Maya Knows

I eyed Sebastion warily. The dark bruises under his eyes, and the tormented look upon his face where all to revealing. The need to kill had been much stronger than my own, and he was only on the brink of turning into a blood thirsty monster. He sat slumped forward in his chair, his eyes partially closed as he sat exhausted at the table before me. He was trying so hard to fight the urge, and it was only getting worse. I wonder if this was how dad felt before he died. Would Sebastion actually die from with drawl? Even if he didn't he still looked like absolute garbage. His hair was a disheveled mess, he was pale white and honestly looked as if he was fading. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

I watched as he slowly leaned against Maya, his head resting in the crook of her neck. His breathing wasn't noticeably labored to the untrained eye, but having spent our entire lives together, I knew that he was struggling. His body, regardless of how much he fought, was shutting down. I grabbed his hand with mine and gave him a reassuring squeeze. With as much energy as he could muster, his eyes narrowed into tired slits as he looked up. I could see the desperation that laid behind them, and the pleading to make it stop. I don't think he could even lift a sword to defend himself.

"Sebastion, you really are wasting away. You need to tell her the truth." I spoke quietly. If he felt anything like I did earlier, anything would set him off. I didn't want to trigger his anger in case he couldn't reel it back in. Maya rubbed his arm comfortably all the while casting worried glances between us. I watched as her pony tail slightly flicked left and right as she tried to read our thoughts, but was left utterly confused in the process.

"I...can't Aria." He strained. I sighed, my desperation seeping through. If he wasn't going to tell Maya, then I would have to. It would sound better coming from him, but I would do what ever it took to save him. Even if it meant he would despise me afterwards. I let go his hand and turned to Maya. Upon further examination, she was just as tired looking. Of course her situation was different. Spending many restless nights waiting upon Sebastion and then having to deliver messages back and forth from us to Jaden, it must have really started to wear her out.

"Sebastion Steele, I will not tolerate you killing yourself because of your insecurities. After all you are still my brother and I care for you tremendously. So if you don't have the courage I will. I think it's time we come clean about our heritage. With the truth revealed will come your salvation." By salvation I meant the release of his pain. But of course he stubbornly glared at me and wrapped a weak arm around Maya. I took that as him saying he wouldn't do it. So typical of him. I was about to speak when the door slowly opened and Drake walked in.

My mouth fell open in awe as he had completely changed from this morning. He had to step out to take care of some personal matters, but of course and as always he didn't elaborate. He left with his normal t-shirt and black jeans, but upon entrance he had totally transformed. Instead of his usual garbs, he wore a black long sleeved button down shirt with fancy black slacks to match. A black cape was draped around his neck and over his left shoulder, covering his arm. The cape had gold trim around it, with an etch of a dragon standing poised on the back. On his shirt where many colorful medals and pins. He was a very decorated soldier, and a lot of his accomplishments where pinned to his shirt. I felt pride swell in my heart just looking at him. He stood tall, his back never slouching nor his eyes never faltering. In this moment he definitely looked like a royal Prince.

As Drake always called me, this was my mate. My other half that I would hope to spend the rest of my life with. In his time he had accomplished so much. From the documents I scanned over sometimes, I would often find that he would be praised for his good deeds and accomplishments. He was a very well loved Prince, and always thought of his people first, even when he was so far away from them. At his side was a woman full of menace and murder. All the accomplishments I made where from an old bastard that sat on an imaginary throne. The only throne I would ever sit on, is the bones and souls of innocent people I murdered to get where I am today. I was not worthy of being by his side.

Drake dragged a hand through his hair before setting his eyes on the table. At first he seemed surprise, but he turned grim when his eyes laid upon Sebastion. He gave a long sigh, his body sagging slightly as he made his way over to my side of the table. Not once did his eyes leave Sebastion. He gave me a quick peck on the head, while closing my mouth with a gentle hand.

"Sebastion, if you don't get blood soon you will die. Enough of this." Drake ordered as he sat down at the table. He immediately gathered up documents that had been pushed from the far side of the table. Sebastion huffed angrily, upset that he had given away a small part of our secret. I gathered up his cold hand in mine again, grasping it firmly so that he knew I was concerned for him. Even tears started to prick my eyes.

