Chapter 9: Zorin's Mark Training

Zorin finally got to school, he told Sapph about the interrogation. Let me know how it goes. I will. It will most likely be during PE. I will I just have to go to the office and make sure. Zorin went straight to the window and said, Hey Melody. Do you know anything about the interrogation? Yeah Mizuki told me to tell you to be careful, and that you will know what he means when you get there. Also to confirm the time 12:00. Ok so lunch time. Thanks Melody. Gotta go to home room. See ya. See you later.

Zorin got to home room, and Mr. J said, Well good to see you finally. Yeah sorry been busy. Oh by the way, today is your first day with Mizuki. He is waiting for you in the training shed. Oh crap, I forgot thanks Mr. J. Oh and Zorin, watch that mouth. Yeah, yeah, see you Mr. J. Thanks. Zorin ran to the closest door and got to the training shed.

Hey Mizuki, sorry I almost forgot. I know. That's why I told your teacher where I would be. I got the Message from Melody. Is Max still doing the interrogation? Yes apparently he is, that's why I said to be careful when you are in there. I will. Ok now so what do we do? Well first we talk about what the mark is, and what triggers it. Wait. Said Zorin. So it doesn't react on its own? It triggers somehow? Yes it does. First of all, no one really knows what the mark is. They just have theories of what it could be, and I don't really know much about that part. What triggers it, as you probably found out is emotions. Now first I am going to have to ask you to take off your shirt, and test your emotions. So I can see how the mark reacts. Zorin took off his shirt and Mizuki said, "Oh this is getting really bad Zorin. If we don't figure this out soon, you will either be a dead man or an unconscious one. It's worse than I thought. Zorin, put your shirt back on, we need to get to the office now!" After Zorin put his shirt back on, Mizuki grabbed Zorin's arm and rushed to the office. "I need to see the principle. Get him out here now!" Melody rushed to get the principal, and he came out fast as he could. "What's going on Mizuki?!" "Come outside with me and see for yourself." He showed Zorin's mark to the principal. "Ok. I will let the teachers, Raven, and hate to say it but Sapph too." "Ok thanks. Let's go Zorin, we are going to my place to see my Master." "That bad huh? Wait what about the interrogation? Zorin you won't make it today, sorry for the disappointment." "Ahh man. I was looking forward to it. Well I guess it can't be helped. More important things like my health." They got in Mizuki's van and left.

After Raven heard the news, she called Sapph's Mom to let her know. "Would it be ok if I pick her up on my way?" "Yes sure, let me know if anything happens ok? Thank you."

They finally got to Mizuki's place, and Mizuki called for his Master. "Master. Master! Where are you?! It's an emergency!" Master came running out, "What is it Mizuki?!" Zorin took off his shirt to show him. "Oh this isn't good. Bring him to the healing room, they can help him." "I feel fine though." "Zorin, have you ever felt more exhausted than you have before?" "Well actually last night I was in my driveway and fell off the 4 wheeler. Raven and Sapph helped me in why?" "Your lucky that was all it was. The healer can only temporarily slow the process, but not permanently." "Master. I have to be somewhere at noon. When it gets close to time, can you keep an eye on him for me?" "Yeah sure." "Good." "Your still going Mizuki?" said Zorin. "Yeah I have too." "Let me know how it goes ok? Tell him sorry I couldn't make it. I was looking forward to it." "I will."

Hours later it was lunch time. Raven went by the school and said, "I'm here to pick up Sapph." "Yes I got a call from her parents saying you were. Let me use the speaker." "Sapph to the office please, Sapph to the office. Here is the sign out sheet." "Thanks." Raven signed the paper and Sapph came by. "Something is wrong with Zorin. We are going to see him now. Lets go." "Ok." Sapph got in the car and they drove off.

Zorin was resting as they were slowing down the process. Master said, "Healers how is it going?" "Almost done. It was a little difficult with this one. We managed. We never know when it will speed up again. It varies for different people. Let's just hope his is longer than Mizuki's was. OK we are done, he should wake up any minute." As on cue Zorin woke up. "Did it work?" Zorin asked. "Yes it did, it varies from person to person. We just hope that yours was longer than Mizuki's." "Wait what happened to Mizuki?" Master said, "Let's go. I will tell you while we train."

