Chapter 6: Zorin's Mark/Meeting Blue Phantom again

Everyone finally got to Zenith's place, and Zenith said, Ok I want Blue Phantom in this room. He shouldn't be able to get out. Mizuki put Blue Phantom in the Room that Zorin had been in to be treated before. Everyone else, let's take a seat here. They all sat on the couch in the living room. Zorin after we rest a bit, I will fix the arm Ok? Yeah thanks.

After they have rested a bit, Zenith broke the silence. Zenith said, OK everyone. Once I get Zorin's arm fixed, we are heading to James house. That's a long ways away are you sure? Said Mizuki. Yeah I am. But hey Zuki, if you don't want to go, you can stay here with Zorin. He is staying here. Really? Your staying here Zorin? Just for the night probably. I live at the dojo right now. Said Mizuki. Zorin said, I just got better. Not ready for a long ride just yet. In that case, sure I will look after him. Then they went in the back to look at Zorin's Metal arm. Everyone was visiting while Zenith was in the back working on Zorin's arm.

Zenith said, Ok kid. Sit here. Let me see that arm of yours. Zorin painfully held out his metal arm in Zenith's. It's badly damaged. Let's take this arm off shall we? Yes it's going to be as painful as putting it on. I have 2 metal arms. By the way uncle. Said Zorin as he was trying to ignore the pain. What happened to your arms? He said in a strained voice. Well maybe I will tell you sometime. All I can say is, it was as recent as 2 years ago. When you met me, I have had them a few months when I fought you the first time. Oww! Ahh! That hurts Zen! Sorry kid, almost done. OK done. Finally. Said Zorin as he was rubbing his stubbed arm. Oh Zorin, I want to show you this new metal I used for the new arm I made you. It's really light. It shouldn't damage as easily as this one. Have you tested it out uncle? Well not really, I wanted to test it out when you got here. Ok .Said Zorin in a confused tone. Do you have anything built to test out? Actually yes hold on, I have a shield I built. As Zenith was coming out of the storage bringing the shield, he saw Zorin in thought. Hey you Ok Zorin? Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine. Hey uncle? Can I ask you something? It's about my Dad. Sure go ahead. What was it like growing up with your brothers? When it was just you and Dad, how did you guys get along? Why curious all of a sudden? Is everything ok? Yeah its fine, I was just wondering. How about when everyone gets settled where they should be, and you go back to school and get situated, come by my work and I will tell you everything you want to know Ok? Thanks uncle. I would like James to be there as well if that's OK? Well I'll call him and we can make a time and place I promise. Thanks uncle. Yeah no problem kid. In return, maybe you can tell me about you and Jason. Zorin chuckled. Sounds fair enough. OK kid ready to test this metal out? Oh wait. What about my fire power? I guess we will find out won't we. Ok uncle let's do this. First Zenith held the shield and Zorin was throwing his punches as hard as he could with one hand and no dent. Wow! Said Zorin. Lets try my fire balls. He used his non metal one for his strong fire balls just barely a dent. Wow. It barely made a dent, that was my strongest fire ball. I want to try my stubbed arm. Zorin Closed his eyes and made fire come out of the stub of his arm, and shot the shield. It was harder than the last fire ball that it knocked Zenith over. Sorry uncle you ok? Yeah kid, what was that just now? I don't know, I just closed my eyes had and angry thought and hit the shield. Made a little more of a dent than last time but not bad. Wow so this metal is awesome. Said Zorin. I agree. Said Zenith. So I already made an arm in advance to put on you. Wait uncle. What about you? Me? Yeah about your metal arms, they are looking pretty beat up themselves. Yeah about that, when you come over after school, I was planning on showing you how I made these. Then I can show you how to put them on, so next time maybe you can help me. Sounds good uncle thanks. Yeah no problem kid. Now let's get this arm on you. It took him 10 min of pain to be done. Finally done, now I can relax. Hey uncle, do your metal arms hurt you at all? Not much but a little bit. OK let's head out to everyone in the lobby.

