Chapter 12: Chloe has Powers?!

Uncle James slowly put Chloe down and backed away slowly. Everyone did just that. Chloe looked at Zorin and said, Zo Zo? It's ok Chloe. You will be ok. Then she started using her powers. Chloe's hands started glowing and then balls of white light shot out of them. James said, Wow at this young of age. Zorin. Do you know how we can help her control them? Said James. Well first we have to try... hold on a sec. I have and idea. Hey Chloe, Zo Zo is here. Your going to be ok. Zo Zo is going to help you, so you need to calm down. It's going to be ok. She was still shooting balls from her hands, but Zorin was able to deal with the pain. He picked Chloe up and held her close. Its ok Chloe. Zo Zo is here, its going to be Ok. Chloe started calming down and so were her powers. Eventually the powers stopped. Wow. Said James. You are really good with this stuff aren't you? Well I have had trouble in the past controlling my powers. People have helped me the same way. Especially when I was freaking out like little Chloe was. Uncle I hate to say this, but until she learns to control her power, you have to get her some bracelets that take away powers, as long as they are on her. Zenith Said, I actually have some already made. All different sizes for cases like these. Uncle, if there is any problems with the bracelet, I'm going to either stay with you guys, or Chloe will have to stay with Master and Mizuki. Let's just hope the bracelets don't have a problem. Said James. Yeah good point.

Zorin was sensing something. Guys has anyone seen Tenma? Said Zorin. Actually, he said he had to go somewhere he would be back. said James. I think he is... Said Zorin. Ahh. Zorin got knocked down. Tenma if that is you what the hell? Tenma just walked through the door. Tenma if your are here. Said James. Then who is the person that knocked Zorin down. Come here and fight me! Show yourself you coward! Said Zorin. I know who it is. Said Tenma. Tsuna come on. He doesn't want to fight right now. Fine, Fine. He went visible. Ok now everyone, let's get ready to leave for Blue Moon. Zenith said, Before we do, we should stop by my place. It's on the way, see about those bracelets, so it doesn't cause a commotion in the restaurant. Yeah good idea. Said Zorin. Everyone got in their cars and followed Zenith.

They finally got to Zeniths, and went in and waited for him to get the bracelets. Zorin went in the back with him and said, Zenith? You really think these will work? Yeah I hope so. I had to use the adult size a few times. They seemed to work. Well for Chloe's sake, I hope they do. OK. Said Zenith. Here we are. Zorin was still in the back looking at the bracelets thinking. Zenith opened the bracelet up and said, Chloe, you need to wear these pretty bracelets for awhile ok? She let Zenith put them on her. Hey where's Zorin? Said Jason. Oh I thought he was behind me. Hold on. Zenith went to the back and saw Zorin looking at the bracelets. Hey Zorin. What's up? Said Zenith. Oh nothing. Said Zorin. Zenith? Does the school or big guns have things like these? I'm sure they do. Why do you ask? No reason it's fine. Let's go out and join everyone. Sorry to worry you. So they went to join everyone. Ok. Let's all get in our cars. Zorin's buddies ride with me Said Mizuki, I have a van. Everyone else follow me.

About 10 min later, they were at Blue moon. Hey Mom. Dad. I'm here. Said Sapph. We have quite a big group today. I will get the tables ready Sapph. Said Dad. Mom's busy cooking. OK Dad. The manager came out and said, Welcome back Sapph. Thanks Ran.(Ran was a young man who worked there.)

Finally the tables were ready and Sapph's Dad Tony, lead them to their table. Happy Birthday boys. Said Tony. Thanks. Said Zorin. They all sat down and looked at the menu. It's been awhile since we've been here huh Zorin? Said Jason. Yeah I think it was a couple years ago. In that case. Said Zorin. I'm having the spaghetti with meatballs today, and garlic cheesy bread. Zorin, are you sure you can eat all that? I haven't seen you eat much. You have never been a big eater. I'm gonna try. Said Zorin. Like they say first time for everything. Emma, Sapph's Mom, came by and said, Anything to drink any one? Just water for me. Said Zorin. Everyone else ordered soda or lemonade. OK be right back with your drinks. Everyone knew what they wanted so they visited while they waited for their drinks. A few min later Emma came back with the drinks. OK is everyone ready to order? Yes Mom. Everyone ordered their food. Emma looked surprised, when Zorin ordered what he did as well. Oh by the way, Zorin and Jason Happy Birthday. For a treat, I will pay for all of you. Don't worry about the bill. Thanks Mom. Yeah thank you so much. Said Jason. 10 min later the food came and everyone started eating. Zorin was halfway done with his spaghetti. Jason said, Wow this is the first you ate this much Zorin. Well I am older now, my stomach is getting bigger. Haha. I guess so. Said Jason. Everyone laughed and were having a good time.

