Chapter 8: Chapter 8


Olivia's POV.

The last two weeks wasn't so good at all; I was attacked by seven vampires in a roll and three werewolves. I guess being so different and the last of my kind wasn't as easy as I thought.

Well I had Ethan and my grandfather, fortunately for me they were always there for me when I needed them. But why do I have this feeling that they were stalking me?

Ethan and Drake my grandfather finally came up with a plan; To take me back home away from the human world to "L'rindell" the cat empire.

Changing environment was kinda interesting and exciting, but was I really ready to leave the human world.

Ethan took us to "Mux" the most famous club in town and the only place were tickets are sold. Ethan and my grandfather were getting along; or at least they weren't fighting, but they were using harsh words on themselves; I mean really harsh words.

Why can't this grown men ever get along? I thought. Whatever it didn't matter, what mattered was that they were the most important people in my life.

I glance at Maxwell, he is the owner of the club. Gosh! Why didn't I thought of it that the owner of the famous club in town was a vampire.

"30,000 dollars for you three." Maxwell said.

Ethan glanced at my Grandfather.

"Here, take this. Now can we have the tickets." Ethan gave Maxwell the money.

"Not so fast Prince Ethan, you three have a price on your heads." Maxwell said with a smirk on his face. This man surely looked mean and dangerous.

Ethan scowls. "What price?"

Maxwell smiles mischievously.

"Drake here has a thousand gold pieces on his head." He said.

A gasp escaped my lips.

"You have a thousand piece on your head, quiet low for a prince if you ask me." Maxwell said.

"Quit jesting Maxwell. We have to get going." My grandfather said. He was getting infuriated now.

Maxwell smiles mischievously, he seem to like doing that a lot.

"And the little girl here, she is the Xphynx right? I can smell it off her, she has thirty thousand gold pieces." He said.

I gasped heavily, how could Ethan and my grandfather have just a thousand piece of gold on there heads and I thirty thousand piece of gold. "How much is that?"  I spoke for the first time.

Ethan sighed. "Quite enough to buy a whole country if converted to human currency." He snapped.

"What do you want Max?" Ethan said, he seem to be the one making the deals.

"Simple, I need double the price on your heads." Maxwell snaps.

"That's impossible, were could we get that much money in the human world." My grandfather said.

Ethan sighed. "You should at least let us cross over to L'rindell, we can get your money from there." Ethan pleaded.

"Quite impossible to get the money here, but you forget the part of you maybe not surviving." Maxwell laughs hysterically.

"I need my money, no money, then you are trapped here. Forever." He said.

Ethan stares at me, I couldn't believe he was going through this because of me.

Maxwell stares at me dreamingly making my heart skip a beat.

"Ow I forgot, she is a Xphynx. Right?" Maxwell said referring to me.

Ethan held me closer to himself. "She is out of the deal Maxwell." Ethan snapped.

Maxwell smirks. "Her blood might do. Just a drop."

My grandfather glares at Maxwell, he wasn't please at all.

"Maxwell, you can take anything else. But not her blood." Ethan pleaded.

Maxwell grins. "Funny right, the old tale of ever being so blood tasty after tasting the blood of a Xphynx cat?" Maxwell said.

"Let's get out of here." My grandfather said.

"I quite agree with you." Ethan agreed.

We got up and left the club.


Olivia's POV.

Leaving the club, I clinged to Ethan, it was so cold outside and his arms made me feel more secure and less worried. My grandfather seem to trust me to Ethan but I could tell he was still wary of Ethan.

My grandfather sighed. "This happened to be a futile journey and a complete waste of time." He blurts out.

"We could go to Paris, someone there might help." Ethan suggested.

My grandfather scowled at Ethan, I could sense what was coming; another exchange of harsh words.

"Maybe if your kind weren't so selfish and ruthless, I would have been home with my family enjoying the weekend together." My grandfather blurted out angrily.

Ethan wasn't in the mood to face him at all, he was so down emotionally. It was probably because Maxwell seemed to make it impossible for him to take me to L'rindell.

"I admit the fact that the werewolves had hurt you, but perhaps if you kittens hadn't stick to your pillows and sofa, having lazy times, you could have had at least a soldier to defend you from the werewolves and vampires." Ethan said.

I could sense the raging anger and frustration, we all were frustrated but it wasn't a good idea taking it on one another.

My grandfather's claws and fangs were elongated already, his whiskers slightly out. Ethan seemed not bothered at all and strangely confident that he might beat my grandfather without have to shift into his werewolf form.

I was in panic, I could hardly breathe, was I going to watch them fight.

"Stay out of this Olivia." Ethan said pushing me away but I couldn't let go, I couldn't let then fight.

Ethan stared at me, his eyes glowed, his fangs were out. They were going to take their frustration on each other.

"Let's end this now Ethan." My grandfather said.

"You would fight me again." Ethan said.

"Only that this time, we are fighting to protect her." My grandfather said.

I couldn't believe my ears, they were really going to fight. I had to stop this madness.

"Stop!" I yelled getting between them.

"What is wrong with you two?" I yelled again.

"This – this is about protecting me. right? Then you better stop, I don't need your protection." I yelled frustratedly, I guess I was taking mine on the both of them.

"Just leave me alone." I said walking away.

Ethan and my grandfather wore a sorry look, I couldn't believe I just yelled at them, but I couldn't take it either. They followed me closely from behind, probably waiting for who might apologize first, something which seemed almost impossible for males, with their male ego.

We got to the gate with I leading the way, but to our greatest surprise; Maxwell stood at the gate with some hefty armed men.

I stood still, waiting for Ethan and my grandfather to catch up.

"What is it Maxwell, come to make another deal?. My grandfather asked.

"No Drake, have you ever heard of the saying that no one walks away on a deal with Maxwell?" Maxwell said.

What was he up to? I wondered.

"What are you saying?" Ethan asked.

"The deal isn't over yet." Maxwell snapped with a grin on his face.

The deal isn't over yet, I think I knew were that was going; He wanted my blood. I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me, if it meant giving Maxwell my blood; I would do it a thousand times. For the last few weeks I had watch Ethan and My grandfather fought to defend me from wolves and vampires I couldn't let anything happen to them.

Was Ethan and my grandfather going to fight this armed men.