Everyone looked relieved. Mizuki spoke up and said, How is the new arm Zorin? Oh its actually a lot more comfortable than the other one was. I see that's good news. OK Said Zenith, Everyone that's heading with me let's get in the car. Jason brought Chloe with him. Wait a min. Said Zorin. Can I see Chloe for a min? Jason gave Chloe to Zorin. Hey little girl. You be good for your Mommy and Daddy. Know that you're always loved, no matter what. You were named after the most kindest woman I knew. She was my Mom. So be good ok little Chloe? See you later. Zorin was in tears as he told her goodbye. Zenith saw and said, You ok kid? Yeah just got something in my eye. Sure you do kid. Bye man. See ya later. Yeah sure you will. Said Zenith. Oh before I go, I almost forgot. Here Mizuki. You and Zorin can lock up when you are done here. I'll just pick the keys up later ok? Yeah sure. OK thanks, see you all. Oh uncle before you go, what about Raven? Oh right. Zorin you call her, I don't know when I will be back. OK bye uncle. Then he left.

Mizuki looked and Zorin and said, OK Zorin. Why don't you call Raven then come with me. What, why? Just do it hurry up. Zorin got on the work phone called Raven. Hey Raven. It's Zorin. Yeah, everything is ok now. It's safe to go home. Is the key in the same place? Yeah it is. Said Raven. Go ahead in ok? I'll see you later Zorin. Oh wait, Roxas want's to talk to you. Roxas got the phone and said, Hey Zorin are you ok? We were worried? Yeah I'm fine don't worry. I will see you later. I will tell you about it when you get home OK? Yeah see ya later Zorin bye. Then they hung up.

Mizuki said, Ok now that that's done. How are you feeling? Why do you ask? Well before, you were in tears when talking to Chloe. Don't give me that crap that something was in your eye, I know that trick to well. Also you looked depressed when Zenith left. So what's up? I feel a tad better, I think I just need to rest. No you need to come with me. You still look too depressed to leave alone. Get in my Van. We are driving to Ravens house. What why? Just do it. Don't ask questions. Zorin got in the passenger seat and Mizuki got in the drivers seat and they were off to Ravens.

15 min later they got to Raven's house, Zorin got the key, opened the door they both went in. OK now that we are in, said Zorin. What am I here for? Just wait a few more minutes would you? Learn patience. Speak for yourself Mizuki. Then there was a knock at the door. Zorin looked at Mizuki, and Mizuki said, Open it, it's for you. Zorin opened the door and Sapph was standing there. Mizuki? How did you get ahold of her? Well I Sort of went through your phone while you were sleeping, and memorized her number. I.... Well.... whatever you did, thank you. Yeah no problem. So this is the pretty Sapph I heard so much about. Nice to meet you. Oh call me Mizuki. OK Mizuki nice to meet you. So. Said Sapph. Where should we do this? Do what? Said Zorin. Oh I forgot to tell you, we are going to the training room to get your mind back to normal. I told her about your depression and she willingly agreed. Said Mizuki. Oh come on, she knows she doesn't stand a chance against me. Said Zorin. Yeah I know. That's why I want to fight you. Said Sapph. Trust me, I have changed, and apparently so have you. If you can beat me, then I know you have gone back to normal. If not, you are still depressed or exhausted. l know. Said Sapph. Why don't we make a wager? Said Sapph. Fine, this time you make it. Said Zorin. OK so the winner gets to take the loser wherever he or she wants to go, within reason. Oh and about the fight, we are doing 2 on one. How is that fair? Said Zorin. Oh don't worry about it. Said Mizuki. We will start off one on one at first, then we will fight two on one. Yeah that makes it more easier. Said Zorin (sarcastically) Not. Come on guys. Oh you will be fine really, don't be such a wuss Zorin. Said Sapph. Really Sapph, a wuss? You have changed over night haven't you? A little I guess. Ok let's go I guess. Oh. Said Mizuki, The rules. No power. Just hand to hand combat. You will be able to use your feet as well. So they went to the training room and did just that. Zorin started off with Sapph, then later Zuki.

