SYDNEY'S POV........

All day,I had been looking for a chance to discuss with Beck but he was either busy with this...or busy with that..... but today,luck decided to pay me a visit as Beck knocked on my door.

I was glad that he finally decided to speak with me but angry that he made me wait for him so I frowned at him when I opened the door "Are you aware that I've been wanting to talk to you?".

He raised his brows at me "So you are not even gonna greet me or say anything nice?" He walked into my house and sat on my couch "Look am sorry Sydney,but its just that I've been busy lately with the wedding preparations coming up and all so....what is it you wanted to discuss with me?".

I said beside him and faced him "Don't you think it's a little too early to get married?".

He knitted his brows "What do you mean,we have been dating for years haven't we".

I nodded "Yes we have but......

He suddenly stood up and stared at me "Are you in love with someone else,is that why you wanna call off the wedding?".

I shook my head "No,not at all". Ohh! how I badly wanted to tell him that I was in love with Axel.

"Then what exactly is the problem Sydney,don't you think I can make you happy?".

"I know you will make me happy Beck".

"Then don't call off the wedding Sydney,get married to me.....,I promise I will never do anything to hurt you,I love you a lot and you know that".

I sighed and swirled my hands through my hair "Listen Beck i........

Just then a guard peeped into the house "Pardon me my princess,but your father has requested for the presence of Sir Beck in the palace now".

Beck nodded at the guard "Tell him I'll be there soon". The guard nodded and left.

Beck sat down in his previous space on the couch and held my hands in his "Whatever is bothering you,we will discuss it after the wedding okay".

I sighed defeated "Okay".

He kissed me on my forehead and left. After supper,I kept thinking if it was best if I got married to Beck. Axel had rejected me,he never loved me but Beck....Beck genuinely loved me,he was a nice guy and I knew he would never play with my feelings like the way Axel did. Maybe it would be better if I got married to him and started my life afresh,forget about Axel once and for all.

"Unhand me you hooligans,if any of you try to lay one more finger on me then I promise to make your lovely wives widows and I'll render your little vampis fatherless". I heard a familiar voice say just outside my house but I couldn't put the pieces together on who it was.

"You like to talk big Cary don't you, and yet your hands are still resting by your sides,if you plan on making their children have no fathers and their wives have no husbands, then you are not going to achieve all that by lazily putting your hands by your side". Was that Hunter's voice I heard, was he was really here. My joy knew no bound as I rushed outside to see him only to see four of my guards with their weapons posed in front of them but the problem was that my guards kept a large distance between them and my boys(don't tell them I said so).

"Stand down" I immediately ordered my guards.

"Am sorry my princess but the king gave us orders to kill any werewolves we see coming anywhere close to you" one explained.

Hunter smirked "if you keep keeping that distance between us then you will never be able to kill us,why don't you come a little closer huh!".

"And..... am not a werewolf dummy, am a nightcrawler okay" he cracked his knuckles and necks "so....who are we killing first?".

My guards took some steps back,their weapon still posed,they were obviously frightened and intimidated by my boys.

I chuckled "You boys are scaring the shit out of them,they might pee on their shorts you know".

One stepped forward frowning "We are not scared my princess,we are ready to give our life for you".

Hunter took some steps forward but the guard pointed his spear at Hunters chest,his hands were still shaking "Stay back or I'll be forced to kill you".

Hunter rolled his eyes "Yeah right" he took the spear from the guards hands and threw it away "Look,as much as I would love to have some fun with you guys,am already tired of your blabbering so here's what's gonna happen,am going to give all of you only a minute to leave this place but if you refuse and decide to be a fool....then whatever happens next will be your fault".

I expected the guards to put up a fight even though for just a few minutes but in less than a minute,they had all ran away leaving me and my boys.

Cary doubled over and started laughing "They are all cowards,I can't believe those where your bodyguards,the people that were supposed to protect you".

I shrugged "well what can I say......they are all scared for their life's" I opened my door "come on in".

They entered and Cary started observing my sitting room "Thank goodness you don't stay in the palace, I would have had to Shadow travel me and that heavyweight champion into your room".

I smiled and walked up to Hunter who nodded at me " Sydney".

I hugged him tightly "You have no idea how happy I am that you are here,I thought you were annoyed with me" I felt tears gathering in my eyes.

