it's been two days since Nicolo went here to the Philippines.

but until now he can't find the right place to build the restaurant that he and his friend want, so he decided to roam around the town to find that perfect place.

he is with his secretary because he doesn't talk to people he doesn't know, he only picks the place then his secretary will talk to the owner.

they roamed for about an hour but they didn't find anything so they decide to go home and try to find it again tomorrow.

Ohh... you are already here did you find the perfect place for your restaurant.?- nanny mining

not yet nanny but we will try again tomorrow, I have to find a place I have to go back to Spain.

you won't stay long here why?-nanny mining

I still worked there nanny and I can't let papa be alone.

after my conversation with the nanny mining, I went straight to my room to have some rest I'm very tired.


it was a very busy day for lylian she woke up early and prepare breakfast, and she will go to the flower shop.

aside from flower arrangements, they were making personalized pots and she was the one responsible for that.

before ballet making personalized flower pots is her first love this is the reason why she met her second mother Mrs. prianca.

Mrs. prianca loves flowers and told her that she has a small garden in her mansion she said that she is the one who takes care of that garden.

Mrs. prianca always buys a pot for their shop.

and when she asked her why the lady just said that she can feel her heart in every pot that she make.

there is this one day when she delivered the pot to their mansion.

she was very amazed by the structure of the mansion it was like she was back in the Spanish era, and it was so wonderful.

she helped Mrs. prianca fix her garden and she stayed there for the whole day she learned that Mrs. prianca has only one son but it is in Spain at that time and she said that she's want to have a daughter, the lady keeps insisting she meets her son.

every time the lady brings up that topic all she can do is smile and change the topic.

one day she visited again in the mansion the lady didn't know she was coming, well she tried calling her but the maid said that their madam is busy teaching.

she didn't know that she was a teacher the lady didn't mention that, all the helpers in the mansion knows her so she was free to roam around.

she informed the nanny mining if she can roam around she promised that she won't touch anything.

the old lady just laughed at what she said and permit her to do what she wants the people here in the mansion are kind she says in her mind.

she is just walking through the hallway looking at all the beautiful painting, she's looking for something she wants to see if there is any pictures or painting of Mrs. prianca's son but she can't find anything, now she's so curious as hell.

well, Mrs. prianca mentioned to her that her son is not into picture-taking.

she keeps on roaming around until she sees a room, it has a name on top of the double door it says ballet room.

out of curiosity, she entered the room she opened the door as silently as she can.

she entered the room and got amazed by the ballerina, they dance in rhythm and grace.

right there and then she knew that's what she wants.

when she told Mrs. prianca that she wants to learn ballet the lady was so happy and told her that she will be the one to teach her the lady said that she will teach everything she knows about ballet.

ballet lessons are hard but she tried her best to learn all of them, she's dancing in their house in the flower shop everywhere if she finds time she will practice.

and the fruit of all of her hardship is a success she became a famous ballerina all over the world.

she came back from reminiscing when she heard a commotion outside of her office, she decided to look outside to see what is going on.

when she's outside she sees her mother's step-sister looking so arrogant, great what does she want this time.? she thought.

the lady looks at her from head to toe and then smirks.

tsk...tsk...look at your stock in that wheelchair can you even walk again? the lady said to her.

the doctor said it will take time for me to walk again but yes I can still walk, so what brought you here? do you need anything?

she said to the lady it was so clear to her that this woman in front of her wants something and she can sense that it is not good.

well, my dear niece, since you can't walk for a while you're mother is not here anymore to take care of you.

you don't even have a father or anyone here to help you, I've decided to take any action because I'm worried that you get into some trouble or someone might take advantage of your situation.

I filed a legal guardian in court and it was released this day I promise to take care of you, my dear. *smiles*

lylian was so shocked by what she heard she didn't know anything about this.!

this is so unfair.! she didn't get the chance to defend herself, no....she can't let this happen this woman is up to something she's so sure of.

I can't accept it I need to see my lawyer I know you're up to something.!

The last time I check you don't have care for me or even for my mother.