Gate Keeper

"What should I do, how do I live as an undead." while walking around the cemetary he sees other undeads but they were all truly mindless unlike Jonathan and none of them attacked him which was a good thing, he also found out that the cemetary was huge and the only alive things he could find were rats, ravens and bats. After walking for a while he finds a path that he instantly took in hopes of leaving the cemetary and after walking for what felt like forever he realizes that he wasn't feeling any hunger or thirst which is probably because he was dead. "I wonder why undeads eat people then if they don't feel any hunger or thirst."

After walking for a while he finally sees a giant metal gate, excited he started walking at his fastest speed which was not much faster than his original speed that he was traveling at before. When he gets near the gate he sees a silhouette of a giant, well built person in front of the gate who was carrying something shaped like a giant stick that was about the size of Jonathan's height. As he gets nearer and nearer to the silhouette he sees the amount of dead corpses increasing which all of them looked like they were crushed by a tree by there broken limbs and crushed skulls. As he continued making his way through the corpses he realizes that he have somehow gotten use to seeing corpses at every corner of his sight, "I guess maybe being dead already helps me get used to these kind of things."

The Silhouette of the giant man was now more clear because Jonathan was now closer to him. The Silhouette he saw before was actually a giant ogre with blood red eyes and was carrying a giant club with spikes on every inch of the wooden club. Finally realizing that the ogre was the one who made all of those dead bodies he stops in his tracks immediately and hesitates on his decision to keep taking the path.

"There's no way I can run past that thing with my low agility and there's no way I can beat that thing with no weapons, how the hell am I gonna get out of this s***hole." thought Jonathan as he was fill with despair and disappointment, and to his surprise another one of those screen he saw earlier popped up in front of him.

[would you want my assist with your current goal]

[Quest Name: The beginning of the prophecy]

[Quest Completion: Leave the undead cemetary]

[Description: an old prophecy states that a mindless undead would leave the undead cemetary and fight his way to the top of monster ranks and replace the currently dead monster king, would you be able to fulfill the prophecy]

[Rewards: 500 exp]

[Side quest: kill the gate keeper]

[Description: slay the giant ogre guarding the gate of the undead cemetary]

[Reward: 200 exp, Ring of Grit]

[Would you like to accept this quest]

"What is this.... a quest, how can this help me"

[For me to be able to assist you, you must accept this quest]

"I'm already dead anyways, I have nothing to lose... yes I accept the quest."

[Great choice, the first way I am going to assist you is I am going to ask of you to check your status]

"Status!" and just like before a familiar screen appears in front of him.

[Name: Jonathan]

[Race: Mindless Undead]

[Level: 1]

[Exp: 0,100]


[Stat Points: 0]

[Hp: 20]

[Mp: 50]

[Vitality: 10]

[Strength: 15]

[Endurance: 10]

[Dexterity: 3]

[Agility: 3]

[Intelligence: 5]


[Consume: a common skill amongst Undeads that strengthens the user by consuming the flesh of living things, Level: 1, Exp: 0, 200]

[Unholy Body: a common skill amongst Undeads that allows the user to still be able to live even with serious injuries and no blood in the body at all, Exp: cannot be leveled up]

[Numb: a common skill amongst Undeads that highly numbs the pain that a normal being would feel to almost nothing, Exp: cannot be leveled up]

[Self Regeneration: a common skill amongst Undeads that slowly regenerates the users health, can reattach severed arms and injuries, Level: 1, Exp: 0, 200]

Confused to how this was supposed to help him, he questions the screen in front of him "okay and ..."

[Do you see your level and your exp]

"Uh yeah I think so"

[The number besides the word level is a type of scale that determines your overall power the higher the number the higher your overall power]

"Okay so um I'm level 1 right"

[Yes you are currently level one]

"Does that mean my overall power is low"

[Yes it does]

"Then how am I supposed to beat that thing with such a low level"

[You can't]

"Oh okay thank you so much for AsSIstInG mE in FulfiLling mY dEstIny"

[I wasn't finished, you can increase your level]

"Oh really how!"

[Do you see your exp]

"uh is it the number 0 next to the number 100"

[Yes that is correct, the first number is the amount of exp points you have obtain and the second number is the amount of exp points you need to level up]

"Okay so how do I get exp points"

[You can obtain exp points by killing other beings and by using your skill consume]

Although Jonathan was a bit uncomfortable thinking about killing another being for his own sake he decided that it was better than rotting in this cemetary. "Well what beings should I kill to gain exp points"

[a new quest appeared]

[Quest Name: cannibalism]

[Quest Completion: kill and consume 20 mindless undeads]

[Description: Kill 20 other undeads in the undead cemetary and use the skill consume on the 20 killed to gain exp points]

[Rewards: 100 exp, 5 stat points]

[Would you like to accept this quest]

"Another quest, I can accept more than one quest at a time"

[Yes, you can accept two quest at max]

"Alright then, I accept this quest"