"Ok." Said Master. "Knowing what the mark is, isn't as important as knowing what triggers it." "I got that part." Said Zorin. "Emotions are the triggers. We were just about to train when he asked me to take off my shirt. Then he rushed me over here." "So have you noticed what happens when you get angry or frustrated?" "Yes I do. I loose control of my fighting, and can't stop. I think of my family friends and it helps me fight it off." "You need something stronger. Exactly what I told Mizuki, something that makes you happy, the reason your alive, what do you fight for? These are questions that will help you." Master took off his shirt to show Zorin his mark. This is what my mark looks like when it fully developed, that is why we had to slow down your process. Mizuki got unconscious, his was half of what you have now." "So that's what happened to Mizuki." "Ok now I want you to think of something that makes you frustrated or mad. Something strong from your past or just recently." Zorin closed his eyes and thought of the time when Chloe was in trouble. Then his mark lit up, and the Master saw it. "Ok now fight. Let's see what you got, loosing control." Once Zorin started fighting, he was fighting like a maniac.

Raven finally got to Mizuki's place. One of the teachers were there to meet her and Sapph. "He is in the back follow me. You might want to keep a distance though its the part of the uncontrollable fight." "Thank you Tsuna." "Yeah no problem." Raven made it to see the uncontrollable fight he has mentioned, but has never seen. "Wow this is crazy." Said Raven.

"Ok Zorin, now control yourself. Remember what I told you. What are you fighting for? Who are you fighting for? Why are you alive? Come on Zorin you can do this!" Said Master. "I see you trying hard. You are almost there! Fight it! Zorin keeps hearing Masters voice, which is bringing him back. Zorin finally came back panting and collapsed on the ground. "Hello Master." "Oh Raven, Sapph, you made it. Sapph, when Zorin was fighting like this before? Does he collapse every time?" "As far as I have seen, yes. Mizuki should know more." "Well unfortunately he's a little busy at the moment." They all ran over to Zorin. "Zorin can you talk? said Master. Zorin said weakly, "Yes I can talk. (Cough cough) Yes this happens every time. It seems like it gets harder to fight back.(Cough cough). "It does Zorin, but you can do it. Just remember what I told you. Just rest here for a bit. Said Master. Zorin. What seemed to bring you back when I told you to fight, and asked why are you alive?" "It was you Master...It was your voice that got me out and brought me back. Ha...Ha..." Zorin was still panting out of breath. "That seems to be for everyone I suppose." Raven said, "You must me that good of a Master." "Yeah I guess I am." He chuckled. "Close your eyes Zorin and rest."

Sapph said, "Master can you tell us a little about Mizuki?" He nodded. "Well as you figured, he was always a trouble maker, him and his friend Tenma were trouble makers. Mizuki has the same mark as Zorin. His was almost developed. Luckily he got the training in time for how fast it was growing. We did have one other student with it, but we just couldn't help her. The only ones here now that have it are Mizuki, me, and Zorin. No one else has gotten it. Although Mizuki almost didn't make it, the healers had to step in. It took days for him to wake up."

"Ok Zorin, time to get up and try something else. Come on, I know your tired. Time is precious, we don't know when the mark will speed up again. Ok next step. Exhaustion. What were you doing before you ended up feeling that?" "I don't really know. I was at uncle Zen's. It was before dinner he was showing us how to make an arm, so next time I will be able to make one. I don't really know what I was feeling?" "Well then we will have to try certain emotions to figure it out. Lastly Pain. When your mark gives you pain, what are you usually doing?" "Well I don't really know. First I was riding my 4 wheeler with my girlfriend Sapph, then all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain and crashed. After that I was fine. Then when I was sleeping, I was groaning in my sleep from pain. Not long after, Raven noticed it glowing but I didn't." "It was probably the adrenaline rush or getting too excited. Next time that your mark starts hurting, here is what I want you to do. Meditate. Let me teach you a little bit. Sit on the ground, cross your legs, close your eyes, deep breath in, slowly breathe out. Breathe in the calmness, breathe out the excitement." Zorin said, "I feel better already." "Good keep going." Said Master. "Breathe in the calmness and out the excitement. OK done." "How do you feel now Zorin?" "I feel great. Better than I have been lately." "That's good." "Oh Master I have to be at my little cousins birthday party today. Can I go please? She is turning 2 today." "Ok, but you are going to wait here for Mizuki first." "Raven, since I probably won't be able to go till late, what I got her is under my name can you pick it up, and wrap it for me?" "Yeah I will." "Sapph you coming with me?" "Actually, no. Can you tell my Mom I'll be a little late? Thanks." "Yeah sure. OK see you kids later." "Thanks Raven. See you." said Sapph.

"Ok." Said Master. "Seems like the only thing we really need to work on is fighting the mark off during the fights. I think I might know what's causing the speed in your mark. It might be all this stress you have been under, since you found out about your mark. Also the strain on your body. Let's practice fighting it off. Sapph since your here, I want you two to fight. I will be watching, and be careful when he loses control. Back away as quick as you can." "Yes sir." "OK Zorin this time don't think about anything that makes you mad, just gradually spar with Sapph. If anything comes up makes you mad, or irritated, remember and think about what you are fighting for, and why you are alive." "Yes sir." "OK begin."

