Chapter 7: Surprise Fight

Mizuki was having trouble sleeping because he was worried about Zorin. He got up about midnight and couldn't go back to sleep. He checked on Zorin to make sure he was still doing ok and he was. While Mizuki was still standing by the bed he said in his head I'm surprised you learned to fight off the mark quicker than I did, maybe I don't need to teach you. But then he remembered what the person who taught him the mark said. Fighting it off isn't the only problem. So I still need to teach him.

Not long after Mizuki said those things, Zorin woke up. Hey Mizuki. Said Zorin. Your awake? Shouldn't you be sleeping? I slept a few hours, I'll be ok. Plus I had trouble sleeping, I was worried about you. I will be fine really. You need to get to sleep. You need to talk to Raven and the principal there remember? My training. Oh your right I do. I think I'm going to go outside get some fresh air maybe that will help. Said Mizuki. Hey Mizuki? Mind if I join? I have some things on my mind. Sure no problem. Need help getting out here? No I'll be fine. Ok but I'm going to walk beside you just in case. Do whatever. Zorin got up took a few steps, and stumbled a little Mizuki caught him. I Told you. Said Mizuki. Oh shut up. Said Zorin. Mizuki chuckled then they were outside sitting down.

The breeze feels nice. Said Zorin. I bet it would to you, seeing as how sweaty you were fighting off the mark. By the way good job. Yeah I guess so. Said Zorin. Hey you ok? Said Mizuki. Yeah. Like I said, I have things on my mind that are hard to think about, since I fought off the mark. So it's the things you thought of when you fought off the mark Huh? Said Mizuki. It took me longer than you to fight off the mark. I was told to think of things too. Zorin said, If you don't mind me asking, what sort of things were you told to think about to control the mark? Well let's see, I was told to think about things that gave me a reason to live for, or fight for. I thought of some crazy friends, who were like family, since I grew up without one. I'm sorry. Said Zorin. What happened to them? If you don't mind me asking. Well, when I was a baby my village was burned to the ground. Only a few of us survived. I don't exactly know how many. I know some of my friends did. I'm sorry. Nah its fine. What about you? Oh friends mostly and my parents who are dead, what they would have thought if I continued fighting. How long ago did they pass? Oh they died almost 2 years ago. I think I can tell you. I have to tell someone else, other than my girlfriend and Raven. Oh so what happened? On our 16th birthday everything was going good. When everyone left I had a terrible headache, and my whole body was on flames. I was in so much pain, I passed out. My brother helped me out. I woke up in the hospital, and that is when I found out about my powers. My parents didn't make it. Once I was conscious, Jason explained my powers, and the accident I had in kindergarten. I burned a kid. Let me guess your Moms name was Chloe? Yeah how did you know? Well when you were saying goodbye to little Chloe, I saw that look in your eye. The same look I had, when I lost one of my buddies. What happened to him? Oh it was a girl, she had the mark as well. She couldn't control herself, and died from it. So about this mark? Do your friends from your village have it? No. Said Mizuki. It was just me, her, and the person who taught me about it. Yes he is still alive. The only people we know of that have the mark are still in the village I grew up in. Oh I forgot to ask, where did you grow up? Who took you in? Well I can tell you tomorrow. You should head back to bed. I will try to sleep too, I promise. Zorin? Thank you for listening, and telling me a little about yourself. Yeah sure what are friends for. Goodnight Mizuki. Night Zorin. Once they were in the cave they got back to their beds and went to sleep.

It was finally 8:00 in the morning everyone was waking up. What a beautiful morning. Said Sapph. I guess so. Said Zenith. Zorin and Mizuki were still asleep. Poor Zorin. Said Zenith. He has had a hard life. but as time went on he made some crazy supportive friends. Let's let Zorin and Mizuki sleep a little longer, lets go out and take a walk. Said Zenith. Hey Zenith? Said Sapph. If you want me to, I can hold Chloe. I'll be fine, but if you want to hold her sure why not. Zenith gave Chloe to Sapph, and the girls were just having a ball. Zenith looked at the two of them remembering a little of his childhood.

