Chapter 11: Zorin's fully developed Mark

Zorin had been a little more cautious now that he has fully controlled the mark. He went to the office and said, Hey Melody. Oh Zorin welcome back. The principal came out and said, Oh look it's trouble Jr. Ha ha. Very funny. Said Zorin. I thought I would stop by and say hi before I headed to class. OK see you guys before I'm late bye.

Zorin went over to homeroom took a deep breath opened the door and saw Mr. J. Hey Mr. J. Sorry I have been gone for a few months. Welcome back, Raven told me you were coming back. Take your seat and go through your work. Yeah thanks. He sat next to Sapph, and she noticed he has changed a little. Classes went on breakfast came and went more classes went on it was finally lunch time.

Hey finally we can talk. Said Sky. So you feeling better? Huh? Said Zorin. Oh yeah I'm fine. I see your a little cautious. Yeah sorry. Hey everyone. Said Zorin. You guys want to come over to my house after school? It's our birthday today. Jason is at the house, probably getting beat up by Raven today. I told them to train while I was gone, so Jason could beat me up when I got back. Ha ha ha Said Zen. I'd love to see that happen. I'll come for sure, I want to see this. Zack said, Yeah I can come. Oh good then will you all be coming for dinner? We are going to the Blue Moon. If you guys want to join. We will talk to our parents, I'm sure it's fine. It's Friday after all. Good thanks. Sapph was looking at Zorin and Smiling, Zorin turned around and smiled back, then turned back to his friends and Sapph did the same. The bell rang and it was time for PE.

OK everyone Zorin is back. Said Mr. Sanchez. Everyone cheered. So what we are going to do, is let Zorin decide what activity we should do today. Me? Said Zorin. Um let's see... then he had an Idea. Why don't we do both. Half of us show off our powers, and the other half show their sparring strength. Ok well you heard the man. I would like to show off my powers today. Said Zorin. OK sure. Now Zorin, how would you like to split it. OK so let's have two team captains, I will be the one showing off powers and lets see. Said Zorin. Who would like to be team captain for sparring any volunteers? Sky raised his hand. I will. OK so Sky will be the team captain for sparring. I will go first. Said Zorin. Let's see who should I choose...Ryder come with me. Ryder went up behind Zorin, and it was Sky's turn. He said Sapph. Then they went back and forth till they got ten kids each. Ok so the way we do this, is we all go the Lab first so everyone can see how strong everyone has gotten. Same with sparring after. Ok said Mr. Sanchez. Let's go to the Lab.

Ok everyone. Said Sanchez. Zorin will get to decide who goes first. Well Mr. Sanchez, since I get to choose today. We never did find out what power you had. Do you have any you can show off? Well actually, I do have 2 powers one I can't tell you about, the other I haven't practiced much, but I will give it a go. Cool! Said Sky. We get to find out what kind of power he has. I have been wondering this for years now. Mr. Sanchez went in the chamber and thought a min how it was triggered last time. Ok maybe I will show them my third one as well. Mr. Sanchez purposely had things thrown at him by the machine, and he put his invisible shield up. Wow cool. Said everyone. He turned off the Machine, then put something that is hard as hell to break and broke it in half. Wow! Said Zorin. Really cool. I wasn't going to show that one, but I did. My third one is healing. said Sanchez. Zorin said Ok I will go last. Ryder I want you to go next, and all of you in line, just go from there. Everyone did their powers, and finally, it was Zorin's turn. Zorin walked in, took a breath, closed his eyes, and threw his fire balls. They were stronger than before. Dented the shield. He threw a few of them before he came out and everyone clapped and cheered. Sorry Mr. Sanchez, I dented the the shield pretty bad. That's ok we have plenty. Ok guys lets go see how good everyone has gotten in fighting. Oh Mr. Sanchez before we do, I have a surprise for everyone. OK Everyone, Zorin has a surprise for all of you. All of you will love this surprise. said Zorin. They went outside and everyone gasped. It was Raven. Zorin Said, Raven will explain what's going to happen.

"OK most everyone knows who I am. Those of you who don't, I will introduce myself. My name is Raven. I really don't have a last name. So just call me Raven. OK everyone, here is what we are going to do. We are going to go over class time, so we will have a special bus take you guys home. We already called your families. You all are going to spar with your partners, including Zorin's team. No taking turns. Just find your partner and spar. I will be going around observing. Those who need a pointer I will fight. Also I am re opening my dojo, if anyone would like to join are welcome. OK now go spar. Zorin come here a minute." Said Raven. Zorin went over and Raven said, Your brother is a crazy good fighter. Roxas can't even beat me, but your brother is a maniac in fighting. He is getting Roxas pretty good. When I left. they were still training. Oh good, then I can't wait to for him to beat me. Ok I'm going to spar with Ryder now. Ok have fun. So they started sparring.