At first Sapph got the upper hand, then the sides switched nothing suspicious yet. "Hey Zorin, how did you feel when I got the upper hand on you huh?" She said while she was fighting him. Then his mark activated. "Sapph, you shouldn't have said that. Now I am going to beat you up for real." Zorin lost control again. Ok Sapph remember what I told you. Back away. Zorin come on, remember what you fight for. Why are you alive?" Zorin came back a tad bit quicker than before. This time less exhausted, but still fell to his knees. Sapph ran over to Zorin. "You ok Zorin?" "Sorry I couldn't resist. It's my fault I made him mad." "It's ok." Said Master. "He needs to learn to control it. Even when it is fully formed. It still activates under emotions, and if you can't control it, it can kill you just like Zania." "So that was her name."

Mizuki finally got back. "Hey guys I'm back." "Oh Mizuki, good your here, just in time to leave again." "Why? What's up?" Zorin said, "It's Chloe's birthday today. I wanted to make it, but I need someone there in case something happens with my mark." "Sure. I may still be young, but I have the smarts. OK well why don't you, and Sapph go get in the van. I have to talk to Master for a bit." So they went in the van and waited for Zuki. "Master are you sure it wise for him to leave?" "Yes you will be there, I will give you the incantation to slow it down, if it speeds again. If he passes out, use that incantation as well, he just needs to learn to stay calm. The strain on his body is what is causing his mark to spread so fast from his powers advancing. Fighting the mark off isn't helping, because he has to strain himself getting back. That speeds it up faster. Here take these. If he does pass out, get him here quick." "Yes sir. Well I will see you later then Master." Master came by the van and said, "Zorin. Try to stay calm, don't let anything anger or frustrate you OK?" "I'll try. Thanks Master, see you later." They were off.

On the way to uncle James house, Zorin said, "Hey Mizuki, I wanted to ask, how did the interrogation go?" "I shouldn't stress you out, but maybe when you finally control that power I will tell you." "Aww man. I guess stuff happens." "You ok Zorin?" said Mizuki. "Huh, yeah why?" "Just checking." "So I hear Master told you about my experience huh?" "Yeah he did. He said that when he trained people for the out of control fighting, it was always his voice they heard. We were joking about him being that good of a Master." "Haha." Said Mizuki. "I said the same thing when I did that at first. As time went on I found other reasons, stronger reasons, and eventually it was enough." Mizuki lost his smile for a moment. Sapph said.

"Well I sort of made Zorin mad when we were fighting. It was my bad. Master said it was good. Said he needed to learn." "Well that's good. How was it fighting Sapph Zorin?" "It was fun actually." Oh good." Mizuki went to his normal self.

They finally got to James house, Zorin got out and had a sudden pain in his side where the mark was. "Ahh." Zorin was hurting. "Zorin what is it? You ok?" Said Mizuki. "My mark hurt a little bit." "Hold on let me check it to make sure I don't have to slow it down again. Damn it! I do. Is there somewhere I can lay you down?" "Yeah in my brothers room." They knocked on the door, James opened it. "Well welcome everyone. Hey uncle, we need to use a bed." Jason said, "You can use mine." "Thanks bro." "I will be out here why you two boys do your thing." Said Sapph. "OK see you later." "Yeah sure." Then they went to Jason's room so they could slow down his mark.

"Ok take off your shirt, close your eyes." Said Zuki. Zorin did as he was told. He said a strange incantation. Mizuki said in tears, "Please slow down. Please. I can't loose another friend." Then all of a sudden the mark lit up. The mark slowed down. "Thank God It worked." Mizuki said in relief. Zorin woke up minutes later. "Did it work Mizuki?" "Yes it did. Now remember, no getting mad or frustrated of any kind." Just as Mizuki walked out of the room, there was a knock on the door. Mizuki answered it. "Hold on a second Tsuna. I'll let them know your here. Um a Friend of mine is here, do you mind if he came in?" "No we don't mind. The more the merrier right?" said James. "Ok come in. This is my friend Tsuna, he is one of my old friends." "I think there is someone missing." Said Zorin. "Where's Zenith?" "Oh he should be here any min." Said Rose. "Oh Raven." Said Zorin. "Did you pick up what I asked? Did you wrap it for me?" "Yes, yes, I did. Slow down there boy." "Oh good." They had dinner which was mac n cheese homemade with salad. Cake, ice cream, then presents. Last but not least Zorin's present. Chloe ripped open her present, it was ball with every color of the rainbow and at night the room is colorful. "Wow pretty cool huh?" Said Jason. Chloe tried to reach for Zorin. "Come here kiddo." Said Zorin. "Let me hold you for a min." He picked Chloe up from the couch and held her close while closing his eyes. "I love you Chloe, my cute little cousin. Happy Birthday." They all saw how Zorin was being with Chloe. "I'm sorry Chloe, I always get teary eyed when I hold you. I will be ok. I just get emotional holding you, because I love you so much. Jason here, you hold her. I got to get some air." So he went out to sit on the porch.