Zenith finally got to James and Rose's house. Zenith knocked on the door and James opened it with a surprised look. What are you guys doing here? Oh everything is taking care of. Said Zenith. May we come in? Oh sorry yes please. Jason brought Chloe over to Rose, and Rose hugged her baby close in tears and thanked both Zenith for taking care of her. Yeah anytime, she was a sweet heart. Said Zenith. Oh and Zorin was acting a bit strange when he said goodbye to little Chloe. Did something happen with Zorin or what? Said Zenith. Well. Said Rose. I think I may know what's going on with him. He was remembering about Chloe their Mom. Saying goodbye to Chloe, probably feels like saying goodbye again to his own Mother. I think he'll be fine then. Said Zenith. Zuki had ways to cheer people up. Wait a second. Said James. Did you say Zuki? As in Mizuki. Yeah why? So he is finally back home. Said James. Haven't seen that kid in years. How is he doing? OH he's doing fine, in fact I think he is at Raven's right now, trying to beat Zorin's depression out of him literally. Jason said Well it is the only way to get him out of depression. I hope he doesn't kill Zorin. Oh he won't trust me, I know that boy to well.

They finally got the two on one and Zorin was doing a lot better then he thought he would. Zorin thought of something and said Wait guys stop. Wait! I have something important to tell you. They both stopped and sat down on a bench. I just thought about the Blue Phantom. We left him alone at Zeniths. Oh yeah your right. Said Mizuki. What time is it? Noon why? Said Zorin. I have to call the school about the lab. Then we have to go back over. I forgot all about it, thanks Zorin. We can finish this up at Zeniths training room. So they left for Zeniths shop.

When they got to Zeniths shop, Mizuki rushed to see if Blue Phantom was still there and he was. Sitting down with his head drooped. Mizuki said, Good. Now I'm going to call the school and ask if we can bring him over. Mizuki used the work phone to call the school. Mizuki dialed the number and the lady at the office said Hello? Oh hi my name is Mizuki is the principal in? I need to speak with him. Sure one moment please. She went back to get the principal he picked up the phone and said Hello. Hey its Mizuki. Mizuki haven't heard that name in years. What seems to be the problem? How do you know I have a problem? Well every time you call me or see me its some sort of problem. OK well anyways yes. I have a villain here who is in Zenith's chamber. You will know him probably by his build since it wasn't that long ago he was here. Is there a room open at the lab for magic folk? Yeah there is a few more, but it will have to be after school when everyone is gone so no students will get hurt. OK thanks old man, see you soon. Stay outta trouble. Mizuki laughed. You know me. I can't do that. Yeah I know bye. So hey hung up.

Ok, so after school we are going to head over there, and bring Blue

Phantom with us. I have a special place in my van so he can't escape Said Mizuki. OK. I will be right back, then we need to finish this a little while longer. Mizuki went to the chamber where Blue Phantom was and said, Sorry it took me so long to get back. Here is your lunch. You must be a little depressed. Don't worry, in the next few hours, you will be outa here and transferred somewhere. Yay me. How is that kid that beat me up, is he ok? Why do you ask? Well I figured he wasn't himself. That he may have the same mark as you. You are as observant as always. Yes he does, I'm going to teach him how to control his mark as much as I know how. Good idea. Well I will see you in a few hours then Zuki. Said Blue Phantom. You too? Geez. Zenith calls me that too as well. Sorry Mizuki, what can I say, it's funny to see you all angry. Oh well see you later Tenma. Said Mizuki. So he left back with Zorin and Sapph.

Ok everyone, let's get back to business. They went to the training room and did their thing. As they were fighting for awhile, Mizuki said, How you feeling now any better? Yeah I am. Your looking better. Said Sapph. Should we rest? No I'm fine. Said Zorin as he was trying to block their punches and kicks. But if you guys need to rest, that's fine go right ahead. Then all of a sudden Zorin starting having pain again in his side. Ahh! Zorin fell to his knees then to the ground in pain. Sapph got down on hers and so did Mizuki. Zorin it's the mark again! I'm afraid this phase no one can do anything. You just have to deal with the pain. You are developing quicker than I am. This is not good. I need to teach you how to control it asap. Mizuki helped Zorin up with the help of Sapph and took him to the bed in the back and laid him down. Hey Mizuki? How long does this pain last in this phase? Said Zorin. Well if its the phase I think it is, it varies from person to person. There are only a few chosen with this mark. What's the most time anyone has had with this pain? 10 min max. I see. I hope this pain leaves me soon we need to get this man to the school asap. Yeah I know. Said Mizuki. Just an hour longer school will be over. So PE is happening now. Zorin chuckled and winced in pain. So Sapph why aren't you in school? Said Zorin. He was trying to talk to get his mind off the pain. Well I was really busy with Mom these past few days in the hospital area. I had to get some rest. Then I got a call from Mizuki, saying that you needed me that you were depressed. So I came over and knew what I had to do, and here we are. Are you going to school tomorrow? Hopefully I will. Yeah I should be? Good. Mizuki Said. OK I will leave you two alone for a bit, I have some things to take care of. If anything happens to Zorin you come get me OK? Sapph nice to meet you. Yeah you as well. Then he left.

