so we can see how long it lasts. Good idea. Let's see that mark. Zorin took off his shirt, Zenith touched the mark and made it disappear. OK well that's done. OK Everyone. Said Mr. J. I'm heading home. So am I Said Sapph's Dad. See you later Sapph. Be home before 10 ok? Yeah. Thanks Dad.

When everyone was gone, Zenith broke the silence. So what about working here huh? Well I do have some ideas. Said Zorin. I will give you a call and let you know. OK sounds good. Said Zenith. Well I better be off back to Ravens. Bye uncle. See ya later kid. They drove off to Ravens. After while they got to Ravens. Oh hi Sapph. Nice to see you. I think I will order pizza since we have company. Yes! Said Zorin and Roxas. Raven called to order pizza.

After she hung up she said, Oh Zorin. Your uncle Zenith called. He said to tell you the meeting will be tomorrow night. He will pick you up. OK thanks Raven. Sapph said, What meeting? Oh nothing to worry about. I can't say yet. Oh ok. So I'm glad your feeling better. Yeah thanks. Just as she was saying that Zorin was getting a headache. At first he shook it off, then it got more intense. Ahh (Groan) Raven heard Zorin in pain and ran over to him. Zorin you ok?! What's wrong? My head hurts! I think its a vision. Ah (pant pant) The pain finally stopped as he was seeing something in his vision. He saw the meeting with Mizuki, then something else happened he can't explain. He couldn't see anyone, but something was there. Then the vision stopped and the pain came back for a few seconds then stopped. Damn that hurt! Sapph Said, You ok now Zorin? Zorin. Hey Zorin. Yeah I'm fine now. I have to call Zen. Raven got the phone for Zorin. I have to talk privately. I'm going to my room a min. Yeah sure, Said Sapph. It's fine.

Zorin went to his room and dialed Zen's cell. Hey Zen. It's Zorin. Are you on your way to get Jason? Yeah I am. What's up? Oh I just had a vision about the meeting. I saw something strange. I couldn't see anyone, but it looked like someone had to be there. Oh crap. Have you heard of the Blue Phantom? Yeah I have. Well that's probably him. I don't know much about him, but he does show himself. He's not always invisible. Thanks uncle. Talk to you later. Pizza will be here soon bye. Yeah see ya kid.

Ok I'm back. Oh good pizza is here. Zorin had his 2 pieces since he doesn't eat much anyway. Sapph grabbed a couple herself. They mingled talked about random stuff. Hours went by and it was time for Sapph to go home.

Hey Zorin before I go, let me tell you something. She whispered in his ear. Tomorrow come to my house. It will just be me. Yeah I can. OK see you tomorrow. Ok good. Raven I'm going over to Sapph's tomorrow. OK well come home first, and get your 4 wheeler. Go from there. Oh. Zenith said he will be here at 8. Be home before that ok? Yeah thanks Raven.