Chapter 10: A New Villain?

A few minutes after Mizuki left Zorin's Room, there was a thud. Mizuki and Master went to check it out, Zorin was unconscious on the floor. "Oh no! Master is it because of the mark?!" "Let's get him up! Then I can tell you. Take his shirt off Mizuki. No. Thank heavens it's not from the mark, but something had to have happened. Mizuki. What was going on with Zorin before you came here?" "Well he was a little depressed. Every time he held his niece, he got really emotional. She has his Mothers name. He went out with his girlfriend to get some air, then he ran off saying he can't do this anymore. We found him on the beach. We cheered him up, said one last goodbye to Chloe and his girlfriend, then came here." "The girlfriend Sapph right?" Said Master. "Yeah why?" "I think she may have a second power she doesn't know about, that could kill Zorin. We need to take him to the healers now!"

"Healers any one up?! It's an emergency!" "I'm here." Said one of the healers. "What is it?" "It's not the mark, something else did this to him. Can you tell?" "Give me a Min. Why don't you both wait outside." "Please Spirits you can't let Zorin die. He has friends, family, he hasn't even gotten used to his cousin yet. So please don't let Zorin die, I beg of you." Mizuki is there squirming and Master is waiting Patiently. "Oh I forgot to tell you. I did have to slow the mark down when we got there and it worked. Also I don't know if this meant anything, the mark wasn't doing anything, but he said he had some pain where the mark was. I didn't see anything." "Mizuki is this true?" "Yeah why?" "Then I know what's wrong with him. No one would see it. It's very rare, in some cases with the mark, but I can help him. I just hope the healers can first." Master knocked on the door of the Healer. "Yes coming." She opened the door, "Oh Master what is it?" "I think it's that rare case we were discussing. His mark did hurt, but nothing was happening to it." "Thank you for telling me. I know just what to do then. Thank you." The healer put both hands on the mark, the mark lit up. Zorin was sleeping peacefully now. "Master. You both can come in now. It was as you said. He is sound asleep now. You can get him back to bed." "Oh thank you. Everyone up there, thank you. Master, do you mind if I got a mat and slept in Zorin's room tonight?" "No need, there is already a bed in there for you." "Thank you Master." "Oh and Mizuki. Looks like we have a mini me. Don't rub off on him too much, we don't need any more trouble makers." "Ha ha OK Master night." "Yeah good night." They all went to sleep.

2 months later, it was the month of the boys 18th bday. As always, time came close to the twins birthday, and bad things start to happen. It was a day before, Mizuki was training Zorin. All of a sudden excruciating pain in his side. Zorin tried deep breathing, but was in too much pain to do any kind. Zorin got down on his knees, then eventually collapsed holding on to his side in pain. "Mizuki please help me. It hurts really bad." "Master come quick! This is bad! I tried the slowing spell, it doesn't seem to be working anymore. What should we do?!" "All right everyone. Its going to be ok." Said Master. "Zorin, before you started hurting, what emotion did you have?" "Well today is the day before my birthday, and usually these days are cursed for me and my brother. I'm sure he is have a splitting headache right now. (Which he was.) I guess I had an adrenaline rush today. But there is no amount of breathing I can do, with this much pain." "Zorin your going to be ok, even if you pass out from the mark. We won't let you die ok? We will think of something." "What do we do?!" Said Mizuki. "The slowing down spell isn't working anymore?!" "Zuki calm down. We don't need it anymore." "What are you saying Master?" "Mizuki, Master, I...." Zorin passed out. "Master! Please tell me what's going on!" "You really care about this person, just like you do Tenma. Don't you, like a brother?" "Yes I do." "Well then he will be fine. It may have been the mark ,but he has already learned to control everything. By tomorrow his mark should already be fully developed. I think the mark may have hurt, because he was able to control everything. I remember that about myself. I was the youngest one to control my mark in my time. I was younger than Zorin, I was 14 when I gained my full power." "Oww." Zorin finally woke up. "Mizuki why do you look like that? What happened?" "Congrats Zorin. Said Mizuki. "You gained control of everything. That's why there was pain." "Really? Cool. Finally." Said Zorin. By tomorrow your mark should have fully developed." "What does that mean?" Said Zorin. "Well I never really asked." Zorin sat up, Mizuki offered a hand to help him up. "Ok Mizuki. Let's do this." "Ok let's go." So they continued sparring.

"Tomorrow you get to go back to school." Said Mizuki. "Finally!" Said Zorin. I hate doing school work here. I mean, I don't mind seeing Raven everyday when she brought it, but just doing it other than school is boring." "Oh hey Zorin. What kinds of things do you like to do?" "Well mostly sketch. I also like to paint and put things together that sort of thing." "That's cool." "What about you Mizuki? What are you into?" "Well I haven't really thought about it. Fighting is really the only thing I know. Plus any normal teen stuff. I'm sorry. Well anyway, later today we are going to do something. I'm taking you out Zorin." Said Mizuki. "After sparring. Right now it's relaxing time. Let's go relax in the hot spring." They both went to the hot spring and relaxed a bit. An hour later they got out and they sparred again.

