

It was the pain that dragged her back. She fought it for a time, unwilling to face it again.

Her body was on fire. Her stomach and legs felt as if they rested in the forger's flame. She didn't want to move, or breathe. But she had no choice.

She was still here. Still alive. And she could smell Reth.

She could also smell blood—his as well as hers.

She forced her eyes open to find him leaning over her, his eyes red with grief, face pale and gray.

"Reth?" Her voice was little more than a rough breath, but his eyes widened.

"My life for yours…" he whispered. "My blood that yours might not be spilled."

He was so beautiful, the best sight she could have asked for. She wanted to smile, to kiss him, to reach for him. If only she didn't hurt so.

But then his eyes… rolled in his head.

"Reth… what?"