Chapter 5: The Blue Phantom

On Zorin's way to Ravens, he had a feeling he was being followed but didn't see anyone. Then he remembered what Zenith told him. Zorin said, Blue Phantom, is that you? No response. Then the feeling of being followed went away and he was still worried.

He finally got to Raven's and Rushed in. Hey guys we got trouble! Zenith I think I was followed by the Blue Phantom. I felt I was being followed but couldn't see anyone. OK looks like we have to leave earlier than I thought. Zorin get Chloe in the Car, Jason you get in as well. Zorin you are in front with me, Jason next to Chloe. I will be in shortly. Raven you and your brother get to the panic Room, and bring your cell phone both of you ok? I will call you when the coast is clear. When you do, get out of this house until it's taken care of ok? Yeah sure thing. Thanks Zenith. Yeah now go. Go! Zenith quickly got in the car and drove off with the boys and Chloe.

Zenith finally got to the cave he used to stay at and said, Looks like this place hasn't changed. Mizuki finally showed his face and said, Hey everyone. What's that baby doing here? Oh sorry this is Rose's baby, she wanted us to take care of her in case something were to happen to them. OK well you guys are responsible then ok? I'm not. Yeah sure thing. OK now I am sure you know who is after you guys now. Zorin said, I saw you in my dream, did you do that? No I can't do that, your own consciousness sometimes can do that.

Mizuki was telling about the plan, when Zorin suddenly got a headache. Ahh. Not again. Ow, Ahh. What's wrong Zorin? Said Zenith. Zenith what's wrong with him? This is what happens when he has his visions. The pain is so bad that Zorin passed out. Oh Damn! Ok . Zenith put the man on the bed and get him warm. When he wakes up I need to talk to him. So your Jason. You really do look like Chloe your Mom. I have seen them a few times in pics. As for your brother, he looks like Your Dad. I just like.... that I have something in common with Zorin. He has two different colored eyes and white hair. Anyways let's talk about the plan. Just as he was about to speak Zorin woke up. Uncle! You there?! They all rushed over to Zorin. Hey you ok? Said Zenith. Yeah fine. I saw the Meeting again in my vision. Its changed. The Blue Phantom is here now! Turn around. There he was in his Blue suit laughing at them.

At least someone sensed me here. Said the Blue Phantom. What do you want from us? Said Zorin. Who are you really? Me? Said Blue Fantom. I don't want anything. It's a secret who I am, why do you think I wear this disguise? Get out of here! Now! We don't need you causing trouble! Said Mizuki. Well why don't you come over here and make me. Said Blue Phantom. Zorin pushed the button on his belt and immediately the costume went on him. Now I'm ready. Mizuki said, Wait you are Bluefire? That explains a lot. Yeah. Said Zorin. Don't tell anyone ok? Yeah secret's safe with me. Anyways let's get out of this cave and fight. Zenith said, Jason take care of Chloe. No You take Chloe. Besides, I beat your but. I will be fine. Ok but be careful. Don't get yourself killed. I'll try not to. Said Jason in a chuckle. OK everyone ready? Said Mizuki. Let's go.

They went outside and started fighting. Damn arm! Said Bluefire. It's giving me trouble. I'll have to see if Zen can fix it. Must have damaged it during school. Will you still be able to fight Bluefire? Said Jason. Yeah, it should be fine. If worst comes to worst, I still got one arm. Ok let's continue. Everyone who could, used their powers to try to beat Blue Phantom. He kept disappearing, which seemed harder than it looked. Seems like the only one who can sense him was Zorin.

Zenith called Raven and said, Get out of the panic room, and leave! Don't tell anyone where you are going. Even me. In case something happens, I will call again when its safe. Raven said, OK Zenith thanks, I hope to hear from you soon.

The fight continued on and everyone was getting beat pretty bad because of Blue Phantom disappearing. Blue Phantom was getting some hits too, in fact he is getting weaker and disappearing Less. Mizuki said, Looks like you are getting worn down. You can hardly make yourself invisible anymore. Yeah what of it? I can still beat the 3 of you. Bluefire was getting worn out himself. Bluefire, tried to punch Blue Phantom but missed. Blue Phantom got a good hit into him. It was a hard enough punch to knock him out. Jason said, Bluefire! You Bastard! Said Jason. Jason was about to go toward him in danger when Bluefire woke up. No Jason don't. I'm ok, the mark is taking affect, so everyone might want to stand back. I fight like a maniac.

