Chapter Three

After a long day on my new job, it was finally time to go home. I walked out to my car in the parking lot. I unlock the door and get in. Then I started up the engine and drive out of the parking lot. For some reason I am overwhelmed with the want to go to the north side woods. I am just curious about what we saw while we were there. I've never seen a wolf that big before. So after I pulled out of the parking lot, I made my way up to the woods. I'll admit I am quite anxious going by myself. But I press on and start driving there.

It takes me about half an hour to get there. And by then, the sky is nearly pitch black. I get out of the car slowly and quietly. There isn't any thing around the entrance to the woods. So I decide to go further in. It's quite scary, because I never know what could be hiding in the undergrowth. I turn my flashlight on and scan the perimeter. Then I heard something moving behind a big tree. I pan my flashlight towards the tree and I see bright green eyes staring right back at me. It approached me swiftly and that's when I decided to run back to my car. Once I get to my car, I open the door quickly and get inside to lock the car doors. I put my seat belt on and drive away. But I can't help but wonder what it was.

I get home at about nine o'clock. So I immediately start getting ready for bed. I think I might get up super early tomorrow when there's more light to see what it was that I saw. After I'm all ready for bed, I get in it to go to sleep. I wrap myself in my blanket and fall off to sleep.

I start to dream about the woods and what lurks in the shadows there. Because what I saw was definitely not like any animal I have seen. And I still remember my last dream about the woods with wolves in it. There are at least three wolves. One of them a female, and the two other ones are male. Then, my dream turns into a nightmare of war and bloodshed in those woods. But they weren't human beings. They look like they were all wolves. As the nightmare progressed, I was frozen in time. The one male and the female started fighting with the other wolves. Then, they were both fatally injured by one of the other wolves. They laid there, bleeding out from their wounds. And I can't help them. After a few moments pass by, they became motionless.

Then I woke up, my alarm was going off. I must have not heard it going off until now. It's four o'clock in the early morning. I want to figure out what I saw last night. So I get dressed and eat breakfast. When I'm done, I clean up the kitchen. I get in the car and drove towards the north side woods.

When I get there, the sun is just barely rising. I get out of my car and start walking deeper into the woods. It looks so empty, so my question is if I'm really seeing the wolves or if I am hallucinating that they're there. So I decide to go in deeper. After a few steps in, I come across a huge log cabin. However, it doesn't look like anyone resides here. So I turn around and go back to my car. But just as I turn away, I hear movement from inside. So out of curiosity, I walk up to the door. Before I got a chance to knock, someone opens the door. It's a young man with dark copper hair and the brightest green eyes I have ever seen.

"Who are you?" I ask him.

"None of your business. I advise you leave. Now." he said with an attitude. So, I left and walked back to my car. "He looked really familiar. Too familiar," I say to myself. I finally got back to my car and got in. Then, I drove away to go to work.