Leveling up

After Jonathan accepted the quest he went searching for a weapon in the several pile of bodies. Jonathan wanted a weapon that would be useful with his inhumane strength and a weapon that wouldn't require much agility. After searching through several pile of bodies and trying all different kinds of weapons he spotted what looked like the hilt of a weapon on a mountain of bodies with the blade of the weapon hidden in the pile of bodies, unsure of what the weapon was he walked towards it.

For some reason he felt attracted to the weapon even without knowing what it was, when he got to the pile of bodies he grabbed the rusted, worn out hilt of the weapon. He pulled on the hilt with both of his hands and with his high strength stat it proved no challenge to pull the weapon out of the mountain of bodies.

What came out of the mountain of bodies was a giant great sword and it was so great in size that it had to be weilded with both hands. The blade of the great sword was a bit rusted and had a few chips in it but it was still better than nothing, then to Jonathan's surprise another screen similar to the previous ones appeared.

[Weapon name: Rusty Great sword]

[Damage: 50+ attack]

[Special effects: None]

[Weapon Durability: 200, 1000]

[Weapon Efficiency: 0]

[Weapon Description: A old rusty great sword on the verge of breaking but it had seen many battles and had been used many times to take the lives of other before it had gotten to this point]

[Would you like to equip]

"What is this for" confused to what the purpose of the screen was he asked the screen in front of him

[it's the information about the weapon you just picked up, it automatically appears when you feel you want to know more about a weapon]

"Okay do I have to equip it to use it"

[You don't have to equip it to use it but if you do equip it it goes straight to your inventory]

"My inventory... what's that"

[an inventory is a space where you can store items, weapons and armor]

"Oh okay that's pretty useful, how do I see my inventory and how do I store things in my inventory"

[just like how you see your status, all you have to do is say the word inventory and it will immediately appear, you can store things in your inventory by holding an item and just think about putting it in your inventory]

"Inventory" and immediately another screen appeared in front of him with several empty boxes which he assume is where he can store items in. "Equip" and just like that the great sword he was holding now appeared in the first box of his inventory, "I have so much space to store items, maybe I should store some of these weapons and find a use for them later" Jonathan then picked up all kinds of weapon of the ground spears, daggers, sword, hammers and many others.

"Alright now it's time to start killing some undeads" Jonathan walked for a few minutes before finally spotting a group of undeads. "1...2...3..4..5 of them, I don't know if I can take them all at once maybe I should try luring them to me one by one" conveniently a rat started to scurry near Jonathan's feet and he instantly picked up the rat and stared at it for a few seconds. "Somehow I don't feel like I'm scared of it that much like I used to be when I was still a human, probably because I'm a undead now."

Jonathan picked up the rat and aimed for the closest undead to him and threw the rat which landed on the back of the head of an undead which immediately made it slowly turn around to find the person responsible for that was in fact another undead similar to himself. Enraged it walked at its fastest pace towards Jonathan while groaning, "Inventory" a screen appeared in front of Jonathan and he shoved his arm towards the screen and slowly pulled out a giant rusty great sword.

Scared and nervous Jonathan held the Great sword in front of him with both of his hand while waiting for the undead to get closer. Once the undead reached the range of his great sword, Jonathan swung the giant rusted peice of metal slicing through the undeads left shoulder all the way across to it's torso at an angle. Although the great sword was big in size it didn't feel heavy at all to Jonathon because if his high strength stat high strength stat "I probably wouldn't even be able to lift this thing up if I was still a regular human" Jonathan thought.

The undead was still alive and now crawling towards Jonathan with it's one arm still attached to it's torso and surprisingly Jonathan was extremely calm at the sight of the crawling undead. Jonathan looked at the undead and thought that it is probably still alive due to the common skill amongst undeads "unholy body". The crawling undead grabbed onto Jonathan's leg and was about to place it's jaw into his calf but before he could a giant heavy blade was dropped onto his head and killed him.

[Exp +10]

"Oh s*** you were right I did gain exp"

[Of course you gained exp, why would I lie]

"Okay soooo you said I can used the skill consume to gain exp to right"

[Yes I did]

"How do I use the skill consume"

[exactly how you think you would use it]

"Soooo, I have to consume or in other words eat this undead that I just killed"


"But isn't that kinda nasty, The undeads flesh is all rotten and this guy has probably been dead for f***ing who knows how long and not to mention this guy used to be human just like me"

[You won't taste anything because your technically dead, you should also probably get used to doing things like this if you want to fulfill your destiny]

Staring at the rotten, lifeless body on the ground he stored his great sword in his inventory and knelt down on one knee in front of the zombie. Jonathan picked the right arm of the undead and stared at it nervously "here goes nothing" Jonathan opens his mouth and closed his eyes before taking a bite out of the arm and just like the writings that appears in front of him have said it didn't taste like anything. Although the flesh was a bit hard to chew on Jonathan honestly couldn't say he hated it, when the first piece of flesh slid down Jonathan's throat a screen appeared in front of him.

[exp +1]

After quickly reading the message he continued working on his first meal as a undead. After eating every part of the undead besides it's nasty looking foot he opened his status and look at his stats.

[Name: Jonathan]

[Race: Mindless Undead]

[Level: 1]

[Exp: 20,100]


[Stat Points: 0]

[Hp: 21]

[Mp: 50]

[Vitality: 10.5]

[Strength: 15]

[Endurance: 10]

[Dexterity: 3]

[Agility: 5]

[Intelligence: 5]


[Consume: a common skill amongst Undeads that strengthens the user by consuming the flesh of living things, Level: 1, Exp: 10, 200]

[Unholy Body: a common skill amongst Undeads that allows the user to still be able to live even with serious injuries and no blood in the body at all, Exp: cannot be leveled up]

[Numb: a common skill amongst Undeads that highly numbs the pain that a normal being would feel to almost nothing, Exp: cannot be leveled up]

[Self Regeneration: a common skill amongst Undeads that slowly regenerates the users health, can reattach severed arms and injuries, Level: 1, Exp: 0, 200]

"Oh so I gain exp from eating the flesh of the undead and I gain half a point on my vitality stat, I wonder if it changes depending on the things I eat." after closing the status screen he repeats the process of killing and eating other undeads until a screen pops up in front of him similar to the previous ones before it.

[Congratulations you leveled up]

"Yes finally I leveled up... but how is leveling up supposed to make me stronger"

[when you level up all of your stats increase by one point and you are also gifted with 10 stat points which you can use to alter your stats, you can spend your stat points in your status screen]

After reading the message he instantly said "status"

[Name: Jonathan]

[Race: Mindless Undead]

[Level: 2]

[Exp: 0,200]


[Stat Points: 10]

[Hp: 27]

[Mp: 60]

[Vitality: 13.5]

[Strength: 16]

[Endurance: 11]

[Dexterity: 4]

[Agility: 4]

[Intelligence: 6]


[Consume: a common skill amongst Undeads that strengthens the user by consuming the flesh of living things, Level: 1, Exp: 50, 200]

[Unholy Body: a common skill amongst Undeads that allows the user to still be able to live even with serious injuries and no blood in the body at all, Exp: cannot be leveled up]

[Numb: a common skill amongst Undeads that highly numbs the pain that a normal being would feel to almost nothing, Exp: cannot be leveled up]

[Self Regeneration: a common skill amongst Undeads that slowly regenerates the users health, can reattach severed arms and injuries, Level: 1, Exp: 0, 200]

He took a look at his stats one more time before deciding to put 3 stat points into agility for a total of 7 points of agility allowing him to run about as fast as he could when he was a human and unsure of what he should spend his other 9 points he decides to save it for later.