Chapter 10: Chapter 10


Olivia's POV.

We left Mux that night, but my grandfather insisted we start our journey immediately since the journey to L'rindell would take up to a month and half.

I scoffed. We had been driving down the road for two hours now, and all that was left was nothing but trees on both sides of the road. The home journey was more boring than I thought.

My grandfather hadn't made it clear what he told Maxwell, that mean vampire that made him let go of us willingly.

I felt dizzy already, we have been driving for quite long. The car suddenly came to a halt making me snap out of my slumber. What is it, I wondered.

I saw five men in front of us, they didn't seem to come in peace.

To my surprise; claws came out from my fingers, I could feel the hairs on my body stand erect and increase slightly, a cold shiver ran through my spine.

I was still trying to get the meaning of what was happening to me. Was I shifting into a cat? I thought. I placed my fingers gently on my canines which were now longer than what they used to be.

I was terrified.

My grandfather and Ethan came out from the car to meet them, I followed on a second thought. I felt nervous being left alone.

"Give us the girl, and we promise to let you two be; at least for a while." One of the men said. I recognized him, he was  one of the three who tried to kidnap me.

"You know we can't do that." My grandfather said.

"You can't or you won't?" The man asked.

"Both." My grandfather snapped.

"The girl is our priority." Ethan added.

The man grins. "Look at you Prince Ethan, you betrayed your kin to protect the weak. What honour could that bring?" The man asked.

Ouch. I thought; this man was getting on my nerve. And I should have thought of it, Ethan is a prince. Maxwell also refered to him as that.

"The weak are meant to be protected, defended and nurtured while the strong is to be honoured. It's called nature." Ethan said.

I sighed. Such inspirational words of wisdom. I thought.

"Keep your sermon to yourself." He snapped.

"What happened to the once crowned prince who once made his father and kingdom proud." The man asked.

"He grew up." Ethan snapped.

"Enough of the chatting. I'm not giving you my granddaughter and that is final." My grandfather blurted out.

"Don't push it Drake. You know you can't beat us, we are five and you are just just three. The girl is a minus making it just the two of you." Another said.

I felt nervous and scared already, I could feel my legs trembling. Perhaps this was the end.

"It's worth dieing for." My grandfather said.

I gulped hardly. I didn't want anyone to die.

The first werewolf grins at me. He's mischievous grin had an effect on me. I could feel my fangs elongating, I felt tasty. Tasty weirdly not for water but perhaps blood. My vision blurred red. I remember I had tasted Freddy's blood and it tasted good. I think I was longing for more.

The man wore a serious look. "Jokes aside, hand the girl over to us." He said.

My grandfather held me to himself. "Stay close to me." He ordered.

"You have to cross me first." My grandfather drew out a sword. Jeez I never knew he had one.

The man growls in disapproval revealing his fangs. Now I knew a fight was going to break out; it was inevitable.

"Keep an eye on her Ethan." My grandfather said.

Ethan stared at him intensely, he didn't want my grandfather to face the werewolves alone.

My grandfather frowned. "Keep and eye on her." He said sternly.

Ethan held me, but I tried to break free from his hold.

"Grandpa."  I called.

He ignored me. A fight broke out my grandfather against five deadly werewolves.

"Let go of me." I yelled at Ethan.

My grandfather wasn't able to keep up with this five. He was swift and powerful but not as this five. Only his bravery outweigh the five's. Of course he was fighting against five werewolves, who could be bravier than that.

He was losing the battle; One of the five dipped his claws into his chest and jolted him against a tree making him give a sharp yell.

"No!" I screamed.

Ethan released me, and went to rescue my grandfather before he was hit again.

I ran to meet him. "Grandpa." I called sobbingly.

He groans, blood coming out of his mouth. I opened his chest, to see the five markings of the claws. I watched the markings as they healed slowly much to my amazement; I have never seen anything like it.

He graped my arm, he gazed at my eyes. I saw he was hurt. "Run Olivia. Don't let them get you." He said.

"No, I won't leave you." I sobbed. "I can't." I said more in a whisper.

"Olivia." He called. "I will live if you run, right here." He places his hand on my chest. "In your heart." He added.

I knew what he meant already, he was going to sacrifice himself to save me. "Please don't." I said more in a whisper.

He grinned at me. "I love you Olivia."

I continued sobbing. "I love you too grandpa. Please don't leave me."

He stood up on his feet, and glance at me one more time.

A werewolf tried to hold me, but he held his hand back, and he continues battling with them alongside Ethan.

Another werewolf ran to meet me but I ran away as fast as I could. He got me cornered.

I instinctsively scratched him on the face.

He winced and I watch the scratch healed until there was nothing left. Not even a scar.

He grabbed my throat roughly making me scream sharply. I could feel his claws deeped inside my neck, I could feel my blood gushing out relentlessly.

"Not so smart are you?" He said

"Olivia!" Ethan called.

He lifts me up his grasp on still on my neck his claws getting deeper. I couldn't take the pain and agony.

Ethan came to my rescue; he held the werewolf and stabbed him on the spine with a dagger making me land on the ground roughly.

My neck hurts. I placed my hand on my neck and looked at it. I saw my blood, what seemed weird was how my blood seem to disappear so quickly it was kinda evaporating so fast.

I placed my hand on my neck again, but to my surprise there was no clawed markings again. I had healed. But I still felt the goose bumps on my neck.

Ethan squat to meet me. "Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded, I was dumbfounded.

"Ethan!" My grandfather yelled. "Take her out of here." He said.

"No!" I protest. There were more werewolves coming.

"Come on Olivia." Ethan said.

Ethan pulled me into the woods which I tried vainly to break free from his hold.

"Let me go Ethan!" I yelled at him kicking and scratching him.

"Olivia, you can't go back." He tried to explain.

I paid a deaf ear, I struggled with him but he was too strong. I didn't seem to shake him at all.

He placed a handkerchief on my nose covering my mouth.

"Don't!" I yelled.

The smell from the handkerchief felt so hypnotising, it made my body felt numb, my eyelids grew heavy, I felt dizzy.

I peeped through my eyelids one more time; I saw my grandfather being stabbed with his own sword in the spine. The sword came out through his belly.

I watched his lifeless body drop to the ground. He was dead now.

I felt a tear drop from my eyes, then I gave in to the slumber the scent from the handkerchief had caused.