They were finally done eating, Zorin sensed something wrong. He looked at Chloe, she was fine, She wasn't doing anything. I'll be right back. Said Zorin. Restroom. He ran to the restroom and pushed his belt to change into Bluefire and escaped.

A new villain Purple Rose. Where is Blue Phantom? I need to speak with him. Bluefire flew up to meet her and said, He doesn't exist anymore. He gave up his villain ways. What do you want with him? I won't let him go back to his evil ways. Ha ha ha, you think he has a choice don't you? We will see about that. She flew towards Bluefire, he blocked her attack, then they fought for awhile.

Tenma said, I'll be right back, restroom. He did the same thing Zorin did. Pushed on his belt as well, turned back into Blue Phantom and turned invisible. Bluefire was getting beat up pretty good. Purple Rose! What do you want! I heard you wanted to see me! Then Bluefire said, No Phantom! Why did you come?! Don't you understand?! I'm trying to protect you here! Like I told you I would. Yeah, but look at you. Your barely holding your own. I won't let you go back with her! Bluefire, I may not have a choice. Don't worry, I won't do anything bad if I can help it. Don't be so sure. Said Purple Rose. Then she knocked the wind out of Bluefire, they both got away. No! Said Bluefire. He hit the ground pretty hard. Sapph heard the noise, she rushed out and saw Bluefire knocked out not moving. Mizuki was with her.

Mizuki picked Bluefire up and carried him in his arms. Sapph where do I take him? Said Mizuki. Back at the restaurant in the back, you will see. They took him to the back of the store, and Sapph opened the door. Luckily Dr. Bone was there to help. Bluefire again huh. Lay him here. Said Dr. Bone. Dr. Bone clicked Bluefire's belt, looked at Sapph and Mizuki. What? This is a special hospital is it not? It's a common trick. Anyway, let's get his shirt off. Dr. Bone took Zorin's shirt off, and said, Oh, he has a fully developed mark. Let me scan him, to see if I can do anything for him. Said Dr. Bone. He looked at Zorin and said, He's not breathing! Shit! After he scanned Zorin he said, Not much I can do except... Mizuki hold Zorin steady. Mizuki did as he was told, and Dr. Bone pounded on Zorins chest and Zorin took a deep breath and started breathing normally again. Let's let him rest for now, he should be up in a few min.

A few min later, Zorin took a deep breath and woke up freaking out. Sapph and Mizuki were there. First thing Zorin said when he woke up was What happened. Then finally Mizuki and Sapph calmed him down. Sorry Mizuki, Blue Phantom.... went back to Purple Rose. (Pant pant) I tried to stop him... but I couldn't. He did say he wasn't... gonna do anything bad... if he could help it. Then Purple Rose said (Pant Pant) we will see about that. I don't exactly know... what her power is, but I sense it is fierce. Zorin let's go, don't worry about it. Everyone got in their cars went home. Oh good. Said Zorin. I'm exhausted. They helped Zorin to Mizuki's van. Hey Sapph, sorry I can't kiss you right now, but can I get a kiss on the cheek? She kissed him on the cheek, and gave him a hug. She helped him in the van. OK Zorin. I will see you later ok? Love you. Love you too. Zorin Said in a straining voice. Mizuki said, Ok Sapph, thanks again for your help. We will most likely see you Monday. Yeah see you then. Mizuki left for the dojo.

Finally Mizuki got to his place. Hey Zorin how you feeling? Can you walk? Said Mizuki. Yeah I'm fine. Mizuki walked with him just to make sure. Once Mizuki helped Zorin to bed, he said, Master we are home. Master said, Welcome home. How was everything? Tenma? Mizuki shook his head no. I figured. Said Master. We knew this day would come. Mizuki said, He did say that he wasn't going to do anything bad if he could help it. This mysterious girl called the Purple Rose said she would see about it. I just hope they don't make him do anything bad. Said Mizuki. They might. Said Master. Let's worry about that for another day. Oh and that little girl Chloe, she has powers. Her hands light up, then they shoot light balls. She also said her first word. Zo Zo, that's her word for Zorin. She seems attached to him. She seems calmer with him, then her own parents for some reason. Like I said, let's worry about those things for another day. Get some rest. Yeah. I'm gonna sleep in my own room tonight. Zorin will be fine.

The next morning Zorin woke up stretching yawning. I have a feeling today is going to be a good day. Zorin got his sweatpants on, with no shirt and walked out. Squinted a bit cause it was bright. Hey Mizuki. Said Zorin. Oh Hey Zorin. You hungry? Here I made you a plate. It's bacon and eggs/with toast for breakfast. Thanks Zuki. Zorin sat down next to Zuki. Mizuki said, Did you just call me Zuki? Oh yeah, sorry slip up. Oh it's fine. The only one who calls me Mizuki here is Master. Call me Zuki if you want. Thanks man. After breakfast Zorin said, Hey want to spar? Yeah sure why not. After breakfast they did just that.

