the plane that comes from Spain just arrived in the Philippines one of their passengers is Nicolo fuertez a businessman who came here to expand his empire.

it is not his first time going here, they own a mansion that is located in Pampanga, he is pure Spanish but he grows up here in the Philippines.

his parents met here and start their love story. all of their happy memories are here, the whole ride is silent his getting a little bored so he looks in the car window it is still sunset so the scenery is still clear outside.

while looking outside someone caught his attention, it is a girl in the park who was sitting in a wheelchair so he concludes that she can't walk.

there's something strange in his heart, why is it beating so fast.?

do I have a heart problem.?

I think I have to go see a heart doctor.

the girl is smiling while watching the kids playing in the park, but when he accidentally looks into her eyes, he sees nothing but sadness.

what's with her eyes? I wonder who put sadness in them.

he once again looks at the girl, but he didn't see it there.

maybe she left already while he was in deep thought.

I hope I'll see her again.

after the long ride, they finally reach his mansion, the maids are all lined up in the hallway.

the moment he stands at the entrance they greeted him in synchronization.

after that, they left the hallway still in line.

when all the maids had left nanny mining approach me.

how are you, my child.?

why didn't you tell me you're going home so I could once again clean your room and prepare your favorite dishes.!

it is not a secret if I tell you that I'm coming home.

I smile when I see her frown at what I said.

nanny mining is our housemaid since my parents start their married life.

let's go child before the food got cold.


hey all, are you sure you'll be fine alone?

you know I don't mind if you leave with me in my condo right.?at least there I can look after you.- WENDY

wendy I swear I can handle myself ok.!

I'm the only one left to manage the flower shop and I can guarantee you that my helpers are all good people.

I can see that she's really against my plan on leaving on my own, but what can I do this is the only way for me to feel that I'm not all alone.

I'm a ballerina before that plane accident that took the life of the two-person love.

we came to London for my ballet show and all the audience loved it so I'm very much happy with the most famous ballerina at that time my life is full of happiness because I have already achieved my dream.

but as I thought nothing can go wrong then think twice.

we are on a plane going back to the Philippines when the plane got a problem and crashed, I was the only survivor of the three of us but the problem is I can't use my legs anymore.

the doctor says I can have therapy for it to go back, so I come to a different physical therapist but nothing happened there are no changes so I give up on thinking I can walk or dance again.

let's get back to my present life, I now manage a flower shop that my mom left for me she loves flowers that's why I can't stand leaving these places because these are her only memories.

before we go to the shop we decided to stop at the cemetery I want to visit mom and Tita prianca.

tita prianca is a ballerina too she's my teacher she teaches me all she knows about ballet she even sponsored all my out-of-the-country rehearsals and she's like a second mother to me.

she even said that she wants me to be her daughter, and she said that I should go with her to meet her son.

I didn't get the chance to meet her son because we've become busy, nanny mining their mayordoma say's that tita prianca's family flew back to Spain to move on.

if I can't make it please tell my son how much I love him lylian.- tita prianca

those are the last words that she said but I didn't get the chance to say them.

when we arrive at the cemetery I go first to my mom put on flowers and light a candle.

and so for tita prianca if her child visits her grave, are they here in the Philippines now?

wendy can we go to the park nearby? I asked wendy

sure but why? aren't you tired- wendy

not yet, mom and I used to go there to have a picnic, I'm sure I can't get here more often because I will surely get busy.

wendy didn't ask any more questions and just drive me there, how I love this woman she's my childhood best friend she is like a sister to me.

since the day I was hospitalized, she's there taking care of me, and even at my check-up, she's there.

just stay here ok.! I'll just get some drinks.-wendy

she didn't wait for my reply and got off to find a store to buy drinks.

I just sit there watching the kids play with their families, others are dancing the others are running.

how I wish I can do all of those again, the doctor says maybe I'm stressed that's why there's no progress in my therapy.

so he suggested I relax and take a breath I have to accept all the facts that are in front of me.

we stayed there for a couple of minutes before we get back in and go home to Pampanga.

I'm hoping that I can get peace of mind there.