Come Back


"Please, daughter," Aymora whispered through her teeth, "Please. Don't leave us."

Thrub… thrub… 


Reth's entire body went rigid and he rolled onto his side, pushing up onto his elbow, though he wasn't supposed to move that arm because it was where they connected. He patted Elia's face gently. "Elia, Love, please… please… don't give up. Keep fighting. We're almost there."

"I can't… the bleeding is too…" A small cry of frustration and fear shoved out of Aymora and she leaned into Elia's stomach, her head tipping back, eyes screwed tight against tears.

"Open the pipes again, Reth, just in case… just in case we can—"

"We never closed them," he croaked, his thumb tracing Elia's cheek that was growing more pale. Her skin was dry, but she'd taken on an unhealthy cast, as if she were turning blue.