Sydney's POV...........

I woke up on a chilled floor,I tried getting up but then I realized that both my hands and legs where chained to the wall. I tried getting off the chain because you know vampires possessed super strength but the more I tried, the more it hurt and burned. I recalled my dad telling me about this type of chain but I could not remember their name, well it was the only thing preventing me from escaping. Just then the door opened and a guy entered,I could not tell what supernatural creature he was cause he looked so human, he had a short black hair with deep blue eyes, he was holding a tray which contained what I would describe as low class food but maybe what they called healthy food here. He came close to me but not too close and pushed the tray in my direction. I stared at the food in disgust and then at the fool "why don't you come a little closer then i promise to make you suffer greatly for keeping me hostage here, do you have an idea of who I am that you dare keep me as a hostage?"

He nodded "The master knows exactly who you are and I happen to also know"

"That means this master of yours knows that am the vampire princess and that mere chains can't hold me down"

"Of course my master is very smart and that is why he used vein chains"

Right! So that's what they were called. I frowned "So where is this master of yours?, tell him to come out so I can rip his head out right in front of you"

"Am right here" a deep masculine voice answered and he came in view. Believe me when I tell you I forgot every other thing including the threat of ripping out his head and my jaw dropped when I saw the figure in front of me, I was practically drooling, I examined the sexy god that stood before me. He had a short brownish blond hair that curled at the tips and he had black eyes no! when you took a closer look at them,you would realize they were blue, blue piercing eyes. He had tattoos that reached from his neck to only God knows where, the one I kept admiring where the ones on his arms, they were different type of flowers drawn on them and just below one of the flowers was a name Silvar....that must be his mate name and his lips gosh! i would gladly kiss them without any money involved. He wore a gray short sleeved T-shirt that hugged his body and showcased his abs and a blue sexy jeans to be sincere everything about him was sexy. It was pretty obvious he was an Alpha,and he looked so familiar.....OMG! he was the Alpha Lord I had heard so much about and whose mate my dad had killed.

When I met his gaze,I felt my breath stop and I gulped dropping my gaze "So you are my abductor?"


"Well since that has been clarified, can you maybe let me go?" I knew exactly what the answer to that question was and yet I still asked.

He bent down to my level and raised my chins so I could look directly into his eyes "unfortunately princess, that won't be possible". His eyes held hatred and anger and then he turned to go but

I felt anger boiling in me " I wonder how your Luna was able to condole you when she was alive?"

After I made that statement, I wished for the ground to open up and swallow me because then I saw his werewolf eyes, it was red with fury and he looked like he wanted to rip me to pieces, he closed his eyes and when he opened them they were normal.

He suddenly gasped then gritted his teeth clenching his fists like he just realized something very bad "as expected of the pompous vampire princess but don't worry I will make it my utmost priority to amend that".

When he got to the door, he whispered to the guards standing there "Handle her, i want to hear her scream".

I flinched just imagining what he meant by that but I knew it wasn't something good and as I thought about my dad and beck, I heard the Alpha's voice one last time "Good luck princess, you will need it" and then he was gone.

Axel's pov.............

"No, that's not possible" I swirled my hands through my hair and I started venting my anger on the objects in the room throwing them everywhere and breaking the breakable things, I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned back to see Hunter,he wore a serious but suprised look "And what exactly do you think you are doing?".

I rolled my eyes "Getting rid of my problem, what does it look like".

"Sit down Axel".

I sat down and he sat on my chair beside me, his eyes held great sympathy like he understood exactly what I was passing through "Its her right?".

I nodded and scowled "Selena why would you do this to me, come out now and explain yourself".

Hunter shook his head "Don't do that Axel, you don't expect Selena to just show up anytime you call, don't forget she is the moon goddess and she has a lot of responsibilities".

"Ohh I can show up"

Selena suddenly said and I looked to see her admiring one of the standing vases in the room, she examined the room and pouted "Someone's had a bad day" she snapped her fingers and everything was back to normal then she smirked "Now that's better".

"Nice crown" Hunter commented. I saw her cheeks turn bright pink and her grey eyes lit up happily the hell!....she faced me "You called Axel, you know I was pretty busy with Mary Poppins on the nasty children she was asked to babysit, guess I will be telling Santa to write their name on the naughty list so they wont get any gifts this holiday........but I left all that cause you called".

As much as I loved Mary and Santa, they were the least of my problems now "So what do you expect me to do, bow down and thank you?".

She cocked her head,her grey eyes boring right into mine like she could read my mind "What's up with the attitude, you have never spoken to me in that manner before".