Mizuki finally woke up. It was now 8:30 in the morning. Zorin was still out. Mizuki went to go check on Zorin, he was still ok just exhausted. So he decided to wait a little longer for Zorin to rest. Mizuki looked around and everyone was gone. He assumed they went for a walk, so he didn't worry.

Just as Zenith. Sapph, and Chloe got back, Zorin was finally waking up. Zorin got up and groaned in pain. Mizuki said You ok Zorin? Yeah I'm fine. Since I got this mark, it's been painful to sit up.

Well everyone, should we head over to our destinations? Yeah we should. Zenith? Said Sapph. Do you mind if I went with you to James house? Why would you need to go? Said Zen. I need to talk to James about something. Oh you don't need to come. When I get back to my place, I'm gonna make a meeting day for him and James to come over to my place. Yeah that's even better. Ok, I'll just seem him there. Bye Zenith see you later. Mizuki, Zorin, and Sapph, all went back in Mizuki's Van, and drove back to Raven's house. Raven and Roxas were already there.

They finally got to Ravens house and knocked on the door. Raven answered Well hello Sapph and Zorin, I'm glad you two are ok. Raven looked closely at Mizuki. I lost my friend can you help me? said Zuki joking. Zuki is that you? Welcome back! Said Raven. She gave Mizuki a great big hug and welcomed him in. So this place hasn't changed a bit has it Raven? Said Mizuki. No, not really. Hey where's that wierd brother of yours. Oh he's outside, I told him I'd get him when Zorin arrived. Be right back.

Raven went out back and yelled for Roxas. Hey Roxas! Zorins here. He brought an old friend we haven't seen in years. Roxas ran over to Raven. Roxas said, "No Way?!" Roxas ran into the living room and immediately knew who it was. He ran over to Mizuki, and punched his stomach. Oww! Said Mizuki. Roxas what was that for? After all these years you...before Roxas said anymore, he gave Mizuki a big hug, and said Welcome back you idiot. Don't ever leave us that long again you hear me? I hear ya. He hugged Roxas back with a smile. You guys were close, weren't you? Yeah we practically grew up together. Zorin said, I'm gonna head to my room. You guys enjoy your reunion. Zorin you ok? Said Mizuki. Yeah just a little lightheaded, I will be fine. So he went straight to his room and crashed on his bed.

As Zorin was laying in his bed, he was thinking about his Mom, Dad. brother, and friends. What his friends might be up to and where his parents are now. If they are watching over him.

Sapph said, I'm going to check on Zorin, cause I have to get home to my Mom and Dad. OK. Said Mizuki. See you later. She left for Zorin's room. Hey Zorin how you feeling? Oh Sapph. Sorry to leave you out there like that, I wasn't feeling real good. I'm sure it's just the stress your feeling. I was going to head home, but first wanted to make sure you were ok. You looked a little wobbly going to your room. Yeah sorry to worry you. Oh no problem. Well anyway, don't stress too much ok? Love you. They gave each other a hug, and a few second kiss. Then Sapph Said, Well hope to see you at school today, even if it is a little late. I will be going when I get home. Ok I hopefully will see you there. Bye Sapph. Bye Zorin. She left to the living room to join the others.

Ok I'm going home. Dad's taking me to school. I have some last min things to do first. Oh and Zorin is fine, just a little stressed. He should rest until he gets up. Ok Sapph, thanks for your help. Nice meeting you. Yeah you too Zuki. Sapph chuckled Just kidding Mizuki. See you all later bye. So she left for home.