He patted my back "I was never annoyed with you Sydney and am sorry I did not come to pay you a visit ever since".

I pulled myself away from him and sniffed back the tears that threatened to fall "it doesn't matter.....what matters is that you are here now".

Cary cleared his throat "Don't I get a hug too princess".

I chuckled and went over to hug him "its good to see you Cary,you look like you are doing great".

"Indeed i am but I hope I can say the same for you princess".

" guys should have your sits".

They sat down and I clapped my hands together "So what can I get you guys.........juice,wine,raw animal meat?......"

Cary scowled at me "Just wait a second....RAW ANIMAL MEAT?what do you take us for princess, CARNIVOROUS ANIMALS?????"

I grinned "Am sorry,I thought you guys sometimes feed on that for strength".

"I....AM NOT......A ......WEREWOLF okay, how many times do I have to tell you guys that am a nightcrawler, a N.I.G.H.T.C.R.A.W.L.E.R,and my brother here does not eat raw meat or do you Hunter?".

Hunter shook his head "Never ".

"My sincere apology, what should I get for you guys?"

Cary pouted "Unfortunately for you,I have already lost my appetite".

Hunter smiled at me "He has not lost his appetite don't mind him,we ate before we got here,but thank you for the kind gesture".

I sat down "Okay then but if I may ask,how did you guys know that I was here?".

"Well I had my suspicions that the ladies were secretly visiting you so I asked Selena about it,and you know she can't lie to me" Hunter explained.

"Cliché!, how about you Cary?".

"Well,I decided to tag along with my buddy here,incase he was in need of help".

Hunter frowned at him "I never asked for your help?".

Cary smirked "Are you sure bro....because I can clearly remember that I was the one who killed those hundreds of hunters we came across while shadow traveling while you were busy contemplating on whether you should kill them or talk.....about PEACE".

"We wouldn't have needed to kill them if you hadn't stop for a snack in the middle of shadow traveling" Hunter argued.

"Do you think we would have made it here if I was traveling on an empty stomach?".

Hunter shook his head "Violence is not always the answer to every problem Cary,you shouldn't have killed those hunters".

"I agree with you on that violence is not always the answer stuff but in the case of those bloodthirsty animals.....,violence is the best way to deal with them. You can never speak peace with those weapon carrying monkeys Hunter,they will only end up betraying you".

"You killed more than a hundred hunters singlehandedly?" I asked in complete awe and in an attempt to lessen the tension that was arising in the room.

He faced me and smiled "It was a piece of cake princess,I was once an assassin before I became a part of Axel's pack".

"REALLYYYYY......" I couldn't help but be amused.

"Yeah....I remember the time I became a part of Axel's pack like it was yesterday. That day,I was given a mission to murder everyone in a large shapeshifter community.........

"Is that even possible?".

"It is....for Cary,so as I was saying......I was about to put my plan into action when my buddy here decided to show up and ruin everything" he said gesturing to Hunter "He saw me and started speaking to me in his saint-like manner,he said...I had great potentials and I could use them in the pack he belonged in bla...bla....bla....".

"And you went with him,just like that?".

He grinned "Not actually.....I beat him up and had to take him back to where he came from".

I shook my head " That doesn't make any sense".

"It doesn't make any sense because he is lying" Hunter interjected "He was acting so stubborn and wanted to pick a fight with me....So I dealt with him and dragged his unconscious ass to the pack house".

Cary rolled his eyes "It is your choice to choose whose story you wanna believe princess".

I actually believed Hunter's story more but I choosed not to tell.

Cary observed me "Are you fine?"

"Yes why are you asking?"

"Cause it seems like there is something you wanna tell us but you don't know how to go about it".

"Don't you already know what it is all about?".

"Maybe.... Maybe not,am not a wizard Sydney so I can't know everything but I have a premonition of what it might be about,and I hope it is very wrong".

"Your premonitions are never wrong Cary" Hunter stated.

"Maybe this time it is,you never know Hunter".

Something told me that Cary's premonition was exactly what was in my mind to tell them. I stood up and poured myself a glass of wine to calm my nerves and give me the boldness to break the news to them. I sighed and fumbled with my fingers "Am getting married".

TO BE CONTINUED...........