As soon as Bluefire finished recovering from that blow, he went after Blue Phantom with full speed. Then like Bluefire said, he fought like crazy. Bluefire fought him so much, he knocked Blue Phantom out. He still didn't stop hitting Blue Phantom. Mizuki saw what was going on and said, Stop! Bluefire stop! Bluefire Stop! That's enough! Bluefire I said Stop! Mizuki and Jason tried to pull Bluefire off but couldn't. Jason ran to get Zenith told him what was going on. Zenith ran over to help. Jason stayed with Chloe. Finally, with the two of them Bluefire came back to his senses.

They laid Bluefire on the ground, since he could barely stand. Mizuki, Zenith, what happened? You did it. You knocked the guy out. You wouldn't stop beating up the guy after. Said Zenith. Mizuki and your brother tried to get you off of him but couldn't, so Jason came and got me. He's with Chloe right now. Oh good that's a relief. Zenith said, Can you stand? I don't know let me try. Bluefire got up groaned in pain but couldn't get one leg up to stand. I guess not. Mizuki Said Let me take care of him. Suit yourself Mizuki. Mizuki helped Bluefire up and gave him a shoulder. While they were walking to the cave Mizuki asked, How old are you anyway? I am 17, I will be 18 in 4 months. I'm actually a little bit younger, I am actually 12, so I am 5 years younger than you. I am mature for my age. Wow really? How do you know my uncle then? In due time. Said Mizuki. Of course. Said Bluefire. They finally made it to the cave.

When they got to the cave, Mizuki sat Bluefire down on a rock bench. Thanks Mizuki. Said Bluefire. Yeah sure. Bluefire pushed his belt so he can revert back to Zorin. Anyway. Since we have this guy tied up, what should be do about him? Said Zenith. Well. Said Mizuki. I have a place in the cave for now, until we really do have a place for him. Bring him this way. Zenith brought Blue Phantom to a cell Mizuki had made. Wow Mizuki nice cell. How long did it take you to make it? Said Zenith. Well at least a couple of weeks nothing more. Once they put him in the cell, they went back to Zorin, Jason, and Chloe.

It was silent for awhile until Zorin broke the silence. Zenith I need a favor. Yeah sure kid what is it? It's this arm. It's been giving me trouble, since the day I showed Jason around. Can you look at it? Sure let's see it. Yeah it's in pretty bad shape. Before we head back home, we will stop by my place to fix it. Thanks. Yeah no problem. Also, said Zorin. I might have a solution as to where to hold Blue Phantom. The school has a Lab, and it has some chambers. The chambers can be used for people with powers, if needed. But before we do, we should figure out who this man is. Said Zenith. Yeah that would be a good idea too. Said Zorin, as he started coughing. (Cough cough) Hey you ok Zorin? Said Mizuki. Yeah I think so. Said Zorin coughing more Violently.( COUGH Cough cough) No your not kid, what's wrong?! Said Zenith. Zenith took Zorins shirt off and the mark was glowing. It's the mark causing all of this. Mizuki do you remember this mark? Yeah I do, I still have it myself. I know what to do. Mizuki got Zorin and laid him down on the bed in the back. So he is in that stage. Said Mizuki. I am not looking forward to that stage. Zorin said, What's going on? What are you doing to me? If I don't help you now, you will get worse or even die. I have the mark too. See? Mizuki took off his shirt to show him. How long have you had it Mizuki? Have you learned to control it? Most of it yeah. I will teach you what I know. Raven, will talk to your school, to see what she can arrange. Thanks Mizuki (Cough cough). No problem. Right now you shouldn't talk, just rest your eyes while I do this ok. It might hurt a little. Oh who am I kidding, it will be excruciating, but it will help. Since you have the power of fire, I don't know how much it will hurt. It sure as hell looks like it will hurt me, and I have a laser power. I only shot them from my fingers in battle, but I can shoot them from any part of my body. Cool. Said Zorin. That's pretty cool. OK Zorin, like I said this could hurt. Let me warn everyone, it might be loud in here. Mizuki went out to warn everyone it might get loud, so they might want to take Chloe somewhere until it's done. Zenith took Chloe, and Jason stayed.

