
"Aleah, I hope you remembered that tonight is a full blood moon, which means you are to choose a mate, a reasonable one, not the alpha, Jace from the Fire Wolfclan. It will only bring to your demise," my older brother, Leviathan said. 

"I can choose whomever I want! You're just like father. He's gone now, so just leave me alone!" I yell. 

"You're acting like a child! You are 15 years old in human years! You are not a child anymore!" he yelled at me. 

"Oh yeah? Then why am I only a year old in wolf years? It doesn't make sense!"

"Yes it does! You will never understand!"

"What did you just say?"

"I said, you will never understand! Are you deaf or something?" I was suddenly overcome by rage. I charged towards Leviathan and stopped right in front of him. "Take it back now!" I growled with warning. 

"What part? The fact that you will never understand? Maybe, if you stop acting like a child. And about being deaf? Yes, I will gladly take that back, if you learn to listen!" he yelled at me. 

"Take it all back! Or I can very easily kill you!" I yelled. 

"But if you do that, you can very easily be exiled from all the WolfClans. You can also be exiled if you don't choose a mate tonight. So I suggest calming down, and bathe yourself to get ready, and don't forget your bandana again," he demanded me. I back off and disappear into my bedroom to get ready. 

As I started to finish up bathing,  I started to hear the moonrise drums drumming in the distance. The Masters of Wolves were already there. "It's time, Aleah," Leviathan said in a serious tone as I am putting on my green bandana. It symbolizes the Earth WolfClan and the loyalty to all of the WolfClans. "Let's go," I said in a serious tone. 

It was a cold, snowy winter's night. We began walking towards the sounds of the moonrise drums. A beautiful beat to our footsteps. We don't turn to wolves until midnight. The woods we inhabit were given to us since the world began, since time itself gave us this land. The Masters of Wolves were our God and Goddess. They have been around for five centuries. They were immortal and said to decend from the skies every full moon, and unlike us, the human-wolf hybrids that we were. There was a war that divided the WolfClans ten centuries ago. But ever since the Masters of Wolves were chosen, peace was brought among us.

After half an hour of walking, we arrived to the Big Rock where The Masters of Wolves sit upon. I looked up at the stars. And the way they are positioned, it's about to be midnight. The Earth WolfClan, the one I was from, we sat in the East Corner. The Water WolfClan sat in the West Corner, Fire WolfClan sat in the South Corner, and the Air WolfClan sat in the North Corner.

I went to the South Corner right away and started looking for Jace. He was pretty easy to find. Especially for me. Bright, red hair and deep green eyes. His pelt was the color of the sun with amber eyes. I had to hurry though, before midnight, because I could be punished if not back with my clan by then. Then, I saw him standing in front of The Big Rock, with someone I didn't recognize. She was beautiful, and I hate to say this, but she seemed even more beautiful than me. Gray hair and piercing blue eyes. Water WolfClan no doubt about it. This isn't good. So I go up to Jace. "Hey Jace, who is this beautiful woman?" I asked politely.

"Oh, Aleah, this is Sapphire. She's a good friend of mine," he said.

"Nice to meet you Aleah," Sapphire said.

"Yeah. Good to meet you too," I said. "This is really bad." I think to myself. "He might choose her over me. And that definitely would not work."

It was about to be midnight so I started to head back over towards the East Corner. The others begin to howl. We were already turning. So I began to run towards my brother. I made it in the nick of time. I turned quickly and began to howl. The echoes of the howling stretched for miles even after we stopped. The Masters of Wolves have appeared.

"Our Wolves, we are gathered here on the sacred blood moon's night. If you are fifteen or older, the time has come for you to choose a mate. So please gather at the bottom of the WolfClans' Big Rock," they chanted. So I step forward to the bottom of the rock with my brother next to me. He is a year older than me. The males in the WolfClans don't have to pick their mate until sixteen years old. Which I think is so unfair.

Earth WolfClan always goes first in all full moon meetings. 

"Because tonight is a full blood moon, Wolves aged fifteen and sixteen choose their mates. So may they come forward to the Big Rock?" The Masters of Wolves chanted. So I stepped forward. I knew I'd be first to pick from the Earth WolfClan. I watched the others step forward. They had so much confidence, unlike me. "Now that they have stepped forward, let us begin the ceremony. Aleah from EarthWolfClan, please come stand on the Big Rock," they chanted. I began to tremble with anxiety. "I hope Jace will want me as his mate" I thought as I jumped up to the Big Rock. 

"Aleah, your time has come to choose from any WolfClan a male for them to be your mate for life. Look out to the crowd and choose wisely," they chanted again. I stopped for a few moments to think. Then I said it; "I choose Jace from Fire Wolfclan to be my mate for life," 

"That's obsurd! Aleah, I told you not to pick him!" I heard my brother growl from the audience. 

"Leviathan, you know she could choose any wolf she wants. So we would advise you to pipe down and let Jace decide. So Jace, do you or do you not agree with Aleah?" They asked. 

"I do not agree, sacred Masters of Wolves," he said. I stood there, my heart breaking in two. So I jumped off the Big Rock and ran to our cabin in the woods. The WolfClans were all silent as I ran.

I ran up to my room and laid on my bed, screaming and crying. I must have fallen asleep. Because I heard Leviathan storm through the door right before dawn. But he was not alone. The Earth WolfClan's warriors came too. They put me on a leash and dragged me out of my home. I knew then, that I was exiled from all WolfClans. They stripped me of my green bandana. Then they tied me to a tree. One of the Masters of Wolves was there. I knew what came next; hypnotism to make me forget everything. The Master of Wolves placed their hand on my head. I began to howl in pain. I started becoming weak. The last thing I saw was Jace's face and my eyes closed and blacked out. I remembered him saying, "I'm sorry,". Then it was all over.