"Do you remember when you use to nurse me back to health after everyone of my beatings? The way you would tend to my wounds and comfort me through it all until I was able to stand on my two feet again?" He was silent at first, but then nodded slowly. I gave him a small smile. "I remember your face every time I was dragged back to our room. My physical pain never hurt as much as my emotional pain when I saw you so upset. But that's how I am feeling for you right now Sebastion. I won't have my blood dying on me. I understand your concerns, because to be honest I share them. But I don't care about what any one else thinks as long as you get better." Sebastion eyed me warily before closing his eyes in defeat. With a small sigh he nodded once again, too tired to actually speak. He was getting worse by the second and soon enough he wouldn't even be able to stand. I pulled my dagger out from my hidden sheath against my thigh and passed it to Maya. She stared at it, dazed and confused.

"I will explain everything. I would do this myself it I wasn't also effected by it. But he just needs a little bit of blood. Please Maya he is dying." I pleaded with her. At first I thought she would reject the idea. I watched the unease that passed over her face as she contemplated my request. Finally her face turned hard and she made a small pass over her forearm, much like Drake did earlier. I flinched as the smell hit the air, trying to hold back the urge to force myself on to her open wound. I didn't think it would effect me as much since I had a little earlier, but it still seems that I am deprived enough to want more.

I watched Sebastion's face come alive, his pupils widening as he followed the stench of blood to Maya's arm. He looked like a starved beast who had found the most succulent pray. His lips wasted no time latching on to her wound, sucking and lapping up every drop of blood that he could manage. Maya sat still poised, her face expressionless as he feasted upon her open wound. I am sure that underneath it all, she seemed very appalled by his thirst and greed for her blood. But I didn't care right now how she felt, because the color to my brother's face was returning. I could see him straighten his posture with every drop, much like I felt earlier.

When he was done feasting, I passed him a clean napkin. He accepted it with a grim look. Blood had smeared around his mouth, and he was displeased with himself. That much I could tell. After he was done cleaning himself off, I quickly set out to wrap a bandage around Maya's arm, telling her of our heritage. I told her about the shifters and how we where the last descendants of blood dragons. Sebastion hadn't been around for a lot of this information, so he was just as surprised to learn everything she had and was quiet. As I finished speaking, I tied the bandage tightly and took my seat next to Drake, who was reading more documents that had been scattered on the table.

Maya carefully laid a hand around her bandaged arm, quietly and silently pondering. With her poker face it was hard to tell what she was thinking. She just kept her head cast down at the table, and a hand wrapped around her dainty bandaged arm. Like we had scorched her with a flame. Sebastion didn't hide his feelings as good as she did though. He sat absolutely mortified. His elbows rested on the table and his hands where dug into his hair. He felt the same way I felt earlier when Drake let me feed off him. I could relate to his feelings, but it was necessary for survival.

"I know this is a lot to take in, and I appreciate you helping my brother Maya. Please understand that if there was any other way right now, we wouldn't have asked you to do this. As soon as the meeting comes around, I have every intention of telling the others the truth as well. I can also understand if you want to back out of this. I asked your help for gathering information, but it seems that things might get more dangerous the more we uncover their intentions." I rubbed my arm uncomfortably. I felt like I cheated them by not telling them sooner. But I was starting to realize the danger I had put them in when I asked them to join our cause. If it hadn't been for me they would still be living comfortably at the Guild and not shoved into something bigger than they could handle.

"If you don't mind General, I really can't speak for the others. But I can only speak for my self when I say I still wish to remain at your side. Drakos has done a lot to our small and deformed family. Everyone of us has lost something because of him and I would like to get my revenge. I am grateful for the years of service by your side and despite what you are, that doesn't change my image of either of you. I still see you as the two siblings that changed our lives. I know that Jaden and the other would feel the same way as well." She spoke softly, her eyes watering as she gazed at me. Sebastion dropped his hands, caught off guard by her touching response. I really did have good people taking care of me. I only wished that I could do the same for them down on the field.

"Ah Maya, you always know what to say to make a girl blush." I teased her. Maya let laughed in response. With her beaming smile, she placed a hand on Sebastion's hand and gave it a firm squeeze. He really did find a great woman. I just hoped that the others would respond in the same way she did and accept the situation for what it was.

"I think we should start heading out. With the raining threatening to fall, I don't want you out for too long." Drake spoke with such urgency that I couldn't help look out the balcony glass door. Indeed it was starting to get dark out. I am sure that the others where already waiting for us down at the tavern. I wondered if they would all gather now because the rain was over head. There wouldn't be any activity now because of the threat of a flood. Can I handle revealing my secret to them all at once?