Zenith was still visiting with every one after awhile then he said Ok I better head back, I have some business to take care of. See you guys soon. Oh James before I forget, when everyone is settled, we need to make a place and time for a meeting, preferably my place. Zorin has something important to talk about and Jason is welcome to come to. OK just call me and we will figure something out. OK good see you guys later bye. After Zenith left Jason said Ok Chloe, don't worry about big brother Zorin or uncle Zen, they will be fine, they just worry too much. James Chuckled. Come to Daddy Chloe. Chloe walked over to James and James said, That's right little one, in this family we all worry about one another. When you grow up you most likely will do the same. Until then, let's focus on you being a little girl right now my pretty green eyed blonde hair daughter.

Mizuki went over to the back of the store to the room and said Ok you two. Its time to go to the school. Let me get this trouble maker in first, then you two can get in ok? Yeah sure thing Mizuki. Mizuki got Blue Phantom in a special place in the van, and said Ok guys let's go. Oh Zorin how is that pain of yours? Said Mizuki. OH I'm ok now. It only lasted for about 8 min. OK let's get buckled and be on our way. Oh shoot I forgot to let Zenith know where I am going to be. I have his key. I have my cell, call him on the way. Ok I will.

They finally got to the school and had special forces to help them in case he caused anyone trouble. One of the officers said This way to the lab please. Special forces guided them to the Lab. No one saw Blue Phantoms grin. He had something up his sleeve, he was waiting for the right moment to fight back.

Just when they were about there, Blue Phantom started fighting back. Special forces tried to hold him down, but he was stronger than they thought. Blue Phantom got away. Oh no this isn't good. Said one of the special forces. We have to call in the big guns. They called the other people to be prepared. Where exactly are these big guns? Said Mizuki. Oh they are actually at the gate. Zorin heard that and started running before anyone could stop him.

Zorin got to the gate and saw Blue Phantom was still visible and had a feeling he couldn't use his invisibility for some reason. Hey Blue Phantom. Said Zorin. Is there some reason you can't use your power anymore? How do you know kid? Said Blue Phantom. I know because it happened to me once. Now, whatever your problem is, I can help you deal with it. If not me then find someone. Zenith was the same way, I helped him, he had nobody. If you ever decide to stop this villain stuff, me, my brother, and all of us will be waiting. No one can help me, no one. Then he got away. Damn it! Said Zorin in a pissed off tone, not only because Blue Phantom got away, but because he can feel his mark acting up again. He was starting to run back to Mizuki when someone from the big guns stopped him. Hey kid wait! I'm in a hurry what is it? Said Zorin. You know you would make a good interrogater. You should come work for us sometime. Well I guess I could, but it would have to be during school, I have responsilbities at home. You would need to talk to the principal. Yeah we will. By the way the names Zorin. My name is Max, Said the big gun. Ok well your in a hurry. You ok? Said Max. Yeah I will be thanks. Zorin finished running off to Mizuki.

Zorin was holding on to his side, when he finally got to Mizuki. Mizuki said, What the hell?! Why did you run off? Well it doesn't matter anyway. He got away. I just hope he doesn't hurt Raven or James family. Mizuki saw Zorin hold on to his side. What's up? Your mark acting up again? I'll tell you later. Right now we need to go, I have a bad feeling. Said Zorin. What is it? Said Sapph. Where is it we need to go? Said Mizuki. I will explain in the van, we have to hurry! Zorin was still holding on to his side. He knew at any moment he was going to loose control. When they got in the van, Zorin said We need to head back to the cave Asap. OK going. Step on it, don't worry about street signs, its an emergency. I just hope we get there in time.