When Mizuki got back to Zorin, Zorin was looking pretty pale. Damn he's getting bad fast. I better start it now! Hang in there buddy! You will be fine! Mizuki put his hand on Zorins mark, and said some kind of incantation. He told Zorin it will take about 5 min. Mizuki's hand lit up, and Zorin was screaming in pain. 5min later it was done. Zorin was unconscious. Mizuki knew Zorin would be fine. OK Jason. I'm done. Zorin is unconscious.

Probably from the pain. He should be fine now. Tomorrow, I need to call Raven to make a time for me to train your brother to control this mark. It's not something that's ever going to go away, I've tried. Thank you Mizuki, for helping my brother. Yeah sure. Anything for a friend's family. Why don't you go to Zorin's side, he would be happy to see you first thing. Yeah. Jason did just that.

Mizuki went out to get Zenith. Zenith? Oh you scared me Zuki. I told you I hate that name. When are you going to stop calling me that? Anyway Zorin should be fine now. Jason is there by his side. He's unconscious at the moment. We all should stay the night here, then head home in the morning. Said Mizuki. I have some mat's, extra blankets, and pillows. Wow Zuki, how are you so prepared? Mizuki sighed at the name and said Well Zadia always told me to be prepared for anything. Let's head back and get some rest then. Said Zenith. Come on Chloe.

Just as Zenith, Chloe, and Mizuki walk in, Zorin was just waking up. Mizuki went over to Zorin and said, Hey Zorin, how ya feeling? Like my side has been punched. Yeah sorry about that. Said Mizuki. I had to help you. You were really badly pale, you needed help immediately. That's fine, I can deal with it. It shouldn't be too much longer for the pain, it only takes a few more min. Lovely. OK everyone. Let me get the mats, blankets, and pillows. Zorin you stay on the bed. Are you sure Mizuki? It's your bed. Yeah your sick. Ok thanks. Zenith helped Mizuki, and Jason stayed with Chloe.

Jason brought Chloe over to Zorin. Hey little Chloe. Said Zorin. Jason let me hold Chloe for a bit. Jason put Chloe on Zorin's lap. Jason helped the others get the mats ready.

Chloe can you say Z? Say Z. Said Zorin. Chloe just blew raspberries and baby talk. He visited Chloe a little longer until everyone got the beds ready. Zenith said, Where's your mat Zuki? Oh I'm gonna stay up all night, I have this thing where once a week, I pick a day of the week I stay up all night. Oh ok. Said Zenith Strange boy. Plus it would help to make sure Zorin is ok during the night as well. Yeah I guess so. Said Zenith. Well Let's all get to bed. Zenith went over to Zorin to get Chloe, to lay her on a mat next to him. Zorin tried to make himself comfortable, but groaned in pain as he was doing it. Hey. Said Mizuki. Zorin take this. It should help for the night. He gave him a red pill. Thanks. Said Zorin. He took the pill. Everyone was settled on their mats and under the blankets. Everyone finally went to sleep.

While everyone was asleep, Blue Phantom finally woke up. Ow that hurt. Said Blue Phantom. Mizuki heard Blue Phantom was awake, so he went over to the cell to check it out. Well, Well, look who finally woke up Blue Phantom. Said Mizuki. Now tell me who you really are. Quiet voice while your at it, people here are sleeping. You Expect me to to have a quiet voice when you put me in this cell. Blue Phantom said in his medium tone. "If you stay quiet, I will make you a deal. So Blue Phantom quieted his voice, and said What kind of a deal? It would require you to reveal your identity to me. I promise I won't tell anyone. Blue Phantom beckoned Mizuki over to tell him a secret and in a quiet voice said, Nice try. You should already know who I am. Let me give you a hint. You tried to kill me when your mark got out of control and Zenith came in and stopped it. Well that doesn't help much. That happened to a lot of people. Ok I will give you one more hint. If you can't guess my name by then, your screwed. OK then what's the hint? Well lets see what hint should I give you? I am 20 years old, we used to race together when you were 8, and I was the faster one. You got hurt just a little before the finish line. I helped you up, took you to sit down and wrapped your sprained foot up. Know who I am now? NO It can't be.... It can't be you. Why, why are you doing this? Tenma, we were brothers. Ding, Ding, Ding, we have a winner. Now can you get me out of here? It's really uncomfortable. I'm sorry but no. NO? Ok. I promise not to hurt your precious friends. Even so, you will spend the night here, and we might have some place to put you temporarily, until we get information out of you. Tenma sighed. Fine I guess I will wait tomorrow. It depends on what kind of information they want, I'm not about to give them anything. Well if you don't give them what they want, you will be staying there. Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm going to sleep now. I'll be up if you need me. Whatever.

