The Blessed Rain

Water droplets fell from the sky in a light trickle. It splashed upon my face and traveled down my chin. A shivered from the cold touch, and from the memories that came with it. Rain, both a blessing and a curse. I pulled my cloak tighter around my body and continued to walk down the empty market street. Sebastion amd Maya walked on my right side while Drake walked on my left. Sebastion and I shared a disgruntled glance as each drop became heavier as we continued toward our destination.

A warm hand found its way under my cloak and wrapped around my fingers. The hand squeezed mine reassuringly and I looked up at Drake surprised. He didnt look down at me, just kept his cloaked head forward. Despite my past protests he still forced himself to attend our meeting. I was grateful for his presence, but I still worried about him. With the rain he said his work load had decreased, so for now I wouldn't push him.

We approached the tavern, a white tall building with many floors. It was wedged between two others, makimg it look cramped and tight. A single sign hung from a suspended rod that read, Lucky's Tavern. It swayed with the wind that ripped through, creaking and groaning as it swung. Sebastion pulled open the red painted door and offered Maya in with a hand gesture. Giggling she kissed him on the cheek and walked in.

"I how you don't expect me to do the same. I'd rather cut my tongue out." I said teasingly. Sebastion's eyes narrowed and he shook his head.

"I would bleed myself before that happened. Now get inside, its cold and I hate the rain." Sebastion muttered under his breath. I sighed before looking towards the sky. The clouds had turned a more foreboding gray. The darker it got, meant the more heavy the rain, and it was just lingering over us. With a grimace I walked in through the door, warmth covering my frozen face. The heat was welcoming over my frozen body, unthawing me as I continued to walk behind Maya and towards our usual table.

Thankfully for us Jaden, Alliah, Devante, and Jespah where already seated and waiting. They had there heads cast down low, there eyes on the drinks that sat between their arms. They truly seemed exhausted today, and utterly defeated. What had caused them to look so tired? Upon arrival of the table, Drake pulled out a chair and sat down quietly, not muttering a word befre pulling me down on top of him. I glared at him in protest, but he ignored my efforts and continued to wrap his arms around my waist. Sebastion had done likewise with Maya who was absolutely loving his attention.

"Sebastion, you seem to be faring better today. I was sure you would keel over if you had stayed any longer." Jaden addressed Sebastion first, which was unusual. I figured it had soething to do with Drake's presence. Nicklos was the one who would normally attend and now it had switched. It wasn't a rumor that Jaden like the people I had allied with. Even when we met him at the Guild Tavern he was stiff with him.

"Yes well, if it hadn't been for Maya I probably would have." There was pride in Sebastion's voice. Of course if it hadn't been for Drake I don't think either of us would be standing here.

"Maya what happened to your arm? Why is it bandaged?" Alliah asked, concern thick in her tone as she spoke. Maya turned towards me expectantly and I clutched at the table. Panick had started to wash over me. Sure Maya was excepting, but would everyone else be as well. She was certain they would, but I had my own concerns. Drake gently squeezed me and I sighed. It wasn't like they would shun me. After all this was aomwthing I learned recently. So I told them everything, just like I did Maya. They sat quietly, and intently. They where still statues till the very end, and even after they where quiet. It was hard to gauge if they where accepting, or in denial.

" be honest I think we where all think you where different from the start. No one can be as quick as either of you two, and you have the hearing of a bat so it kind of makes sense. Not to,mention your quick temper when to comes to murder." Jespah chimed in after awhile. Jaden punched his arm with a sound thud. He hissed between his teeth and rubbed the tender spot while glaring at him. A chuckle ecaped my lips and I waved hia anger off.

"Jaden he's not wrong, don't be so angry with him. Its not something I haven't already told myself." I inwardly sighed with relief. They where calmer about this than I expected them to be, and it was nice knowing that they still had my back. Regardless of who or what I was.

"With all of that out of the way, we have a favor to ask you Aria." Devante interrupted. Jaden glared at him, mad that he was interrupted before he could speak. I waved for him to go on and he nodded once. "I kbow you are suppose to stay hidden, but we could use your help. Even with the rain, its damn near impossible to get close with these guys. I figured we could use your ears and be gather what we needed." Drake stiffened underneath me. Even without seing him I could tell he was absolutely livid with the idea. I placed a hand on his chest to stop him from errupting.

"Do not cause a scene here my love. You will only make the situation worse." I spoke as I leaned into his ear and spoke. I could see him gnash his teeth together, restraining his dominating side of him. Jaden watched quietly, assessing the situation.

