Chapter 4: Jason's First Visit to Zorin's School

Zenith got to James' house and explained the situation to him. Yeah take him. If it can keep him safe. Rose said, If that's the case, will they come here looking for Jason? Yeah I'm sure. Then I want you to do me a favor. Can you take Chloe with you? Just in case something happens to us. I want her to be safe. Zenith said, All right, we will. Thank you. Said Rose. Zenith got Chloe in the car and Jason sat in the front seat with James. Oh Zenith? What's my brother up to? Oh not much. You will find out at the meeting I'm sure. Before we head to my house, we are going to Ravens. OK sounds good.

Finally they got to Ravens house. Zenith knocked on the door Roxas answered. Hey Zenith. Come on in. Ravens in the kitchen. Oh hey Sapph. Said Jason. Good to see ya. Where's that weird brother of mine? Just as she was about to answer, Zorin came out. OH hey bro. They did their handshake thing. So how is everyone back at the old school? Said Zorin. Oh everyone's fine and doing good. Oh hi little Chloe. Said Zorin. How are you cutie? (Chloe is 1 year old. ) What is she doing here? I will tell you later. Yeah that's fine. Oh I see you ordered pizza. Yummy. Well we should get going soon. Raven is it ok if Jason stays the night? Yeah of course. Ok well see you guys soon. bye. Bye little Chloe. Said Sapph. She waved. Zen and Chloe were off to his place. OK well I better go to. Thanks for dinner Raven, I enjoyed it. Anytime. Said Raven. Then she left for home.

Hey I have an Idea! Said Zorin. Raven. Can Jason come to school with me just this once? Well I will have to talk to the principal, I don't see why not. I will call Zen to see how Chloe is doing. She dialed Zen's number and said, Hey Zen. It's Raven. Everything is ok here. Jason is going to go to Zorin's school for a day. That's cool. How is little Chloe doing? Oh she is making a mess of her dinner but she is fine. Ok good. Well I will just hang tight here, and just pick the kids up later. OK see you tomorrow Zenith. Yeah sure.

The next morning, Zorin was in pain again. He looked at his side and the mark came back. He was surprised it lasted as long as it did. He got dressed, had breakfast, then Zenith pulled up. Hey Uncle. Said Zorin. I have a favor to ask. The mark came back this morning. You want me to remove it again? Yeah please. Sure come here. Zorin went over to Zenith, he touched the mark then it disappeared. Thanks uncle. I can't wait to show Jason around. Chloe stayed with Raven. Ok boys. Time to go to the bus stop. Ok Raven. Said Zorin. They went to the bus stop, not long after the bus came.

Wow cool bus! Said Jason. Yeah I know right? I said the same thing. Just wait till you see the school, it's awesome. Can't wait. Said Jason. They finally arrived at the school. Zorin had to stop by the office with Jason so the principal can give them the rules.

Ok boys. First let me say it's nice to meet you Jason. Nice to meet you to sir. Second the rules. I don't want Jason distracting you from work. So I will have him be doing something while you are in classes. Jason I am going to give you 5 things to put together. I can't quite figure them out. I'm sure that you would be able to. There are 6 classes, but for PE I want you to watch the kids show off their powers as a treat. Awesome thanks. Each class you will put those items together. Yes sir. During lunch, you are welcome to use the shed, just don't get hurt ok? Yeah I know. Said Zorin. Otherwise you two have fun. Thank you. They were off to homeroom.

Hey Mr. J. Look who I have here. Ok class. We have a visiting student. This is Jason Daniels. Nice to meet you all. I'm Zorin's twin brother. Mr. J. continued He will be with us just for today. So no picking on him please, thank you. Jason sat next to Zorin in class. So in homeroom we just go through things from other classes. Sounds boring. Said Jason. Yeah well, I have do deal with it. Zorin went to work and so did Jason.

After class was over, Mr. J. Said, Zorin and Jason. Can I see you for a min? They walked over to Mr. J. and Zorin said, What's up? Everything ok? Yeah everything is fine. I would just like to say Jason, welcome to the school. Hope you enjoy yourself. Thanks. Sure thing. Have fun kids. Yeah we will. So now it's breakfast time. Said Zorin.