Sapph came out and said, "Zorin are you Ok?" "Yeah why?" As he is drying his tears. "Well It seems like every time you hold Chloe, you start crying." "Well I told them it was ok to name their kid after Mom, but now I'm not so sure I should have told them it was. I guess 2 years isn't enough to get over Mom and Dad's death." "Oh Zorin. Come here." Sapph held Zorin close for awhile until he calmed down. "I'm sorry Sapph, I'm supposed to protect you. Right now you are the one consoling me." "It's ok. Sometimes the roles can be reversed." "I think I get choked up about it, because I am the one who killed them. I know everyone said they would have died anyway, but still I killed my parents. I'm never gonna be able to get over it. I'm sorry I can't do this anymore." Zorin just went off running. "Zorin where are you going?! Hey Zorin!" "Mizuki! Zorin ran off! I don't know where he went!" "I think I do." Said Mizuki. "Lets get the van." "Actually let's get the 4 wheelers." Said Sapph. "Now that I think about it, I think I might know where he is as well." "OK sounds good." "Hey Raven we are going to borrow two of the 4 wheelers OK?" "Yeah sure no problem." They were off.

They found Zorin right where Mizuki and Sapph thought he might be. Looking at the sunset on the beach. Zorin sensed someone behind him he turned around and said, "Oh it's just you guys. Please leave me alone." "I'm sorry, you know we can't do that." Said Mizuki. "It was my fault. I was the one that should be watching you. I let you run off, I'm a bad friend." "No your not Mizuki. I guess I have been around you too long. I am taking your place as the trouble maker." "Haha is that so?" Said Mizuki. "Well all right then." "Hey Sapph? Can I ask you something? Are you sure you want a guy like me, who cries every time he holds a child?" "Oh brother." She smacked her forehead and said, "Do we need to beat you up again to knock some sense into you?" "No just curious." "I love you Zorin. That's all there is too it. There is nothing in this world that will change that. She is not just an ordinary toddler anyway. She is a little girl with your Moms name, and your cousin. Plus, your Mother died only 2 years ago. No one gets over there parents death that soon." "If I had known my parents, it would probably be fresh in my mind too." Said Mizuki. "Thanks guys. Mizuki I think I want to go back to your place. I just can't be here much longer." "Yeah. Do you want to say goodbye to Chloe?" "I think I will. Just tell her I love her one more time, and give her a hug. Then get in the car right away." "Ok let's go." Zorin rode with Sapph. "Zorin how you doing?" "In a little pain, but I'll be ok." "Is it the mark?" "Well yeah that, and my head hurts. Probably from the stress." "Ok I will have Mizuki check it before you guys leave."

They finally got back to James house, Zorin and Mizuki went to Jason's room and looked at his mark again. "It seems to still be ok. Its not doing anything. said Mizuki. Master told me when it starts to hurt, to deep breathe. said Zorin. "I can deal for now." So they went back out and Zorin said, "Hey guys. Sorry for the excitement, but I'll be going home soon." He picked Chloe up gave her one last big hug and said, "I love you soo much. I wish you knew how much me and your family love you. I gotta go little Chloe. Bye Bye." He saw Chloe wave and ran out the door to Mizuki's Van. "Zorin you ok buddy?" "Yeah let's go please. I can't take this anymore. If I stay any longer, I will run away again. This time no one will find me." "OK but wait. Do you want to say goodbye to Sapph?" "Oh Crap I almost forgot." Zorin got out of the van, Sapph was waitng on the step. "Sorry Sapph, with all the excitement..." "Don't worry about it." Before he can say anymore she pulled him toward her and gave him a kiss. Then they hugged. "I'm sorry Zorin. For the pain you have inside. I wish I can take that pain with me." "I'll be ok Sapph. See you at school tomorrow." "Yeah." He got back in Mizuki's van and they left.

2 hours later they were finally at Mizuki's place. I think you should head to bed, we have a room here for you. Thanks Mizuki for everything. Hey your growing on me Zorin. So it's cool. I'll see you tomorrow.