Chapter Five

"So, you finally remember me huh, Aleah? And who is this boy you brought with you? He's got a big mouth for such a scrawny fella," Leviathan says.

"Hey! You could just ask me you know! The name is Ethan. Ethan Klassic. And who are you to be invading a crime scene? I could have you arrested right fucking now!" Ethan exclaims.

"Settle down, Ethan. You don't know my brother like I do," I warn him.

"Listen to Aleah, Ethan. It might just save your puny life," Leviathan says.

"Look, Aleah. Why don't you come in for some coffee? Ethan, you should stay here. Or go back to work. Your choice," Leviathan offers.

"No. Wherever she goes, I go. After all, I'm her boss right now,"

"Little Man, I don't think you could handle the conversation me and her are going to have."

"Try me."

"Suit yourself. Follow me," Leviathan says. So Ethan and I step out of the car and head to the log cabin set far back in the forest.

"Aleah, there are some things you should know," Leviathan says.

"Like what?" I ask.

"A lot. Let's get to the cabin first. It's safer for you there," he says. We walk the rest of the way to the cabin in silence. I wonder what he's talking about. I vaguely remember Leviathan being my brother. However, I thought it was all a dream. Maybe this IS all a dream. A sick, cruel dream.

After walking through the door of the cabin, some more foggy memories wash over me. I froze dead in my tracks as the memories flow. I cannot move. The emotions are just so overwhelming. No matter what my mind is trying to tell me, this is NOT a dream.

"Aleah, why don't you come take a seat and relax a bit. You look like you've seen our parents' spirits," Leviathan says.

"Our parents? I thought they were still alive, that they just gave us away. They're… dead?" I ask.

"Aleah, would you just come sit so I can explain everything? You are pale. Do you need some water?" he asks.

"No, coffee is fine," I say, as I make my way over to the wooden table.

"What's going on Levi?" a strange female voice says from the base of the stairs.

"Just have some visitors over, Natalie. Nothing to worry about," Leviathan says.

"Are you sure? I smell a full-blood human and one of us,"

"Yes, I'm sure. Now please, go back to sleep. You'll need all the rest you can get. I love you."

"I love you too, Levi. Just be careful around that full-blood human," Then Natalie walks back up the steps.

"Who was that, Leviathan?" I ask him.

"My wife, Natalie, and since you may ask anyway, yes she is expecting two babies in a few days," he answers.

"So, twins? Do you know the sex of them?" I ask. Leviathan frowns. "We don't have that technology to determine the sex of our children before they're born. So, it is just a surprise," he replies.

"Why don't you have the technology? There are plenty of hospitals around," Ethan says. Leviathan growls. Then, right before our eyes, he transforms into a wolf. He approaches Ethan, who is pale as a ghost at the sight. "Now, Ethan, do you really think we would be accepted as we are in the society outside the forest?" Leviathan snarls.

"N-no Mr. Deere sir… Just please don't hurt me," Ethan says with fear.

"Don't ever call me that, again! Us wolves do not have last names. Then, I will let you live," he says menacingly.

"O-okay. My greatest apologies," Ethan says.

"Good. Now, Aleah. Tell me what you have gathered so far," Leviathan says to me. I don't know how to reply. I'm still trying not to panic. Everything I thought I knew, it was all a lie. I'm not sure how to feel. "Well Aleah?" he asks. I feel a pressure building up in my chest, I can't breathe. "Aleah? Are you alright?" Ethan asks me.

"Oh, she's a tough girl, Ethan. She'll be fine," Leviathan says. That's the last thing I hear before my ears start ringing very loudly and my vision goes fuzzy. I still can't breathe, and I black out and fall to the ground. "Aleah!" I hear Ethan very faintly before I fully lose consciousness.