Ok since Sapph is going to school, let's check on Zorin. Mizuki went in to check on Zorin to see if he was doing ok. He noticed that Zorin was Zoning out. Zorin you doing ok? Said Mizuki. Hey Zorin. Zorin! Huh? Oh hi Mizuki what did you say? I asked if you were ok. You were spacing out. I was going to take you to school if you feel well enough. Yeah. I think I'll be ok. Get your stuff in my van Zorin, and I'll take you then. Yeah thanks Mizuki. No problem. Zorin got his stuff together and went to Mizuki's van.

On the way to school, Zorin said, Hey Mizuki, since your back, do you have a place to stay? Actually, remember when I told you my teacher, the one who taught me was still alive? I'm going to see them, and stay over there. How far is it from Ravens house? About 20 min away. Oh wow! Ok, so maybe after school or on the weekends I can pop by in on my 4 wheeler and say hi. Yeah maybe. Said Mizuki. Well anyways. Here we are lets go. Mizuki and Zorin got out of the car and headed for the office.

Well welcome back Zorin, glad to see you. Yeah thanks. Is the principle in, Mizuki needs to talk to him. Is that Really you Mizuki? Said the office lady. Do I know you? You better know me you idiot. I'm your cousin. No way! Melody is that you? Yes it is. We can catch up later, I'm working. The principal is in his office. Thanks Melody. Mizuki and Zorin went back to see the principal.

Mizuki knocked on the door and the principal answered. Well if it isn't the trouble makers Mizuki and Zorin. Nice to see you guys again come on in. OK let's get down to business. Said Mizuki. I was going to talk to you about making time for me to help Zorin, he has the mark as well. His is developing quicker than mine is. Yours is pretty quick too. Well certainly. Lets see, maybe instead of homeroom, and free period, those times you can go to the training shed. Ok sounds good. Well I better get going. Zorin I won't be at Ravens, I will most likely be at my teachers where I grew up. So see you soon. Thanks for everything Mizuki. Yeah no problem. OK old man see you again sometime. Enough with the old man and get out of here. Mizuki chuckled then said Goodbye and left.

Ok well I guess I better get to class. Said Zorin. Wait a second Zorin. Said the principal. What is it? May I see the Mark? Yeah sure. Zorin lifted up his shirt to show him the mark. Mizuki is right he does need to train you. Oh I wanted to tell you, I already fought off the mark once or twice, but apparently that's not all there is too it. Mizuki said he would teach me. Yeah he will be a good teacher. Now get to class here is a late slip. Thanks bye. Zorin left to his class. It was 10:00 when he was able to get to class. His second class just started when he got there.

Zorin got to class took a deep breath opened the door. Everyone looked up and was shocked including the teacher. Welcome back Zorin. Thanks Mr. Doom here's the slip. Thank you now get your book out page 30 we are reading silently right now. OK. Zorin sat down and looked happy to be back to school. He got his book out of his backpack and started reading silently.

After his 4th class it was finally lunch time. Zorin sat at his normal table with his friends. Hey man, what's been going on? You were gone the last couple of days. Oh a lot of family problems. It's fine now. That's good to hear. Said Zen. Hey where is Sapph? Said Zorin. She said she would be here today. Oh she is here. Said Sky. She must have gone to the restroom or something. Oh Zorin, did you hear about the villain they tried to lock up?. Yeah. Said Zen. I also heard that a kid our age that tried to help and they wanted to hire him. Zorin smiled. What's that smile for Zorin? Said Sky. Oh nothing, it's just good to be back to school to see you guys that's all. Zorin looked back and Sapph's table, and she was sitting next to her friend Olivia. Guys I'll be right back. Zorin went to go to Sapph's table for a min.

Hey Sapph I'm glad you made it back to school ok. Yeah I'm glad you made it back too Zorin. Hey Zorin, I'm headed to Zeniths place after school. Meet me there ok? Yeah sure see you then. Then he went back to his table. What was that about? Said Zack. Oh nothing, she just wanted me to meet her somewhere is all. Anyways guys, let's just talk today. I don't feel much like sparring. Ok that's fine. Said Sky. You just got back.