1hour and a half later, it was time to take Zorin out. "OK Zorin, get on the 4 wheeler, I have a surprise for you. Let's go." "Guys me and Zorin are heading out see everyone. Later." "OK bye." So they were off. "Ok Zorin. If you could meet an artist, who would you want to meet?" "Uh why?" "Just say it." "Probably Jeff Koons." "OK good." "Why?" "Just hold on. You will see. Ok here we are." "An art gallery? This is weird." He stepped in, and on the right there was Jeff Koons. "How did you? Mizuki? Oh never mind." "Jeff Koons! This is Zorin, one of your biggest fans." "Well hello there Zorin. I hear your turning 18 tomorrow. Happy birthday." "Thank you sir. So how do you know Mizuki?" "Oh we just met actually. When I saw you both together, I assumed he was your brother." "Well it was nice to meet you, I have some things to do. Have a good day." "You too." "Happy birthday again." "Thank you sir." "Mizuki you are amazing sometimes. I wonder if your even human. Oh I'm definitely human. Ok let's go someplace else now." So they drove around found places to go, talked to people, then it was time to head back.

"Ok should we head back to our place?" "Yeah I guess so. I'm getting beat." "Ha Ha I bet. Ok let's go." When they finally got there, Zorin sensed something strange. He turned around nothing was there. He faced forward and a big SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! From everyone. Zorin said, "What about that meeting Zenith?" Zenith said, "Zorin, we thought it would be a good birthday present, to tell you about us growing up." "Before that, why don't we do presents." Said Zenith. "Jeff Koons! Your here?!" "Yes I am. Sorry I couldn't talk much, had to finish this for you. Open it up." Zorin ripped it open and saw a sculpture Jeff had just literally finished. He could tell by the smell of the sculpture how fresh it was. "Wow Jeff. Thanks! You saw me admiring the silver Rabbit didn't you?" "Yeah I did. Happy Birthday." Zorin and Jeff Koons talked a bit, then Mizuki came over and asked him the question again. "Why do you want to meet Jeff Koons?" "Ok now I can say my answer. I wanted to meet you sir, because I like the way you express yourself through your sculptures. They are really fun. This sculpture you gave me, would be considered interesting and fun for me. To me its saying that your having fun and thinking of something interesting. Thanks again sir. I hope I don't offend you while I ask you this, but why give me something you sculpted yourself? Why not just give me a copy?" "Well Zorin, you remind me of an old friend of mine, he past away a few years ago. He had white hair as well. He had sea green eyes. He was either a trouble maker like you, or a happy go lucky guy, who always had fun. Nothing could get him down. One day one of his trouble maker times went to far and he got killed." "I'm sorry." "It's ok. happened about 5 years ago." They talked a little more and got to know each other a bit. Then Zorin had more presents from everyone except from James and Zenith.

"OK Zorin." Said James. "Come here, let's tell you about our lives. Before we do, we should eat." "Yeah I am a little hungry." Said Zorin. While they were all getting there food, Zorin saw Tenma. "So I see that let you out. I'm glad to hear it. I wish I could have been there but my mark." "I know Zorin. Thanks for trying man." "How was the interrogation? Zuki didn't want to tell me so I thought you might." "Zuki usually has a good reason for things. He may be young, but he is smart, and a smart ass." "Ok I will tell you. It was going good, until Max came in." "What happened?" "He uh..really was scary. It was a good cop bad cop thing. Zuki was the good cop obviously. Max well, he grabbed me by the neck of my suit, he slammed me against the wall. It hurt pretty bad, but they had someone heal me after. I didn't tell anyone then. I waited until Max was out to tell them what was going on, and eventually let me out." "Woah what an experience. Yeah I'm glad Zuki stopped him, or else I'd be dead." "Yeah I bet. I don't want to get on his bad side." "Yeah well now you know. Hey I want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for that day and the other days that I attacked you, your friends and family." "Hey you didn't kill anyone. So no worries. How did James and Rose react? After all, it was their daughter you took." "James not so forgiving, he pretty much had me by the collar like Max did. He could have smashed me into the wall, but Rose stopped him. She said she didn't blame him for what he did. The way that they said I can repay them was to go back to where I grew up and make amends. So here I am home again. It's good to be back." Zorin said, "I have only met them 2 years ago. So I know what they are like. Rose is more forgiving then James. Here is an example. I was over at their house to spend the night, I forgot what it was we did. James was on our ass and he scared the crap out of us. Rose stepped in and saved us, but she still scolded us." "Wow I guess we all have both been on his bad side." They chuckled had a good time. So they all ate for awhile, then it was time for story telling.