Zorin went to his friends table and pulled up an extra chair for Jason. Hey everyone. This is my brother Jason. Nice to finally meet you. Said Zack. Sorry about my look, I know I look scary, get it from my Dad. Oh and my name is Zack by the way. That's fine. Said Jason. I'm Zen nice to meet you. Nice to meet you Zen. You as well. You already know me. So we are all acquainted. Let's talk about what we are going to do at lunch. Ok Sky. Said Zorin. Would it be ok if we go to the shed to show our powers to Jason? Yeah that would be a good idea. Said Zack. Ok we will do that after we eat. Then the bell finally rang for the next class

Hours went by then it was finally lunch time. Once everyone was finished they went to the shed, Sapph came as well. The shed was big enough for 20 kids, and there were only 6 people. Sky said, Ok winner get's to fight the next person. OK got it. Said Zorin. So they started fighting using their powers. Sky shot Zorin back with his wind pretty hard, but got back up to fight again. Sky lost and said, Good fight. Now whose next? I will. Said Sapph. Really Sapph? OK. Sapph was using her vines to fight. Zorin got knocked down. Everyone thought it was over, till Zorin got up and knocked her down. Hey Sapph you ok? Zorin helped her and she said I'm fine. Then everyone else did there thing. Wow that's really cool! Said Jason. Awesome powers. Hey Zorin why don't we fight hand to hand combat like we used to for old time sake? Sure why not. So everyone sat down and watched the boys fight. Jason won. Damn bro! You got the better of me. Said Zorin. Yeah, been training with James. I beat uncle Zen, which surprised me too. Jason helped Zorin up. You ok bro? Yeah I will be thanks. The bell rang for the last class PE.

Ok class we are going to do two things today, in honor of our visitor. Those of you who don't know, this is Jason, Zorin's twin brother. Today we are going to have a few people with their partners show what they can do, and the ones that don't will go to the lab and show them off. Awesome! said Zorin. I want to show you what me and my partner Ryder can do. It's really cool. OK first off we are going to have Zorin and Ryder show off their skills.

Here are the rules, you can use your powers if needed, mostly hand to hand and in the end, you can show the thing you guys can do. Ready fight. During the fight, they did have to both use their powers for defense a couple of times. Zorin won of course. OK fights over. Zorin helped Ryder up You ok? Yeah I'm fine. So you ok enough to show him? Yeah let's do it. Zorin and Ryder will now show you their power joined together. Zorin lit his hand up and Ryder froze it. Zorin then took it off of his hand. Wow cool! The flame is still going inside! that's Awesome! Any volunteers to go next? A few more people went, then it was time to go to the lab. OK now it's time to go to the lab to show off our powers.

Sapph showed off her powers first. Wow! That's awesome and pretty at the same time. Yeah I know right? I said the same thing. Said Zorin. Then everyone else went, and class was almost over. Ok class. Said Mr. Sanchez. Everyone did a wonderful job. Jason what did you think? It was pretty cool to see what these guys were made of. One of these days, I would love to spar with some of them. Even though I really have no fighting power. Well maybe one of these days I can arrange it. Thanks Mr. Sanchez. The bell rang it was time to go home. Once everyone left except for Zorin, Jason said, Mr. Sanchez. I really enjoyed class and loved this school, but I wanted to ask you something. Are you related to a Dr. Sanchez by any chance? Yes he is my brother. I thought so. I just wanted you to know, he took really good care of us, and he wanted me to tell you something. I have to tell you in your ear. OK. Mr. Sanchez put his ear down Jason's level and Jason said Your brother wanted to meet you at your old house tomorrow night around 8:00, it's important. Thank you Jason. No problem. Let's go before we miss the bus. Said Zorin. They ran off and got there in the nick of time. Zorin said, I'm heading over to Sapph,s house. What are you going to do Jason? Well I Guess I will help out with Chloe till you get back. Ok sounds good.

They finally got back to Ravens. Hey I thought you were going to Sapph's? Said Jason. Oh I am I have to pick up my 4 wheeler first. Oh ok. Zenith was there with Chloe. Hey Jason. Said Zenith. How was the visit? Awesome. If I ever end up getting fighting power, I want to go. That good huh? Yeah. Hi little Chloe. Said Zorin. He picked her up for a bit and played with her. Hey Zenith. Sorry I said hi to Chloe before you. That's fine Zorin. It's true she is a cutie. Ok here Jason. Hold Chloe. Raven I'm heading out. Ok. Zenith said Be back before 800 ok? I will. Bye bro, bye Chloe. Chloe waved. Zorin got on his 4 wheeler and left.