Lunch bell rang and it was time for PE. OK everyone. Said Mr. Sanchez. Looks like we have Zorin back. Welcome back Zorin. Yeah good to be back. Mr. Sanchez. If I may make a request, instead of lab today, can we do some sparring? Said Zorin. Sure why not. Ok you heard the man, pair up. I see we finally got to choose our own partners. Yeah about that. Said Sapph. Ryder decided to stay with you, so you better thank him. Sapph kissed Zorin on the cheek and left for her partner. Zorin blushed and went to Ryder.

So Ryder. I heard you decided to stay with me, when choosing our own partners. Said Zorin. Why did you want to stay with me? Well. Said Ryder. You were my first friend, you helped me get comfortable here. Also because of the cool trick we can do together. Yeah I knew that was coming. Said Zorin.

Just as Zorin and Ryder began to fight, Zorin was acting odd. He was sensing something and wasn't the only one. His teacher and Sapph all sensed it. They seem to be the only ones that can. Zorin? Said Ryder. What is it? Zorin said I sense danger. Mr. Sanchez! Said Zorin. Do you sense it too? Yes Zorin I do. Sapph went to join Zorin. Ok. Said Mr. Sanchez quietly to Zorin and Sapph. I want you guys to go back to your partners, I will make an announcement. OK? Said Mr. Sanchez. Everyone stay with your partners and do not leave their side! Mr. Sanchez uses his telepathy to get ahold of the principal.

OK everyone remember what we have learned. This is real life not class anymore. Then there was a loud crash. While everyone was distracted, Zorin ran off secretly and pushed on his belt and reverted to Bluefire. Wait. What happened to Zorin? Said Ryder. Mr. Sanchez. Zorin is gone. Ryder, since you don't have a partner, stay by my side. Yes sir.

Sky spotted Bluefire flying in the sky. Hey everyone look it's Bluefire! Ok everyone. Said Bluefire. We are all going to work together. Whatever you do stay with your partner ok? Now when you are able to see him, the closest ones need to attack before he goes invisible again, got it. When he is invisible, I will deal with him. That's the plan. OK everyone Said Mr. Sanchez. You heard him kids, keep your eyes open. Bluefire was throwing fire balls at Blue Phantom until he turned visible. The closest ones used their powers and hurt Blue Phantom. He turned invisible again, and Bluefire was taking care of him. OK . Said Bluefire. New plan, when he turns visible again, I want all of you to attack him at once got it. Everyone get close together to get prepared. He was telling them the plan while he was fighting Blue Phantom.

Bluefire was saying, Man why are you such a pain? I thought we talked about this. What happened? I thought you changed.? I tried. Said Blue Phantom. I just couldn't do it. Bluefire's mark started acting up again. Damn it! Said Bluefire. Not now, not again! He started to loose control again and fought like crazy. Blue Phantom was still invisible, when he warned Bluefire about his family and friends. Bluefire was trying with all his might until finally came to his senses. Blue Fantom became visible. All the kids attacked at once, like they were told. They knocked Blue Phantom out. Bluefire had a feeling he was going easy on the kids. Bluefire flew somewhere private pushed on his belt and reverted back to his normal clothes. Zorin came back barely able to walk. When he finally got back to his classmates, he collapsed on the ground unconscious. Everyone was freaking out except for Mr. Sanchez, Sapph, Sky, Ryder, and his friends. Don't worry everyone, Zorin will be fine. We are going to take Zorin, and the villain to the lab. Someone will be here shortly to finish up the class. Not long after he said that the substitute showed up. Mr. Sanchez took the villain. Sapph and Sky helped Zorin. They finally got to the Lab, laid Zorin on one of the beds, and locked Blue Phantom in a chamber for now.

It was finally time to go home, Zorin was still unconscious. I will take him home. Said Mr. Sanchez. Don't worry about him. Ok sir thank you. Said Sapph. She left for the bus to head home.