Once they were done eating, Tenma went to go check something out. No one knew what happened. "Ok so where should we start?" Said James. "Oh wait a second." Said Zorin. "Where is Tenma?" Just like on cue Tenma came running over. "Hey guys, sorry. Had to go somewhere. Here Zorin for you, and I got something for Jason as well." "Good just in time we were about to tell stories about when they were kids." They left for James story telling.

Just as James was about to start story telling, Zorin felt that presence again. He felt really uneasy. "Guys?" Said Zorin. "Do any of you feel a suspicious presence? I felt it when I first got here." "None of us do. You ok Zorin?" Said Mizuki. "Once you have controlled your mark, people sense things easier. I feel it too. Something is wrong." Said Master. "At first I thought it might be Tenma distracting me for the surprise, then just now I felt it again." Said Zorin. Tenma is right here. "One more thing Zorin. When your mark officially develops, which should be tomorrow, you will feel the most intense pain you have ever felt. After that, you won't have to feel it anymore. That is, if you can control your emotions." "Master, we should go check what that presence is. Said Mizuki. "Zorin how close is this presence? Is it dangerous?" Said Mizuki. Zorin said, "I think it's someone who is more confused on what they should be, but we should be cautious." "That's exactly how I feel." Said Master. "OK well, Zorin. Sorry I can't stay. I have to check this presence out. You, Mizuki ,everyone have fun." Said Master. Zorin said, "I'm sorry I can't do that." He ran off. Master and Mizuki ran after him.

They finally caught up with Zorin. Zorin was already in his Bluefire costume. What's the deal here Bluefire?! said Mizuki. This kid has been spelled or taken over. We have to help him. Since the kid wouldn't listen to reason, they had to beat him up. They threw a lot of punches and kicks until Bluefire was starting to get exhausted. Then Bluefire said, I didn't want to do this but, this will totally knock the kid out. Mizuki said, Don't tell me your going to use a fire ball. I have to. I can't fight anymore. Look at us we are tired out. Plus it won't be my hardest one. This kid looks like a medium size ball would knock him out. Fine. Just don't kill the guy. I'll try not too. Bluefire be careful said Master. Yeah I'll try. Bluefire closed his eyes and aimed the fire ball at the kid and shot him in the stomach and knocked him out. Bluefire went over to make sure he didn't kill the kid. Good. He's ok. Said Bluefire. Hey This kid looks familiar said Bluefire. I know where this kid lives. I will take him home its not far from here. He dropped the kid off on his front porch and knocked on the door and flew off. The kids mom saw him and brought him inside.

Bluefire turned back into Zorin and entered the Dojo. Zorin and Master came back all bruised and bloody. Mizuki only bad bruises. Zorin collapsed. Zorin! Said Mizuki. Master and Mizuki rushed over to Zorin's side. Master you stay with Zorin! I'm going to get a healer! Zorin it's going to be ok! Tenma came over too, once he saw what was going on. Zorin are you OK?! Said Tenma. Yes...everyone...these are just... Scratches. Said Zorin. The healer came running and saw Zorin on the ground. Zorin! It's ok. Said Zorin. He was being... controlled... I couldn't find the person doing the controlling, but I took... the person home.... came back here. He coughed up blood. (Cough Cough) The kid is close to my age. He apologized for what he did. (Cough Cough) The healer said, Ok Zorin, no more talking. Let me finish healing you. Everyone stayed next to Zorin until they knew he was going to be ok.

It was time for everyone to leave. Sapph said, Ok Zorin. I'm leaving. She gave Zorin a gentle kiss on his lips, so she wouldn't hurt him. A gentle hug. OK I better go now. Love you. I hope to see you at school tomorrow Zorin. Yeah me too. Mystery kissed Jason and hugged him as well. Jason went over to Zorin and said, We have some awesome girlfriends don't we Zorin? Yeah we do. Said Zorin. Oh crap! I forgot to tell Mystery something. He ran over to Mystery. Mystery wait! She stopped in front of the car door. He told her a secret, she chuckled and said, Yes that would be ok. Ok good Said Jason. Bye love you. He gave Mystery one last kiss and she left.

The next day it was finally the boys birthday. Jason stayed the night at Ravens, so she made them their favorite breakfast. Zorin was also going to school. He had to be careful, because he still had injuries that still hadn't healed. After being gone for so long, he was wondering how everyone is. Zorin hurried, got his shower, got dressed, and said, Jason I'll see you later OK? Raven, while I'm gone, I want you and Roxas to train with him. Zorin really? Said Jason. Yes really. So when I fight you today, you can beat me. Ha ha ha very funny. Said Jason. I'm not kidding. See you later, or I will be late. OK Said Raven. You heard the man. Get ready, cause in a little while we are going to have some fun. Yeah right. Fun getting beat up. Said Jason. Anyway, I guess I will listen to him just this once. That's a good idea. So he got ready.