WARNING: No one under the age of 17 should read these 3 paragraphs. Adult sexual content and language. I will put end on it when its done. Thankyou for understanding.

He finally got to Sapph's house, knocked on the door. Sapph answered the door and invited him in. You hungry Zorin? No I'm fine thanks. Why don't we head to the room. OK sounds good. They went to Sapphs Room and started kissing and were enjoying themselves. Then Zorin had pain in his side again. He lifted his shirt and saw the mark was back. The marks back huh? Said Sapph. Yeah it is. Do you want to stop? No, No, we can continue it's fine. Ok. So they kissed, took each others clothes off, Zorin went down on Sapph first. He started at her neck. Ha Hmm then down to hers breasts. He grabbed a hold of them and started sucking the nipples. Ha. Zorin. Hmm. Ha. OK Sapph. Going down in your private area. O..K. Ha. Hmm Yes Zorin. That...Feels..Ha so hmm good. Zorin. I'm going to cum. Cum then Sapph. I'm Hmm Hmm Ahh. She came and convulsed in pleasure.

Your turn Zorin. Said Sapph. So Sapph started by kissing his lips then neck. Hmm Ha. Then She rubbed all over his chest and kissed and licked it. Hmm. Haa. Sapph that feels good. Hmm. Then she grabbed his think down there and started moving it. Ha. Sapph. That feels so...Hmm. Then she put her mouth on it and started sucking him. Ha. Sapph. That feels.. Soo good. Hmm. Yes Sapph. Hmm. Faster. Them Sapph went faster. Hmm Fuck that feels good. Hmm. Ha. Yes haa. go baby yes. I'm going to cum Sapph. Come then Zorin. Hmm. Haa... Haa. Hmm I'm cumming. Hmmm Haaa. Then he finally came. Hey Sapph. Want to do it without the condom this time? Yeah. Ok then.

First Zorin was on top of Sapph with her legs up. Hmm. Ha. Zorin. That feels good. Then they did it with Sapph on top of Zorin. Hmm. Sapph that feels good. Keep...going...Ha. Ha. Yes Zorin. This feels so good. Hmm. Then they did a hug fuck. Ha Zorin. This feels good to. Ha. Ha. Zorin. After awhile they did doggy style. Hmm. Zorin. Ha. Yes Zorin. More. Deeper. Faster. Hmm. Yes Zorin. Hmm Sapph. Ha. Ha. I hmm. Have to hmm. Ha. Pull out...I'm cumming. No... Cum inside. hmm Its ha My Safe day...Hmm Ha. OK ha if you ha say so ha I'm cumming Sapph. I'm almost there too. Hmm. Ha hmm. Aw fuck said Zorin. Ahh Sapph came as well as Zorin. How was that Sapph. Haha. It was awesome. Better than the condom. Ha ha. Lets get dressed now. Sure.


After they were done, Sapph said, You hungry now? A little bit. How about a snack? Said Sapph. Sure. She gave him a chocolate bar. Thanks this is good. OK so what do you want to do? Watch a movie ,talk. what? We can watch a movie for now. Before I have to go, I would like to go again. Sure no problem. Actually. Said Sapph. Want to Race around our track with the 4 wheelers for a bit? Sure that sounds like fun. They got on the 4 wheelers and raced around the tracks.

Hours later They were having so much fun they lost track of time. Sapph said Oh shoot its already 7:00 we better go inside and do our thing. They got off their 4 wheelers Ran inside and did the same thing they did earlier.

After, Sapph said, Since I don't have time to cook, we have leftovers. I can put in the microwave. She put the leftover spaghetti in the microwave and then they ate it and it was time for Zorin to leave. Hey Sapph, I may not come back for awhile. I don't know when it will be safe for me again. So before I go, I want to say I love you. You have the most beautiful power I have ever seen. Then they kissed goodbye. I love you Zorin, I Love you too Sapph see you later. Yeah. Zorin got on his 4 wheeler and left for Ravens.