Raven started walking around observing fights and already saw some people she should help. After she observed, she waited a while longer for them to finish, saw how tired the kids were, and said, Ok everyone, good job on your sparring. Everyone stopped to listen. When I call your name, I want you to come up. Ryder, Zorin, Sapph, Sky, and Zen. Everyone else good Job. Those of you I called I am going to spar with you one on one. Zen you first. Everyone watched. Ok when I saw you, I saw some flaws. I notice you are always on the defense and not attacking. Is there any reason why? No not really? OK here's what we are going to do. I will let you attack me first, and I will be on my defense. Just to see how you fight. Ok. Said Zen Here I go. Then he started fighting.

A few minutes passed. OK stop. I see you are really good. Now I'm going to attack you, and I want you to attack me as well. Try not to be on the defense the whole time. OK I will try not to. Said Zen. Then they fought again. This time, Zen fought back and did better than before. A few min passed and Raven said Ok stop. Very good. Now I want you to spar with your partner and let me see. Now that we have done this, you should fight back. Zen and his partner started fighting, and Zen fought back and got the better of his partner. Very good much better Said Raven. Then she did all the others. The busses came and it was time to go. Oh for everyone who wants to sign up for my dojo, the papers are in the office. I will see you all starting Monday.

OK. Since I am here Zorin, I will take you and Sapph home. Zorin said, Oh I invited my buddies over today is that ok? Yeah sure the more the Merrier. Thanks Raven. So they got in Raven's car and left.

They finally got back to Ravens house. Zorin and Sapph walked in, Mizuki and Tenma made it. James, Chloe, and Rose as well. Everyone was there except for his friends. They first had to talk to their parents about tonight. Hey Said Mizuki, happy birthday Zorin. Now you are officially 5 years older than me. I just had my 13th birthday 2 months ago. Thank's Mizuki. Hey Jason. Said Zorin. Is Mystery going to make it? Yeah she called she should be here any time now. Oh good. Everyone sat in the living room chilled, and visited, while Chloe sat on the floor playing with some toys.

Zorin was staring at Chloe while she played. Jason and James noticed. Hey Zorin. Said Jason. You ok man? Yeah I am. As he said still staring at her. Why are you staring at Chloe? Huh what now? Zorin was in a daze. You are staring at Chloe, is something wrong? No I was just thinking about something. Don't worry it wasn't about Mom, it's about her. Is there something wrong with Chloe? Said Jason. No nothing wrong, something I'm curious about. Hey uncle can I talk to you and Rose alone please? Said Zorin. Yeah sure kid let's go to your room.

Zorin said, OK first of all, Jason was right. I was staring at Chloe. I wasn't staring at her because of the obvious reason about Mom. When I held her last time, and I cried, I went outside with Sapph, and told her sometimes I regret giving the ok for you to call her Chloe because of Mom. Then we talked a little and she told me it will take time and some other encouraging words. I don't regret it anymore. I may cry, but I don't regret it. Now that I have control of my mark, I can sense things a lot better. I was sensing something with Chloe. Is Chloe ok? Yes of course she is. Why do you ask? Said James. Does she have any powers yet that you know of? Said Zorin. No. Said Rose. None we know of. Why? OK here is what I was sensing with Chloe. Don't worry, she's not hurt, or dying. She has either used a certain power, or her body is getting ready for a certain power. I wanted you guys to know and be prepared. I can't tell you exactly what the power is, just that she could use it at anytime. Zorin we thank you for warning us, we knew someday she would have powers. We didn't know how soon. Said Rose. OK let's go out and join everyone now.

Zorin went out, and his friends were already there along with Mystery. Oh hi Mystery glad you can make it. Said Zorin. Yeah me too. Long ride but managed. Oh hey Zorin. Said Jason Show the the mark you have been telling them about. Yeah sure. He took off his shirt and showed everyone. Its not fully developed yet, but sometime today it should be. When it does, I will be in a lot of pain apparently. Chloe was sitting on the floor watching the boys and suddenly said her first words. Zo Zo. Chloe did you just say your first word? Said Zorin. Zo Zo. Zorin smiled. James come quick! Said Zorin. Your daughter just said her first word! He and Rose ran over and she said, Zo Zo and pointed at Zorin. Yeah that's your cousin Zo Zo very good Chloe. Said James. Zorin cried that her first words were what he taught her. He picked her up and gave her a hug. I love you Chloe. Zo Zo loves you so much thank you.

As he was holding Chloe, he felt pain in his side he jerked a little bit. He gave Chloe to James. James take Chloe. Hurry! James got Chloe and the pain gradually came more and more. Someone needs to take Chloe out of here she doesn't need to hear me in pain please. Jason went out back with Chloe and played with her for a bit while Zorin was in pain. Mizuki was there trying to help him. Zorin if you can hear me, can you take a deep breath at all? Said Mizuki. I can try. Said Zorin in a strained tone. He strained to take a deep breath, and breathed out. The pain was starting to subside, slowly fade until it eventually stopped and Zorin was passed out on the ground.

