Sydney's pov.........

I opened my eyes expecting to see paradise and various vampires with crowns on their head because you know that's where good vampires go after their death and am pretty sure I've not done anything that made me not deserving of paradise in my life time but I saw myself on a large king sized bed.

"Thank goodness you are awake, I thought otherwise".

I turned to see a feminine person sitting on the chair beside me and omg! look I can't tell you exactly how she looked but you know your celebrity crush or that girl you see and say 'wow! she's so beautiful, is she even a human being' well this girl is more beautiful than that person, compared to her I was ugly and guys say am georgous.

I frowned "i don't like you".

She knit her brows together "why not"

"Well any girl that is more pretty than me I consider my enemy". She chuckled and I reached out to touch her cheeks which were as soft as cushions "Uou are real, I thought you were that girl in my dreams I wish to be as beautiful as".

She chuckled again "you are funny princess Sydney".

I pulled back suspiciously "Wait how do you know my name I don't remember telling you my name".

"Well let's just say you are quite popular around here".

"Where am I and who are you?".

"My name is Alia and you are in the Alpha's house".

My smile faded, Ohh!so am still in that godforsaken and pathetic Alpha's home "You are a werewolf?".

"Actually am a mountain wolf".

My eyes widened "Really, i thought mountain wolves were only myths".


"That's why you are so special".

Just then the so called Alpha entered the room and I held my breath, as much as I wanted to hate this man I just couldn't bring myself to whenever I sight my eyes on him. He stared at me and the hatred and anger I had seen before were still visible before he faced Alia and smiled, so he was capable of smiling interesting "Do you need anything?" he asked

"No, we are good" and he left. Just like that without even asking how I was feeling, so arrogant.

"He doesn't need to ask before he knows you are okay and he is definitely not arrogant".

My jaw dropped "how did you.......

"One ability I have as a mountain wolf is that I read people minds, well almost everyone except from the Alpha, my mate and Queen Selena".

I suddenly felt insecured around this Alia but then she bent down and whispered to me "Don't worry I don't have the habit of telling on anyone, if I did then I probably won't be alive today". I changed my mind, I simply loved this woman.

She settled down on her chair "You know when the Alpha brought you were badly hurt and would have probably died if not for him".

I raised my brows confused "What do you mean?".

"Well he fed you his blood and an Alpha's blood can heal almost every supernatural being".

Wow! seems I underestimated this Alpha, I agree he is responsible for my injuries but he still took the stress to heal me when he would have left me to die, maybe he was not as bad as I thought he was and maybe one day he would let me explore that sexy body of his but just then I remembered that Alia could read my mind.

Alia chuckled "you're really weird".

Just then the door opened and seriously where did the men of this house come from and why did they all have to look so good. A dashing guy and a girl of about nineteen entered. The guy walked up to Alia and kissed her deeply "How is everything going?".

"Good, Axel's blood worked pretty well". So the Alpha's name was Axel, cliché!.

The dashing guy faced me and I took that opportunity to really asses him. He did not have as many tattoos as Axel, only a few but his eyebrows were pierced and he wore an eye ring on his left ear. He did not have abs like Axel but he was looked like he getting there, he wore a white shirt that on the chest was written......fuck all haters..... and he was wearing a blue Jean trousers which started from below his waist ribs, his hair was long and black and his eyebrows were full, his eyes where black when he kissed Alia but when he turned to face me, I noticed they had turned glassy blue. In conclusion I did not know between him or Axel who was more sexy but they were both so handsome. He was like my early days badboy crush while Axel was like the boy I wanted to spend my entire life with. He cocked his head to his side as if he was studying me "How are you feeling Sydney?".

I tried answering but the words refused to come out and I saw him smirk as if enjoying the fact that I was speechless because of his appearance. I was jerked out of my fantasy when the nineteen year old girl came and sat beside me and brought forth her hands for a handshake "Hi, am Julia, Axel's little sister". Axel had a kid sister, maybe if I became close to her I could win over her brother's heart so I shook her hand and smiled cheerfully "It's nice to meet you Julia am......