Once they were out of sight, Zorin pushed on his belt and his costume was completely on. Mizuki said, What are you putting on that for? You will see when we get there. Will you be ok to fight? Said Sapph. You look like your hurting. Yes I am hurting. I will be fine, I hope.

They finally got to the cave, and Zenith was already there fighting. Zenith? What the hell is he doing here? Said Bluefire. I guess we will find out after the fight. They all got out and saw what was going on. Mizuki said, Oh so that's what is going on, Blue Phantom has Chloe. No. This feeling wasn't what I thought, its worse. Said Bluefire. Mizuki, Sapph, I might loose control. So Mizuki, you and Zenith might have to pull me off again. That's why I was holding on to my side. I felt the same feeling the last couple of times I lost control. Mizuki said, All right. Just be careful. This time Blue Phantom came prepared. He had henchmen come to fight. Sapph, Zenith and Mizuki were busy.

Blue Phantom! I think you know who I am. Bluefire! Welcome back! Haven't seen you since the last couple of times we fought. Yeah so what of it? Let the little girl go! NOW! If you don't, you will regret it! I can hold back so long before I lose control. Said Bluefire. Ooh I'm so scared. Said Blue Phantom (sarcastically). OK you asked for it. Bluefire took his hand off his mark and as he warned everyone, he lost control and fought like crazy. He fought Blue Phantom until he let go of Chloe. Zenith saw Chloe falling. He beat his guy in the nick of time, just barely made it in time to save Chloe from hitting the ground. Chloe! You ok baby?! Chloe started crying cause she was scared. While everyone was busy, Zenith took Chloe into the cave to try to calm her down. Shh, Shh. It's going to be ok little one, uncle Zen's got you. Blue Phantom saw Zenith, and was remembering something, while he was fighting. He tried to shake the feeling off, but couldn't. He fought a lot weaker than he did before, and Zenith knew. Blue Phantom said, Henchmen! Return now! Get back to the vehicle now! They all looked confused. Bluefire was still fighting him unconsciously. He was trying to fight it off, so he didn't need help. Zenith was about to go over, when Mizuki stopped him. What Zuki? We have to stop him! No we don't! Look he is acting differently. He is trying to fight off the mark, let's see how far he can go.

As Blue Phantom was still fighting Bluefire, Blue Phantom said, I'm done, I can't do this anymore. You told me you and your friends will be there for me, so fight it, fight the mark! Think of your family, your girlfriend, and Raven. I see your badly sweating. Come on kid stop! It's ok. I know how hard this is. I'm sorry for taking taking the little girl, I had to do something. Bluefire finally fought it off, then collapsed on the ground. Henchmen! go! Get away with out me, I'll make it back! Ok boss! Guys let's go! Hey Bluefire you ok?! Yeah Blue Phantom I am. Go, get outta here, before you get caught! Said Bluefire in a weak tone. I will, just thank you. I will come by to Zeniths as myself and explain everything. See ya Bluefire. Yeah. Then Blue Phantom got away. Mizuki was about to follow him, when Bluefire told him No! Let him go. He's not a threat anymore. He said in a weak tone. OK Bluefire. Let's get you up and into the cave. Said Mizuki. Zenith carried Bluefire to the cave, and Sapph carried Chloe. When they got Bluefire on the bed, he pushed his belt and reverted to his regular clothes to himself Zorin.

Sapph said, You look really worn out Zorin. You going to be ok? Sapph...I. Then he passed out. Mizuki! Zorin. He passed out! Is he ok?! She said in a worried tone. Mizuki rushed over and checked on him and said, Yes he will be fine. Just over did it. Oh good. I think we should stay the night here. Said Mizuki. I have to call my Dad let him know what's going on. Sapph dialed the number and Tony answered. Hey Dad. I'm staying at the cave, I told you about tonight. Zenith, Mizuki, and Chloe are here as well. OK be safe. See you tomorrow. So they all got their stuff and got cozy and went to sleep including Mizuki this time.