Damn! Said Mizuki I'm Not looking forward to that pain. James said, So you have the mark too? Yeah I do. Mizuki took off his shirt to show them his mark. Wow cool! Said Zack. James said, I have noticed that the marks are different designs. Is there as reason for it? Also what exactly is the mark? How do you get it? Well. Said Mizuki. No one really knows what the mark is, but not just anyone has it. The only thing we know about it, is only certain people are chosen. It takes a lot of training to control the mark. If you haven't learned to control it by the time it's halfway or fully developed, you die or loose consciousness. I was one that ended up unconscious. One of my friends died because she couldn't train quick enough. Luckily Zorin didn't pass out from not training for the mark in time. When he wakes up his mark should be fully developed. Zen said, What does it mean when the mark if fully developed? Does it change you or something? You know I never really asked Master that. When I go back I will let you guys know. Jason came in to see if everything was ok. It was so be brought Chloe in and she sat down to play.

Not long after Jason came in, Zorin woke up. Oww. Master was right. That was the worst pain I have had in my life. Mizuki was sitting with him the whole time. That bad huh Zorin? Yeah good luck with this pain Zuki. Oh that's right, the mark should be fully developed now. He got up in a little pain and looked in his full body mirror. His whole side was covered in a very detailed design. Wow! Said Zorin. I never knew something this painful can be this beautiful. Hey Mizuki, I have known you had a mark but never seen how far it was before. Can I see yours? Mizuki took off his shirt and showed Zorin. Oh so are all marks different designs? Yes people who have the mark have different designs, not one is the same that we have seen. Hey Mizuki I have noticed when I was in school today, my powers have gotten stronger. So strong I dented the schools shields very badly. They had plenty and said not to worry about it. I wonder if that was what got my power stronger. I don't know. When we go back to our place, we can ask Master.

Zorin went out of his room shirtless, to show them his fully developed mark. Wow Cool. Said Sky and Zack. Yeah really cool. Said Zen. Chloe said Zo Zo, ooo. Zorin picked Chloe up this time he was fighting back his tears. Yes Zo Zo his here. It's pretty Huh Chloe? Zo Zo. She gave Zorin a hug he hugged her back Oh Chloe. Said Zorin. Sometimes I just wish...oh never mind. I love you so much little cousin. He held Chloe with a smile. Is everyone here gonna make it tonght to the Blue moon? Yeah as far as everyone knows they are. Oh Zorin, I wanted to ask you if you have given any thought to working with me. Said Zenith. Yes I have. Zorin put Chloe down and said I'd be happy to work with you. Then they shook a firm hand shake.

OK said Raven. Now is the time we have been waiting for. You up for it Zorin, or do you need more rest? Oh if I'm in pain, I will push through it. I learned that from Master. Plus, I have been looking forward to the day Jason finally beating me in a fight. Jason I am not going to hold back, so you don't either. I'm warning you Jason, I am a lot stronger than you're used too. Yeah so am I. Then they started fighting.

They were both doing really good. As they were fighting Zorin said, You have gotten stronger. By now you would have gotten beat up by me. Yeah, Roxas maybe younger than me, but he wouldn't give me the option to quit. He is just as stubborn as Raven. For the first time since he got control of the mark, he felt himself loose control a little bit but came back to his senses pretty quick. Sorry about that Jason, mark acted up. Just because I have full control over the mark, doesn't mean it won't activate. It just means I can stop myself from going bezerk.

Finally the fight was coming to an end. Zorin thought his brother was out, but he got up and beat Zorin. Zorin said, I surrender. I'm done. Jason is the winner! Said James Yay! Jason helped Zorin up. Zorin said, I never thought I'd see the day... where you beat me for a change. Neither did I. Said Jason. The best part is that.... our girlfriends got to see the fight. Yeah your right. They sat on the bench to rest a bit. You ok Jason? Yeah I'll have a little bruise don't worry about it. What about you Zorin? I got you pretty good. Oh nothing I can't handle. May be painful for awhile, but I will be fine. Zorin coughed a few times. (Cough cough cough.) Hey man you ok? Said Mizuki. Yeah I will be. Just took more out of me then I thought, having to control myself and fight my brother. (Cough cough cough.) Hey Zorin. Said Mizuki. Lay down for a min. I know a trick. Hopefully it will help your cough. Zorin laid down on the bench, and Zuki put his hand on Zorins chest and his hand lit up. He took his hand off of Zorin's chest and said, Hopefully this helped your cough. Thanks Mizuki.

Zorin looked at Chloe for a min. and sensed something. Uncle, we all need to take Chloe to a padded walled room. Luckily this place is and it's more room. The only part of the training room not padded was the benches and the mirror.