I glared at her "Maybe am speaking to you in this manner because ever since you became the moon goddess, you have cultivated the habit of getting on my nerves".

"Axel"... Hunter scolded....."That's no way to speak to her".

Selena smiled "You should be happy Axel, you now have a new mate".

At that moment I almost forgot Selena was one of my best friends and I badly wanted to rip her head out. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, maybe it was my anger or something else but i really did not care, I banged my fist on the table "That is where we have a problem, how could you do could you choose a vampire as my mate when you are clearly aware of the feud going between us".

Selena expression softened "I only picked a girl that matched your character".

"FUCK ALL THAT!" I roared then pointed a finger at her "You know what you're gonna do now, you're gonna fix all this so I don't have a mate and that I never met that girl".

Selena gulped "I don't think that is possible".

I grinned "Of course it is, you are the moon goddess after all and you created this mess in the first place".

She looked at Hunter for help but there was nothing he could do. She sighed and got up, her magical staff appeared in her hand, then she closed her eyes saying some incantations before she suddenly slumped but luckily Hunter caught her before she hit the floor and set her on her previous couch. She shook her head barely opening her eyes "Even I don't possess such power Axel, you can't bend the will of fate".

I put my head down in my laps and swirled my hands through my hair trying to calm down,then I rose my head and frowned "No.......No..........No.........I can't accept this, this is not fate this is your own doing, your own mistake so you have to do it again it almost worked I could feel it".

Hunter glared at me "What are you saying Axel, you saw what happened to her just now when she tried and now you are asking her to do it again, don't be selfish"

I looked at him "I don't care what happens to her Hunter, after all she caused all this for herself and yes you can call me selfish all you want I don't care but I can't accept my mate's murderer daughter as my mate okay". The pain in my chest increased and I rubbed it.

Selena got up using her staff to support herself "You are right Axel and I promise you today that am gonna find a cure for your predicament"......... She stopped and stared at me as I rubbed my chest........"But until then, try not to hurt her because you know her pains affects you too" then she disappeared

Now I understood why I was feeling that unbearable pain in my chest, I faced Hunter "Give me a sec" and I dashed out before he could say anything. I ran to the cell where I had kept the princess and my eyes lit up in horror at what I saw. Her body was filled with bruises and deep cuts and worst of all she was unconscious. I took her limb body in my hands and as I passed the main room, Hunter sighted us. My throat immediately became dry as I expected him to say something like 'you are such an animal or look what you did to that poor vampire' but he just nodded "I'll get Alia to come heal her". Alia was the only professional healer in our pack, Sue was still learning.

I took her to one of the guest rooms and as I placed her on the bed, Alia entered with Julia Ohh! Why did she have to bring that tattletale along with her, now she won't stop criticizing me

"I came immediately Hunter gave me the news" Alia explained

"Do you think you can heal her?"I asked.

Alia went and sat beside her, examining her wounds "she is healing quite slowly for a vampire, at this rate she won't survive it".

Julia shook her head at me, clicking her tongue in a pitiful manner "Just look what you did to that poor vampire" and she had to be the one to say it.

('you are such a monster,and now i have completed it for you hon') Sabastien my spirit wolf suddenly said.

Now bare one thing in mind, Sabastien is not my friend at all, he is only like the companion in my head, he was my wolf, my annoying,stupid and completely dumb spirit wolf and the best thing to do is to ignore him and that is exactly what I did......."do you think Alpha blood can heal her Alia" Julia suddenly asked.

"Yeah,now why didn't I think of that" Alia answered.

Julia shrugged "I would have gladly given her my blood but unfortunately am not an Alpha".

Ohh I see what she's trying to do, she wants me to give my blood to the princess and there was no way I was falling for that nonsense

('stop thinking whether you should do it or not and do it you paranoid fool, the vampire princess is cute and I don't like it when cute girls die').

'But she killed Silvar' I argued with Sabastien

(' of correction, her dad killed Silvar, this princess here had no idea about it and nothing to do with it so quit been a grinch and a stingy Alpha and feed her your blood').

"Well what are you waiting for?" Julia snapped

"Right". I sat beside her and put my wrist in her mouth but not because Sabastien said so but because I felt like. Immediately, her fangs appeared and she started to suck deeply on my blood her eyes still tightly closed and the veins on her face showing. The little guilt I felt before immediately disappeared and all I felt was pure hatred for this girl and her species and as I watched her feed on my blood, i wished it would choke her to death.