Chapter 1: Chapter 1


"So you're saying she's your grand daughter?" Asks the principal.

"Yes, she is." Drake stares at Olivia dreamingly.

Olivia's POV.

"My name is Olivia Daniels and I'm a cat. Ok, I know what you are thinking now; You probably might wanna think of the regular cat you see on the street or take as a pet. Well not in that way. In the fantasy world of werewolves, vampires, elves and witches, we are more related to cats in many ways; our flexibility, senses, staminal and agility.

I was brought up by my grandfather "Drake". When you tell someone you would be coming over with your grandfather for dinner, they would probably be expecting a grumpy old man with an eyeglass and a walking stick. But on a contrary 'that wasn't me.' When I say; I would be coming over with my grandfather, you should expect a handsome young man in his late 20's.

Drake has always been the one looking out for me since I was a kid. My parents were killed by werewolves when they tried to protect me from being eaten by the Alpha wolf 'Metal Claws'. I am a Xphynx Cat. Xphynx cats aren't the strongest, or fastest cat but they live far longer than other cats, except they are killed. The locals call Xphynx cats 'Immortal cats' and that was me.

Xphynx cats are born once in a century. Werewolves and vampires saw us Xphynx cats as just ordinary pills to extend their lives and give them more strength.

I never got to know my parents. Growing up with my grandfather, I learned to love him and to be so fond of him. We did so many things together that we became so intimate with one another; we even shared a bed. Eeew! Now you humans may not understand, but one thing cats are known for is their intimacy, we enjoy cuddling ourselves. No big deal.

My grandfather never got to tell me this; He wanted me to live like a human, not feeling like a weirdo or something, but you can't cheat nature can you? Sometimes my cat instincts just pops out, like my ability to see in the dark, speed, high sense of smell and staminal. Did I just say smell. Ugh! Because all I can smell now is dirty stocks, and it's coming from the principal's shoes."*

I stared at my grandfather, I couldn't believe I was actually going to resume school, in other words I would have to stay for hours without him. Tears welled up my eyes.

"Would you like we do a blood or genetic test?" The principal asked still doubting the fact that Drake was my grandfather.

"No, that's against our religion." Drake snaps.

The principal glares at us.

Sometimes, I do wonder if Drake was actually my grandfather, he looks so young and handsome, he couldn't be my father either. Well that didn't matter to me; he was the one I saw when I first opened my eyes, he was the one who helped me with my first steps. What else could I believe?

"Olivia Daniels, you're welcome to Greenstorm high, I hope you enjoy your stay. Take sign on this." The principal hands over a form to me.

I couldn't believe that if I sign this, I become an official student of Greenstorm high.

"Grandpa." I said more in a whisper, expecting he would change his mind.

He gaze at me, he's emerald green eyes seem indifferent. "It's okay Olivia, you will fine."

I sighed, I couldn't believe this was happening. I signed it with trembling hands.


"Olivia are you going to continue like this" He asks holding my chin.

"Grandpa, I don't want to go to school, I want to be with you." I said tears pouring from my eyes.

Sighs. "Olivia I told you; 'You have to go to school, to become something better in the future. And I have to go to work to make some money. Ok?"

"Ok ." I said still crying.

Olivia's POV.

I saw the hurt in his eyes that he was leaving alone, in school. I didn't want him to leave either. The other students were watching; I didn't care at all. I look like a big overgrown baby right now, but whenever it comes to my Grandfather I could do anything.

Drake's POV.

*He couldn't believe he was going to leave Olivia alone, in school. He couldn't take it but he had to behave like a man he was. Olivia's parents had died when the werewolves were trying to get her. He was her only family right now; Olivia as a Xphynx cat needed more protection than any other cat, especially now that she was ripe to get a mate; her scent would be stronger than ever. He hadn't tell Olivia about her parents or that she was a cat because he didn't want her to feel different. Since they were in the human world, he wanted Olivia to feel just that. 'Like a human'.

He was missing his granddaughter already, all he could do now was hope that she's okay, he would probably smell any werewolf or vampire that comes into town before it can get to Olivia. All he could do now was to heighten his cat senses.*

"Olivia." He calls softly, his voice breaking my heart the more.

"You will be fine." He said then cleans the few drops of tears dripping from my eyes.

I wrap my hands around him, and hugged him tightly not wanting to let go. It felt like I wasn't going to see him again.

He hugged me back, he buries his head in my hair sniffing my neck making me feel his warm breath. This wasn't strange at all since it felt better when we discussed with body language instead of words.

He arranged my hair behind my ear. "You will be fine." He mutters.

"I love you grandpa." I muttered.

"I will always love you; Olivia. Right now I want you to go to school. So you can make grandpa proud. Don't you want to do something useful with your life?" He explained.

I nodded innocently.

"That's my girl." He grins.

I managed to smile back at him. "Okay."

I perked him on the cheek and left him without saying goodbye because saying it might hurt a lot.

Drake's POV.

Drake gaze at Olivia as she disappears into the school building, she really was one of a kind. Being a Xphynx cat she was so beautiful and kind hearted. Cats were the most beautiful and flawless creatures you could ever come across in a life time, but Xphynx cat were extra ordinarily beautiful, and that was Olivia. Clearly Olivia was a rare kind since Xphynx cats were mostly males and being born every 100 years, you can wonder how that might look like. Olivia was probably the first female Xphynx cat in 12 millennials.