Chapter 2: Chapter 2


Olivia's POV.

Coming to school was one, but being in class was something else. When I got into the class, all eyes turned to me; I hated being the centre of attraction, now this seem to be inevitable.

I glance at the male teacher, his gaze were fixed on me, I glared at him inwardly. He seem to be younger than most of the teachers I came across on my way to the class.

I walked to a free sit and sat down politely; I could still feel the stares of everyone, they felt like tiny pins on my skin. I tried as much as possible to get my mind off the stares but I couldn't.

"Olivia this is it." I muttered to myself, the teacher who seem to be the biology teacher still had his gaze fixed on me. I raised my head to take one more glance at him but our eyes met, he wore a pair of eye glasses which seem to amplify his eyes. Sighs.

I took a book from my bag pack, and started drawing some stuff at least to get my mind off the awkward looks from the students and from the teacher.

"Olivia!" I heard my name being called by a deep manly voice.

I looked up to see the biology teacher hovering over me. My first thought was how he got so familiar with my name.

"Drawing during lessons. That's interesting." He said with a mischievous smile.

A light gasps escaped from my lips.

I stood up to meet him, he was likely 6.5ft tall against my 5.5ft. I looked up to him.

"Sir-." I tried to speak but he stopped me by placing his index finger on his lips.

"I will go with this." He picks up my drawing book and pencils from my desk.

I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out. I bend my head ashame and shy.

"Meet me in my office during lunch break." He said, then left.

I sat down on my sit feeling frustrated.

Olivia's POV.

The last thing I wanted on my first day of school was falling into some troubles, and of course I just did. Only God knows what this man has in his mind. Right now I felt frustrated, and depressed. The other students still gazing at me. I cursed inwardly.


The first thing I did when it was time for lunch break was to look for his office, I had no idea were it was. But it wasn't so difficult to find.

When I knocked he was quick to welcome me in.

"Hello Olivia." He said more in a friendly tune.

Olivia's POV.

Was I dreaming? I least expected him to sound this nice.

He seem to be quite busy doing some paper works, I was definitely going to wait for a while.

After a while, he arranged his desk and gazed at me for a while.

"Sir, I'm sorry I had to do that in your class, I won't do it again. I promise." I pleaded.

He laughed hysterically making me feel least comfortable. What could I have done to amuse him.

"No, I'm not after your drawings." He said.

"Then what is it then?" I asked politely.

He sighed. "I was probably wondering what a Xphynx Cat could be doing in Greenstorm." He said in a casual way making me try to figure out what he was up to. No teacher spoke so casual to a student.

I stared at him confused, I had no idea what he was talking about.

"What is a Xphynx cat sir?" I asked innocently.

His mood changed, he narrowed his gaze on me. He really wasn't expecting that kind of answer from me.

Ethan's POV.

Ethan was confused at Olivia, he could smell it off her that she was a cat and not just any cat, a Xphynx cat the moment she entered the classroom. He couldn't believe that this girl didn't know what she was. How was he going to begin; was he going to tell her that he was an alpha werewolf. She probably might not believe.

"Olivia" he called me. "What would you do if you woke up one day and found out you weren't human?" He asked me.

I was startled by his question, was this kind of a biological test or something.

I thought for a moment. "I would have to face the fact and live on." I said not sure if I had said the right thing.

He smirks at me. "What about something like a cat?"

What? Why was he asking this. Ok I had to admit I love cats but why would I ever wanna be a cat. Then again, if I were a cat, I would probably be sleeping besides the couch in a cozy living room. "Cats aren't bad sir." I said trying to look indifferent.

"Werewolf?" He asked.

This man was exhausting my patience, why would he be asking me this question, and I had to think twice before answering them.

Werewolves? Didn't movies poltray them as angry unstable tyrants. Why would I want to be a werewolf. "Whatever I am doesn't matter. What matters is that I make good use with it." I said.

He seem indifferent, instead he stood up from his chair and walked towards me in a predatory manner.

Ok he was getting too close now, I tried to remain still were I was not to send any form of disrespectful message.

He pulled the glasses he wore revealing his metallic blue eyes. I had to admit he was a handsome man. He gaze at me, making me bend my head slightly as I felt my cheeks burn. I gulped down heavily.

I could smell, his fragrance which were so nice and appealing, his muscles and chest still burging from his long sleeve; I could feel a kind of predatory aura oozing from him.

I looked up to him and my eyes locked with his. "Sir." I said more in a whisper, we were so close that I could hear his slow and steady heart beat. My heart was going to pop off my mouth soon.

"My name is 'Ethan'."  He said.

I was startled at first, why was he telling me his name now. First day in school was really tougher than I thought.

Ethan's POV.

Ethan gaze at Olivia, what a beautiful Xphynx cat she was. He wonders why she doesn't know she was a Xphynx cat, and he had never heard of female Xphynx cat. He thought. He stare at Olivia's emerald green eyes, they were so mesmerizing, who would want to hurt a beautiful creature like this.

Ethan was feeling lost already; her scent invaded his nose stronger than any other Xphynx cat he had encountered. He couldn't get enough from staring at her; the rumours about Xphynx cats must be true then, he thought. It was once said that one could never get enough from a Xphynx cat.

He also wonders what she might do if she finds out she is a Xphynx cat, or if she knew he was an alpha wolf and what Alpha wolves do to her kind. He didn't want to break her fragile kitty heart now.

He wanted to get familiar with her, it's unusual for wolves to get familiar with cats but he wanted to get familiar with Olivia.

He stared at me dreamingly, I didn't know what he was thinking but I felt really uncomfortable now.

He walked towards me, he arranged my hair behind my ears. "I want to become familiar with you Olivia. And I want you to become familiar with me." He said softly.

I never knew he could sound like that and I didn't like the sound of him wanting to be familiar with me. I didn't understand what it meant either.

He took a few strands of my hair and smelled it, his gaze moved to my neck; He gazed at me his metallic blue eyes sending down a sensation through my body which I was yet to understand.

He bends his head down to my neck; he started sniffing on my neck making me feel his warm breath, I felt the heat which radiated from his body.

I tried to push him away but he resisted; he pinned me on the wall, he continues sniffing on me. Then I felt his warm lips on my neck followed by his tongue making a moan escape from my lips.

His continous kissing and licking of my neck made me felt numb, I felt nothing else but him.

Ethan's POV.

His intentions were to get familiar with her, but the moment he tasted her; he couldn't stop. Olivia was probably the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

He hadn't gotten close to a cat before or even want to get familiar with it. Not even a xphynx cat. He felt Olivia trying to push him away but he couldn't let go of her easily. He felt his alpha instincts crawling in.

I felt myself clinging to him, I couldn't help but enjoy what he was doing; he was becoming possessive of me now.

I could feel his scent, from his neck I was tempted to have a taste of him but it sounded weird.

His hand went slowly to my waist, he seem to be losing himself.

My kneels felt too weak to carry my weight so I felt like falling, but he held me. He stared at me. He took me to a chair were I sat down. He was about to let go of me, then I held him back. I licked him on the face.

He stared at me startled then he chuckled. I felt embarrassed for doing so; but What do I know? He tasted so good.

Ethan's POV.

He stares at Olivia, he knew her cat instincts were already kicking in. But he least expected it would be towards an Alpha werewolf.

He had gotten familiar with her; her taste, scent, heart beats and he was happy she had gotten familiar with him. Cats can get familiar with someone with just a single lick, and also a way of saying they trust someone. Olivia trusted him now.