Undead Cemetary

In a small village full of low class peasants a young man named Jonathan with black hair and brown eyes is currently gathering firewood in a nearby forest. With a basket on his back he picks up the small sticks on the ground that has fallen off of the old trees, Jonathan would enter the forest every morning when he needs to gather fire wood.

As Jonathan gather his sticks he was not aware of his surroundings and the goblins who lived in a nearby cave have took note of Jonathan's daily routine and have followed him back to his village several times already and have planned an attack on his village for a few weeks now.

Without being aware that Jonathan was about to breathe his last few breathes as a human he stands back up after picking up a stick and immediately an arrow is shot right through his head and everything went dark. "what happened.... why can't I see anything" after what felt like a few minutes Jonathan felt that he can move again but he still couldn't see anything but darkness and he was stuck in what felt like a small room just enough for him to lay down.

"Where am I, I was just in the forest gather fire wood just moments ago" thought Jonathan. Jonathan attempts to force himself out by pushing on the ceiling of the small room he was in and after a few attempts he finally forces himself out and he finds that he is currently not in any forest and is actually in a cemetary. Jonathan looks up and around him to see that the sky was a eerie purple and every where around him were dead birds, rats, people, dwarves, etc. He also found out that the small room he was in before was in fact a coffin while surprised by his own strength he tried his best not to freak out from the amount of dead bodies and mysterious events that just happened to him in such a short amount of time. He asks himself "where am I, it feels like I'm on another planet." Suddenly a screen appears in front of him.

[Welcome Jonathan]

"What is this writing in front of me"

[Congratulations on being chosen]

"Chosen for what?"

[I look forward to your future accomplishment]

After the messages had stop appearing he questions "what are you?" and to Jonathan's surprise a similar screen appears in front of him.

[I am whatever you perceive me as, my only job is to make it easier for you to fulfill your destiny]

"What's my destiny that I must fulfill"

[your goal is what ever you please because you can do whatever you please]

"Okay..... um.... what should I call you and how will you make things easier for me."

[I don't need a name to be useful to you, would you like to see what I can do to help you]


[Say the word status]

"Status?" the screen in front of Jonathan changes immediately and he starts to read the writings on the screen.

[Name: Jonathan]

[Race: Mindless Undead]

[Level: 1]

[Exp: 0,100]


[Stat Points: 0]

[Hp: 20]

[Mp: 50]

[Vitality: 10]

[Strength: 15]

[Endurance: 10]

[Dexterity: 3]

[Agility: 3]

[Intelligence: 5]


[Consume: a common skill amongst Undeads that strengthens the user by consuming the flesh of living things, Level: 1, Exp: 0, 200]

[Unholy Body: a common skill amongst Undeads that allows the user to still be able to live even with serious injuries and no blood in the body at all, Exp: cannot be leveled up]

[Numb: a common skill amongst Undeads that highly numbs the pain that a normal being would feel to almost nothing, Exp: cannot be leveled up]

[Self Regeneration: a common skill amongst Undeads that slowly regenerates the users health, can reattach severed arms and injuries, Level: 1, Exp: 0, 200]

"What I'm a Mindless undead, which means I died but how I was just alive in a forest just minutes ago" with so many question in his head unanswered he gives up trying to answer them and he decided to go over his stats. "Why is my strength and endurance so high while my dexterity and agility is so low..... I guess since I am an undead my body would have changed but my intelligent doesn't feel any different so I think that's the only stat that remained unchanged, what should I do first"

Jonathan looked down at his hands to find that they were dirty and looked very discolored. Jonathan finally tried walking with his new body and was able to walk at a normal speed but the fastest speed at which he could travel was a fast walk because of his low agility stat. "What should I do?"