Chapter 9: Chapter 9


Olivia's POV.

Maxwell locked us in a room, in Mux with just a sofa and a bed; he didn't need the money anymore, he insisted that he had to taste my blood.

I tried very hard to convince Ethan and my grandfather that if it was my blood he needed, then I could spare some; at least we got out of it alive. But they seem pigheaded with the fact that Maxwell won't be satisfied with just a taste of my blood, that he could drain me alive and he would have an insatiable taste for Xphynx Cats blood. And what worst? His healing abilities would be heighten, he would be stronger and his life prolonged.

They couldn't let another blood tasty monster be unleashed, and besides Maxwell was a vampire; it couldn't get any worst.

We spent two nights in Mux which seemed to be the best and also the worst nights ever. Ethan and my grandfather were looking out for me, but I could sensed they were trying to outdo one another.

I knew they were kind and gentle men, but when it comes winning the love of someone that could be disastrous. Ethan tried his best or maybe beyond his best to please me; being that he was a werewolf and my grandfather a cat makes him feel like having less chances with me or maybe I could turn against him.

My grandfather father seem, to be trying to prove to me that werewolves were the bad guys and you couldn't get any more hospitality from a werewolf than a cat.

I couldn't believe all this was happening, at first I quite enjoyed it being the fact that they had to quit fighting and exchange of harsh words, but the next moment I found myself being choked literally by their kindness and selflessness. You wouldn't believe this men left a whole bed to me; actually they weren't going to use it since they couldn't fall asleep but they were careful not to rumple the bed unless I would feel less comfortable. Gosh! That was hilarious.

I tried proving to them that they didn't have to try so hard on me and I liked them the way they were and the role they played in my life but they weren't listening. Drake was my grandfather and Ethan was my teacher who turned out to be a werewolf and a good friend of mine, I see nothing hard to understand there.

The last thing I wanted was to have to choose between the two of them; that would be impossible. They didn't apologize for wanting to fight in front of me the previous night, I guess for once in my life I was actually pissed off. Sighs. Men with their egos.

I guess I was stuck with them for the rest of my life, and now we are stuck in a room.

My grandfather just left to speak with Maxwell, I and Ethan were left in room alone.

Ethan paced around the room, he seemed to be worried about something.

"Ethan! What's wrong?" I asked.

He glanced at me. "Nothing!" He snapped.

"Lying?" I teased, he wasn't really in the mood for that.

He gazed at me. "Olivia the more time we spend here, we put your life in danger." He said.

"I'm not complaining." I said.

He stared at me startled. "If Maxwell calls my dad, you would be in grave danger. My dad would feast on you." He blurted out.

"You seem to forget the part that, your dad could kill you for protecting me." I snapped.

He smirks. "Yeah, he would. But I won't let him touch you." He said.

"Do me a favour Ethan." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Think about yourself for once, and not about me." I snapped.

"You are asking me to be selfish?" He asked startled.

"Y...yes! Be selfish for once." I stuttered.  "What do you really want?" I asked.

Ethan smiles mischievously; he crawled on the bed to meet me. This was the first time we were getting this close in two days.

He gave me a predatory look. "What I want?" He said.

He was already hovering on me, my legs trapped between his, our eyes meeting.

"What I want Olivia, is to protect you and be there for you." He said.

I frowned. "That isn't selfish." I said.

He smiled. "And if I were to die doing so, I would love to touch you one more time and have a taste of your sweet skin again." He said caressing my cheeks.

A blush crept into my face, I could feel his warmth, I could smell his fragrance. I loved being this close to him, and it was intoxicating.

"Stop flattering." I managed to say.

"I'm not." He snapped.

He tucked my hair behind my ear. "Isn't that selfish enough?" He asked.

"No." I nodded.

He leaned and kissed me on my neck, making me shiver.

"Is it." He asked.

I nodded.

He chuckled. "You are my responsibility now Olivia." He said.

"If I were to be selfish, it would be for you." He added.

I sighed, not what I had expected from him.

"Ok." I said more in a whisper, his eyes were hypnotising, his fragrance intoxicating. I didn't want him to leave the bed yet.

He smiled. "You need to rest, you would need your strength. We have a long journey ahead." He said.

I nodded, I was feeling dizzy already. I could fall asleep in his arms.

The door opened, and I saw my grandfather and Maxwell. My grandfather didn't seem surprise seeing I and Ethan on the bed, perhaps he was expecting it.

Drake's POV.

Sighs. Can't this werewolf just keep his paws to himself, away from his granddaughter.

Whatever, it doesn't matter now, since they were leaving Mux now.

"The deal has been concluded." My grandfather said.

"We can go now. " He added.

I couldn't believe it, I was so excited but surprised. What could he have told this mean vampire for him to strike off the deal. Thank goodness I was leaving this confide space.

I climbed down from the bed. "How was that possible?" I asked.

"By trusting my head and not my muscles." He said glaring at Ethan.