Master came out and said, Hey boys, looks like you two are doing well. Yeah we are. Said Zorin, as he was fighting Mizuki. I see you have a few bruises Zorin. You Ok? Yeah Master I'm fine. As you can see, I'm fighting Mizuki while talking. Zorin pinned Mizuki to the ground and said, Got you Mizuki. Ok break. Said Mizuki. Zorin and Mizuki got towels to wipe off their sweat. Hey Zorin. Said Master. I heard your Mark is fully developed. Zorin said, Oh yeah. He went over to Master to show him. Very well developed. Oh before I forget Master. Said. Mizuki. Once marks are fully developed, what does it mean? It means that just because your mark is developed, doesn't mean it will stop activating. It means that you have better control over it. Yeah I learned that the hard way. Said Zorin. You were able to control yourself? Said Master. Yes I was. I was sparring with my brother, a few things irritated me. I felt myself loosing control, but came back pretty quick. Then you know Zorin, good. Said Master. Another thing, once the mark is fully developed, it gives you a special power to unlock. I myself have yet to unlock my own. My Master died before he can tell me more. I'm sorry. Said Mizuki. Nah it was a long time ago. Well anyway, that is what the mark is. A special power waiting to be released. Master, can I see your mark again? Said Zorin. Yes certainly. He took off his shirt for Zorin to see the mark. He looked closely at the Masters mark, and saw something strange but shook off whatever it might be.

Mizuki said, You ok Zorin? You looked off for a min. Yeah I'm fine. Nothing to worry about. Hey Mizuki? Do you think Chloe will be ok? Yeah, why wouldn't she? Well, I'm just not sure if those bracelets are going to hold. Let's just not worry about it right now. Plus we have a phone. If they have trouble they will call right? Yeah I guess so. Just before they go again, the phone rang, Mizuki answered. Oh good Mizuki. We need Zorin! Fast hurry! Zorin get in the van! Said Mizuki. It's Chloe again. I knew it wasn't going to work. Mizuki Sped in his van to get there as soon as possible. It normally took 2 hours to get there, but he got there in 1 hour. Zorin jumped out of the van while it was still going, and ran inside. Zorin said, Where's Chloe? Jason is with her, trying to dodge her light balls. Zorin went to the padded training room. Chloe! Said Zorin. Zo Zo! She put her hands up, Zorin picked her up, held her close, she finally calmed down almost instantly. What happened uncle? What made her so excited? Said Zorin. I don't know. She was playing with her toys, then all of a sudden she kept saying Zo Zo. I told her you were at your own house. Zorin sighed. Uncle I have an idea. Why don't I take Chloe with me to Ravens. I will be staying there, until school is out. I will bring her back, and stay with you guys, until she grows up. Yeah that would be best. Thanks Zorin. Sorry about this. Said Rose. No its fine. Said Zorin. I had a feeling these bracelets wouldn't hold. Zorin said, Looks like I'm going to be doing work at Ravens, the last of the school year. Its ok. Said Mizuki. I will still come and visit. Plus Master will be having me check up on that mark of yours. Yeah. OK Chloe come to Zo Zo. Chloe walked over to Zorin. James and Rose said, Bye bye baby. Mommy and Daddy will see you in a few months ok? She waved bye bye to them. Zorin helped Chloe in her seat and sat back with her to keep her calm. Ok. Said Mizuki. Everyone buckled? Zorin said, Yeah. Here we go.

2 hours later, Ok. Said Mizuki. Here we are at Raven's. I'll let the Master know what's going on. Ok thanks Mizuki. Yeah sure. Zorin got out of the van, took Chloe and her car seat out, and Mizuki left. Zorin knocked on the door. Raven opened it. Oh Zorin what a surprise. Oh hi Chloe. So those bracelets didn't work after all. Raven I have to stay here with Chloe. Do school work from here, to keep Chloe calm. We can do that. On Monday I will let the school know what's going on.

Chloe will need to sleep in my room. Said Zorin. So until we get her a bed, she can lay with me for the nights ahead. Yeah that's fine. Tomorrow we will get Chloe a bed, and keep it in your room. Ok Thanks Raven. I'm tired Said Zorin. He plopped on the couch, Chloe climbed onto Zorins lap and fell asleep. Aww. Said Raven. Let's get a picture of this. She got her camera took the picture. She sent the picture to James and Rose who said the same thing.

To be Continued.....