"Sydney, I know".

Cute and sharp nice

"I really should be going now" Mr handsome(that's what I named him)said and left and as he left, I concluded that himself and Alia were the pure definition of perfection their children would be gods and goddesses, just as I was about to apologize to Alia about drooling over her husband, she beat me to it and smiled widely "No need to apologize, am used to ladies drooling over him and as far as you don't go beyond drooling then you have no problem with me".

I nodded and took that as a clear warning to stay away from her mate. Julia suddenly took my hands "Come on, its time for lunch".

I got up to go but then I turned to Alia who was still sitting on the bed "Aren't you coming along with us?".

"I'll meet you guys there, i have something I want to tell Hunter first".

Julia nodded "sure" then she faced me as we left the room "Do you know the real reason why Axel gave you his blood and saved your life?".


She grinned "Well then you have a lot to know".

"Am listening".

I really wanted to know why Axel had saved my life even after knowing that my dad was responsible for his mate's death.

AXEL'S pov...........

Haven't I been nice enough to that Sydney of a girl? First I carried her to one of my guest rooms then I fed her my blood to save her life and now she had the boldness and audacity to come into my dinning room with Julia so she could eat with us, No I could not accept that rubbish. I put my hand on my chins and stared at the both of them "And what is she doing here?" I asked pointing to Sydney like she was trash which was exactly what she was to me.

"She's here to eat Axel, what does it look like" Julia answered bluntly.

"Well she can't eat on my dinning table Julia".

Julia rolled her eyes "Come on Axel, she is your mate" before I could snap at her for saying that rubbish in front of Sydney she quickly continued "She knows already brother so don't be worried about me saying in front of her and she is not complaining about it, she is ready to accept her fate as your mate but it's obvious that you are not so tell me why don't you do the same?".

I clenched my fist under the table and kept my cool, i was not going to lash out on my sister "The dinning table is where we come to eat Julia not discuss irrelevant issues".

"Okay then let her sit down and eat with us and we can discuss this IRRELEVANT issue when we are done".

I shook my head "She won't sit on this table" I insisted already reaching my limit.

Julia folded her arms together "Then where should she sit?".

"On the floor where else?"

Julia gasped "But she can't sit on the floor, that's where slaves and dogs sit".

I stared at my sister and smiled "What is she sister? because she look like a filthy dog to me and am treating her like I would normally treat a filthy dog".

Julia was about to say something but Sydney put her hands on her shoulder "Its okay Julia, i will sit on the floor".

"But Sydney...........

Sydney smiled "its no big deal really Sydney, i don't wanna be the cause of an argument between you and your brother so I will sit on the floor" and she sat on the floor, her food and a glass of water in her hand.

I smiled down at her, feeling satisfied with myself "So now the pompous princess Sydney is tamed, i thought you were going to argue with me when I told you to sit on the floor then I would have taught you a lesson you will never forget, just the way I treat any servant that dare disobey or disrespect me but what can I say you proved me wrong by been so obedient".

She bowed her head to me "Am sorry my lord if I had previously offended you in any way and am ready to accept any punishment to see am fit deserving of my lord".

I ignored her apology and started eating when Hunter and the others entered, he looked at Sydney who was eating on the floor and then at me raising his brows "And what's all this Axel?".

I dropped my fork out of annoyance and frowned at him "And what did you expect me to do Hunter, invite her to sit beside me on the dinning table?, haven't I been generous enough by letting her stay in my home and allowing her to eat my good food and not locking her in a cell where she would be fed food fit for dogs even though she is not part of my family and she is only my sworn enemy?".

He shook his head "You are unbelievable Axel" then he stretched his hands towards Sydney who took it without hesitation, how dare she use her filthy hands to touch that of my best friend. He opened the chair beside me and made her sit on it. That chair was Silvar's and no one has dared to sit on it till today, how could Hunter do this to me and Silvar? but no matter how annoyed with him and i wanted to lash out on him, I just couldn't bring myself to scold him or be mad at him because I simply loved him too much to do so and what shocked me the most was that no one else objected to Sydney sitting on the chair, they were just eating their food like nothing of such happened.

