Chapter 8: Meeting with the Person behind the Mask

Not long after the busses left, Zorin started waking up. Oww that hurt. Zorin said as he was holding his side and back of his head. Morning sleeping beauty. Said Mr. Sanchez. How are you feeling? My head feels like I bumped it on something and my side feels like needles jabbed into it. Raven called. Said Mr. Sanchez. She will be here shortly. OK thanks. Wait Mr. Sanchez! Where is the bad guy the kids fought?! Oh he is in the chamber room. You're welcome to go in and talk if needed. Yeah please, I need to talk to him. Ok hold on a min, I'll have someone go in with you. Thanks. Zorin sat up in Pain. He groaned as he got up. Ok here he is. Oh Max hey. I see you two know each other. Even better. Hey Zorin, so I hear you want to see this villain. Yeah I have something I need to tell him. Max guided him to the chamber.

When they finally got to the chamber, Max said, I'll be outside, shout if you need help Ok? Yeah no problem thanks. Zorin opened the door went in and closed it. Well, Well, if it isn't Zenith's nephew. What are you doing here? Said Blue Phantom. I came here because I know who you are. When Mizuki was talking to you, I was pretending to be asleep. I have heard of you before. Mizuki was telling me a little of his past. He said that when he was a baby his village burned to the ground. He and only a few made it out. I had a feeling maybe you were one of those people who made it out of the village. Your name is Tenma isn't it? Tenma took off his mask and said, You know its not nice to eavesdrop. Yeah I know sorry, its a habit. Well what is the message you came to tell me? Melody, Mizuki's cousin survived as well. I don't know the details, but they were supposed to meet back where you and Mizuki grew up. Also Mizuki said he had something important to tell you when you got out, and when you get out to go straight home. I thought that woman looked familiar. Zorin I know your secret, I promise I won't tell. I know you won't. Also, Mizuki, Raven, Roxas. Sapph and my brother all know of my identity. So if it's ok with you, tell them who you are? Tenma sighed, I guess. No one else ok? Alright I promise. By the way Zorin, did Zenith do that to your arm? Yeah almost 2 years ago now. He was the villain. Apparently, his two metal arms were a few months old when we fought. I was blocking my body when he sliced my arm off. It could have been worse if I didn't block him. Zorin. I was going easy on those kids, I didn't hurt any of them did I? No in fact the opposite. You gave them something, you gave the the confidence and strength to use in future battles. I think they are more prepared than they ever were thanks to you. By the way, did you and my uncle plan this? I haven't seen anybody since the fight. I didn't plan on fighting kids, just you, to test something out. I was right. What did you want to test out? That mark of yours, it gets harder to fight off doesn't it? Yeah it does. May I see the mark Zorin? Yeah. Zorin had to take off his shirt cause the mark was spreading. Wow how long have you had this mark exactly? As Zorin was putting on his shirt he said, Let's see, 1 month I believe. Wow really? Then Mizuki needs to train you asap. Yeah, I heard about Mizuki's friend who died because she couldn't control it. Yeah she was a sweet girl. Well it happened a long time ago so. Well I should get going, Raven is probably waiting for me. Hey kid. I just want to say I'm sorry. If you do end up working for Zenith, I will see you a little more. I hope so see ya. Ok I'm done. Max opened the door and let Zorin out. Tenma put back on his mask.

Zorin asked, Max do you know when they will start questioning him? Actually tomorrow, I will be the one to question him. We will question him in a power proof room. May I be here for questioning as well? That's up to the boss, you should know him. Mizuki. Wait Mizuki is your boss? No way! I have to have a talk with him! Thanks for everything Max! See ya.

Zorin saw Raven and went to her. Hey Zorin feeling better? Yeah I am but before you take me to Zeniths, I need you to take me to where Mizuki grew up. I need to talk to him immediately! Its important. Ok Zorin calm down. No need to get all worked up. Get in the car and lets go. Mr. Sanchez. Thanks for looking after Zorin for me. Yeah sure no problem. She left for the car as well. Zorin go in the car and was ready to go. Raven finally got to the car got in and left for Mizuki's place.

On the way to Mizuki's place, Zorin said, Hey Raven? have you heard anything on my brother? How he's doing? Actually it sounds like Zenith is at home. He was going to make a call to James to meet up with you. Jason is coming. That's good, Jason should come, he needs to hear this too.

They finally got to Mizuki's place and someone came up to greet them. Hello Zorin. Nice to finally meet you. I am Mizuki's Master. So you are the one that taught him about his mark. Yes I have one as well. It is fully developed. If you would like to train while you are here, you are welcome too. Actually. Said Zorin. I have to be somewhere, I just need a quick talk with Mizuki before I go. Certainly, come with me, we will go get him. I will stay by the car. Zorin it's ok. Said Raven. OK bye Raven.

Mizuki was Sparring with one of his buddies. Oh hey Zorin. Stop for second Tsuna. Tsuna this is Zorin, Zorin Tsuna. Hey Tsuna. Said Zorin. Mizuki I need to talk with you privately if you don't mind? We can finish this in a few min Ok Tsuna? Yeah more like an hour. Mizuki chuckled then went to the small meeting room.