"Indeed we need our leader on the field. It would make things go by much more smoothly. After all she is the best swords man out of all of us. If we get into a pinch, there shouldn't be an issue getting away." Jaden spoke up, adding on to Devante's favor.

"Helping and getting out of danger is not the issue. The problem is we still have no idea what they plan to do with me when they catch me. If they find out I am within grasp of his men, there is no stopping them from tearing down the entire Kingdom to get me. To much is at risk." Of course I really wanted to get out and help on the ground. Drake's anger is not something that I want to see again. All eye's seemed to slowly wander to Drake for his final decision. They waited patiently as he sat there, motionless, thinking. His arms where still tight around my waist as he slowly inhaled and exhaled, annoyed.

"Is it vital that she is on the field?" Drake asked slowly. I raised my eyebrow in question, turning in his lap to search his face. What was he thinking? Was he really going to let me help after all this time?

"She is alive today because of her skills. I wouldn't be asking if I didn't think this plan would go smoothly. These guys have no idea who we are because we have never seen them before, and I doubt that a mindless zombie would point her out and bring her back to Drakos either. We will be there in case something does happen, so rest assured that everything will be in good hands. We will take her in the morning and bring her back at night. I doubt they will be doing much of anything right now any way with this storm." In Jaden's response thunder rumbled in the sky, a low warning for before it started to dump rain.

"I'll send Maya with my answer tonight. I am the leader of our small group, but this is not just me decision. I work with many different Kingdoms and they all need to be in agreeance." Drake mumbled under his breath before sighing. So he was only a leader by status not command. I guess that would make sense because he wasn't my father. I wonder what they would do if I started bossing them around. I highly doubt that they would really listen because I wasn't a raised a dragon, or brought up by royalty. I guess I should just be happy that Drake was sitting by my side on this one.

"We appreciate your consideration. I hope that you can see it our way and how it will benefit us, your Majesty." Jaden said rising from the table. Another low rumble echoed off the walls, windows rattled against he pressure. The others rose after him, all standing and taking a small bow before leaving the table all together. I watched as they slinked through the tiny crowd that had formed by the cold weather. Clothing and hair all soaked by the rain outside. People muttering upset that they hadn't had time to get under cover before the down pour had begun.

With the table now empty, it was just Sebastion, Maya, Drake and I. We the table was silent. Not one person made to move or even speak. Even the tiniest of breathing was barely audible as the crowds only started to get louder. I carefully laced my finger through Drake's hand on my waist, hoping to get some sort of reaction out of him. He squeezed lightly in response, telling me that he was okay. With a small sigh, I pulled myself from Drake's lap and offered out my hand to him.

"If you are really serious about Sebastion and I working in the field, then we need to talk to them together. I won't say that even I would be able to convince them to let me help, but I do know that this is not something you can do without us. I also know someone who would vouch for me as well, and may be able to work them to our sides." I muttered the last bit under my breath. I heard Sebastion chuckle darkly under his breath before helping Maya to her feet. He knew who I was talking about. I was talking about Nicklos of course. Nicklos how I worked on the field, and new how I could evade danger. The situation was different seeing how I was working against the people that raised me, but still nonetheless that was an advantage.

"It will give him the opportunity to get into your good graces again. The only one he needs to persuade is Lucius. Argus is under my command, Nicklos is his own leader, and Lucius belongs to another Kingdom as a representative. But with how much he loathes you both, I wouldn't get your hopes up." Drake said taking my hand and standing, his full height looming over me. Despite his calm composure, it did nothing to hide the stress that I could feel radiating off him. I laced my fingers through his hands, squeezing gently.

"I suppose I could just charm him." I teased. Even though I meant it as a joke, Drake stiffened and through his hood, felt his glare down on my face. Sebastion chuckled again from behind me, clearly amused by my dark humor. There was a soft thud and a quiet 'ow'. I turned and found Sebastion rubbing his arm, his hood directed at Maya.

"We all know that Aria is not good at charming anyone, so just relax. We will put up our case and go from there. Now let's get out of here before this rain comes down any heavier." Maya said taking Sebastion by the arm she wacked and leading him through the tavern. I went to follow, but Drake slightly pulled on my arm to still me. I turned to face him, wondering why he had stopped me. Before I could ask any question, Drake placed a hand on my face and crushed his lips to mine. I could feel his fear, his concern. He truly did love me, that much I could tell. How was I suppose to convince him that I would be alright?