Jude suddenly frowned "what's all this Hunter?"

Hunter looked genuinely confused "what's what Jude?".

"That chair belonged to Silvar, you can't just let anyone sit on it". At least someone here was on my side.

"Don't you think I was aware of that fact before I made her sit on the chair Jude? but Silvar is dead and whether you like it or not you guys have to realize one day or another that she is never coming back and her chair can't keep staying unused, Sydney here has been chosen as Axel's new mate so she is to take over and be our new Luna, our new Silvar and that means stepping up to take Silvar's responsibilities which also includes sitting on her chair".

Sue nodded "I agree with Hunter, it's been a year since we lost Silvar and I still miss her but we have to stop mourning and make meaning to our life now you know".

What in the world were they saying?, have they forgotten that she is a vampire and the daughter of the man that killed Silvar, so why were they talking in such manner. I suddenly lost my appetite and stood up from my chair.

"And where exactly are you going to?" Mark asked with his mouth full

"Am going upstairs,I've lost my appetite".

Sydney suddenly stood up "if am the reason you have lost your appetite then am ready to leave my lord".

I gritted my teeth,she was such a good actress and pretender and she had managed to fool everyone, well everyone except me she couldn't fool me even a bit "Don't pretend like you care, they obviously want you here more than they want me" and I left for my room.

Few minutes later in my room,there was a knock on the door and Sue, Sia, Jude and Mark entered

"Mind if we sit?" Jude asked.

I badly wanted to tell all of them to leave my room except from Jude because they had supported Hunter in letting Sydney sit on Silvar's chair but I also wanted to know what they wished to say so I choosed the best option "No,not at all". They sat down on different chairs and the three of them apart from Jude seemed to debate among themselves who should speak first before Sue cleared her throat "we came here to talk to you about Sydney".

"Did Hunter send you here?" I asked drily.

"Not at all,we came here on our own accord".

I rested comfortably on my couch "Go on then, am listening".

"Well we are all aware of the fact that Sydney's dad the vampire king was responsible for Silvar's death but we wanted to tell you that she had no hand in it" Mark stated and Sia decided to continue "Yeah and we think she deserves a chance to prove herself just like you gave Silvar a chance".

I shook my head "she is a vampire".

Mark nodded "we know, vampires and werewolves were once friends before a little misunderstanding and the feud was not serious until after Silvar's death but if they were friends before then they can still be friends again" he sighed "before you saved my life and I became part of the pack, I used to think Nymphs were the most irritating supernatural creatures".......he looked at Sia............."no offence darling".

She smiled "none taken"

He got up, went and sat beside her then he took her hands in his tightly not wanting to let go "that was until I met Sia, she changed my perspective of things and we both became one soul, if you let it happen then Sydney could be the light that will change your soul Axel".

"I've not found my mate yet but I can feel it that Sydney is the one for you, Queen Selena picked the right girl" Sue stated.

I swirled my hands through my hair "You guys don't understand anything, Selena should have never picked her as my mate I never even asked for a new mate In the first place".

Sia sighed "Anyway its your choice at the end Axel, if you feel that Sydney is not the one for you then no problem but i have one favour to ask of you and that is to think before you take any action so you won't regret it later". They got up to leave but then I stopped them and looked at my late mate's junior brother "Jude you haven't say anything, don't you have something you wanna say?".

He faced me, his expression neutral "when are you planning on taking her back to her cell?".

"I don't want to take her there yet because I don't want what happened to repeat itself again".

"Okay then, when are you planning on making her leave the house?".

"I don't know yet" I answered genuinely.

He closed his eyes thinking then he opened them again "if you are not planning to accept her as a replacement for Silvar and your new mate then my advice for you is that you should send her away from the house as soon as possible" and then just like that they left me pondering on what they had told me.