So Zorin what brings you to my humble home? Zorin had a serious face he wasn't joking around. Mizuki said, You have a serious face, is everything ok? No everything is not ok! You never mentioned you were the boss of the big guns at the school. Also, did you know I was friends with Max? Did you arrange for him for me to talk to the guy you and I know? Actually No. I did not arrange Max to go with you, second in command must have. So you finally caught him. Actually, he was going easy on the kids, he wasn't expecting to fight kids. He said he was testing me about my mark. He noticed that the mark was getting harder to fight off. So you lost control again huh? Yeah I don't know what's causing it, and its getting pathetic. I'm afraid one of these days no one will be able to stop me. He was talking really fast and freaking out. Whoa, Whoa, Zorin! Take a deep breath and calm down. Tomorrow is our first day to learn to control the mark. Also the reason I wanted to come here in the first place, is to be inside when they question you know who. I figured you would. I thought long and hard about it, and made my decision. I figured that if you finally figured out who he was, I would let you go in. Thanks Mizuki. Did you know Max was doing the questioning? No I did not, I have to tell them not to put Max in questioning! Thank you for telling me Zorin. That would be a bad thing! Why? What happens when Max questions people? One of these days, I will show you an example. Until then, I have to make a phone call. You said you needed to go to Zeniths right? Oh crap, that's right! Oh thanks again Mizuki see ya. Zorin ran back over to Ravens car.

Ok let's go. I'm already late, Sapph's waiting for me. Don't worry. I called Zenith a few min ago, and said you were in a meeting and will be there in a while. Oh good. Yes! I can't wait until tomorrow! Raven said, What's happening tomorrow? Oh something at school, I'm looking forward to that's all. Hey tomorrow is Chloe's Birthday isn't it? Yeah your right it is. Tomorrow when I come home from school, I need to stop by a certain store. Mind if you drive me? No not at all looking forward to it.

They finally got to Zeniths and walked through the doors. Hey Sapph sorry I'm late. Had to make a stop first. That's fine. Anyway Sapph what did you want to stop here for? Actually. Said Zenith. Did you forget our plan? I was going to show you how to make those arms out of new metal. Oh crap. Yeah I did sorry, I was late. With all this excitement, I forgot sorry. I'm here now so lets go. Said Zorin. Hold on. Said Zenith. Sapph is coming back too? She wanted to see how it was done too, so she can help you with your arm. That's fine I guess. Sapph hit his arm and said, You guess? Don't act like a jerk. Zorin laughed, Sorry Sapph. Just don't do it again. So they went in the back and Zenith showed them how to make the arm. Normally this takes a couple weeks to make, but since I got the process down, it takes only a few hours.

A few hours later they were done making one arm. OK, so one arm today took forever. Said Zorin. Hey, tomorrow after Chloe's birthday party, maybe we can make the next one. Said Zorin. I guess so. Said Zenith. Well since I know how to make it now, I won't need to be here, but as for putting it on lets rest a bit, have dinner. Said Sapph. Good Idea. Said Zenith. In fact my assistant just finished making dinner. Now that I'm not focused, I can smell the wonderful food. Said Zorin. Yeah me too. Said Sapph. Well let me pull out the table and put it in the testing room. Let's get the chairs in the lobby. They got everything ready to eat dinner.

OK here comes dinner. Said his assistant. Come join us Will. You sure? Said Will. Yeah come on. I always offer, you turn me down. Plus you know Zorin and Sapph, join us. Ok sure. He sat down, and they all enjoyed the meal together. While they were visiting at the table, Sapph noticed Zorin Zoning out. You ok Zorin? Zorin. Zorin! Oh what did you say Sapph? You look exhausted, Zorin you ok? Yeah I'm fine. Just a little tired. Well let me help clean this table up kids. Then I will show you how this is done and you can go home to sleep. Said Zenith. OK. Said Sapph. They waited until he got the other stuff from the cupboard.

Zenith came back and said, Ok kids, first let me show you how to take one off. Zenith started taking off Zorin's arm. Wow, its a delicate procedure. Said Sapph. Yeah it is. This part is a little tricky and done. The only difference is your threading the pieces in to get the arm on not out. OK, I think I got it now, thanks Zenith. I think I got it more than Zorin. Poor guy, he looks exhausted. Said Sapph. I'll take him home. Thank you Sapph, see you again tomorrow at Chloe's birthday party. Bye kids drive safe. Sapph helped Zorin to the 4 wheeler. Zorin, you sit in front. I will be in the back to drive. Don't fall asleep until we get to Ravens, ok? Uh huh. He said in a tired tone. Poor kid. Said Zenith. Hope he gets home ok. Sapph drove off for Ravens.

Sapph checked on Zorin a few times to make sure he was awake. He did pretty good, until they were right in the drive way when Sapph got off and Zorin fell. Sapph said, Zorin you ok?! At least you made it to the drive way. Yeah. He said out of breath. I'm ok...just... tired. Hold on let me get help. Sapph knocked on the door, Raven answered Hello Sapph. Hi Raven. Can I get a little help please. Zorin is fine, he is just exhausted. I need help getting him in. Oh thanks Sapph. Raven and Sapph lifted Zorin up and took him to his room. Thank you Sapph, sorry about him. Oh no worries, I will see you guys tomorrow at Chloe's birthday party. Yeah see you then. She drove off for home.

Raven went to go check on Zorin, make sure he really was ok. She checked the mark as well. Look's like every thing will be fine now. Ok Roxas I'm heading to bed. You need to get to bed as well. Yeah sis be right there. Ok now I'm going to bed. Night sis. Night Roxas see to tomorrow. Everyone slept soundly that night.

The next morning finally came, Zorin got up early, because exciting things were happening today. The interrogation, and Chloe's birthday party. Raven got up and said, Hey looks like you got a good night sleep Zorin. Exciting things happening today right? Yeah something at school, Chloe's party, and going to Zeniths. Well that is a lot of things going on. ok Better get out here or you will miss the bus. Bye Raven see you after school. Bye Zorin have a good day. He was off to the bus headed for school.