The night went on, hours passed it was finally midnight. Zorin turned in pain. Mizuki went over to check on Zorin make sure he was ok. He was fine for now, so was everyone else. Just as Mizuki left Zorin, Zorin's mark started to light. Mizuki sensed it and rushed over to Zorin. Zorin didn't seem to feel anything. That's odd. Mizuki said to himself. Zorin doesn't seem to notice or feel the mark. Just as he said that, Zorin started groaning. I spoke too soon. Hey Zorin! You ok? Are you in some pain? Yeah a little bit. He said sleepily. Zorin also was a little pale again. Oh no. Said Mizuki. Your pale again. Zorin hold on! Don't worry, I wont use my power on you! I have this! I have to inject it in the mark ready? Yeah I will have to be. Mizuki? I'm feeling a little... before he can say anything he passed out. OH no Zorin! Hang in there! Don't die on us! He gave Zorin the shot. Zorin didn't feel it, because he was unconscious. Please make it Zorin! I can't loose another friend. I just can't. Mizuki stayed with Zorin the rest of the night.

Morning finally came, everyone was waking up. Zenith was the first one. Then Chloe and Jason. Morning Mizuki. How is Zorin? Said Jason. Zenith saw the worried look on Mizuki's face. Zuki what is it? Is he ok? I hope so. Said Mizuki. At midnight I checked on Zorin, he was fine. Just as I was leaving, his mark glowed. At first he didn't feel anything, then he started groaning in pain. I asked him if he was in pain, he said a little. So when I went to get medicine he was starting to get pale again. He passed out. Then I gave him a shot. I had to put it where the mark was. This is the first time, I had used this medication, that's why, I said I hope he is ok. Just as Mizuki finished explaining, Zorin woke up. Oww. Said Zorin. Mizuki rushed over to Zorin. Zorin had gotten his color back. Oh good. Looks like your ok after all. Said Mizuki. What was that medicine you gave me Mizuki? Said Zorin. Why do you ask? Did it help? Yeah it helped a hell of a lot. I have a light headache but I will be fine. Oh Good. Said Mizuki. I hate to tell you this Zorin, but this is the first time I used this medicine. I gave you the lowest dose possible. Hey it's fine. Said Zorin. You were trying to help me out, I don't blame you.

Ok everyone. We should all head back to my place for a bit before we go our separate ways. Said Zenith. Yeah good idea. Said Zorin. This metal arm is a pain. Yeah sorry about that, its my fault you lost it in the first place. Said Zenith. I said it's fine. I can deal with it. Wait. Wait. Said Mizuki. Zenith you did this to his arm? Yeah about 2 years ago, I was the villain. Zorin here, literally knocked some sense into me. Well someone had to you big idiot. Said Mizuki. Ok let's all get in the car and head over. I mean everyone, including Blue Phantom. He can go in the trunk its not that far. Actually, Said Mizuki. I will take my Van, I will deal with him. I will be right behind you. Suit yourself. Said Zenith. Hey wait. Said Jason. Your only 12. How can you drive already? Well I can reach the pedals for 1, I told you I am mature for my age, I know more than the average 12 year old. I am as smart as an 18 year old. I guess that's why I can get along with you and other people. Plus I have a special privilege to get a license. Ok kids let's go. Zorin can you stand? Yeah I can walk fine. Zorin almost stumbled, Jason caught him. Well not quite. Said Jason. Jason I'm fine really. I can walk on my own. I just tripped is all. Jason let him go, but walked beside him in case he fell again. Everyone got in their car and van, and left.