SYDNEY'S POV............


"Am getting married".

Hunter raised his brows "What do you mean by you are getting married?".

"Well getting married to my long time boyfriend who I never broke up with before I got abducted and was announced as Axel's mate".

Cary shook his head abruptly"You can't get married".

I frowned "Why not......because you care so much about Axel?".

Hunter sighed "We care about you too Sydney and you know that".

"You care about me Hunter and you also treat me like your sister,I know that and for all that am genuinely grateful but...there will always be a big difference in the way you treat Axel and the way you treat me, and do you know why.....because Axel is your childhood best friend and am just one pest of a girl that came into your lives and took the space of your previous Luna".


"Its fine Hunter,really....but do you think it's worth fighting over someone who despises me,someone who threw me out of his house and life?. Look, I know you love Axel a lot and desire to see him happy but don't I also deserve to be happy?".

"You do Sydney but the only way you and Axel can be happy is when you are both with each other".

"No Cary......,if Axel thinks so then he would have forgiven me by now and would have come to take me back to the house with him but he didn't do that and do you know why?....its because he has forgotten about me for good so I wanna do the same,and the only way to do that is to get married and start afresh".

Hunter stood up and walked up to me,he stood in front of me for a while,studying and observing me "You're sure you wanna do this?".

I nodded "Hundred percent (100%)".

He smiled "Okay then,I think I should be telling you congratulations".

Cary got up and frowned at Hunter "Don't tell me you are gonna support her brother".

"Well I am Cary....Sydney is right,if Axel doesn't want her then what is the need of making her suffer,if she is happy then who are we to stop her, she deserve the best?".

Cary shook his head "You're both nuts".

"COME OUT MONSTERS......" I heard Beck scream from outside.

Hunter grinned at me "That should be your fiancee".

I nodded and Cary smirked "This should be interesting".

Immediately we got outside,some guards pointed their spears at Hunter's and Cary's chests and Beck came to stand in front of Cary "Ready to surrender?".

Cary grinned "Look buddy am not in the mood to play tag cause I just received some disturbing news. So this is what's gonna happen,you are gonna tell your minions here to put down their weapons and me and my brother will leave in peace,fair?".

Beck shook his head "No,the only it is going to be fair is when you and your brother surrender yourselves".

Cary slapped his forehead with his palms and mumbled "So stubborn". He shrugged "Anyways.....I warned you". He snapped his fingers and the spears that were pointed at him and Hunter turned to ashes "Now that's much better".

Beck bared his fangs and claws and glared at Cary "You better not try anything funny nightcrawler, surrender yourselves and your deaths will be less painful".

Cary slapped Beck cheeks playfully "Death?,you are very funny vampi, has anyone told you that?".

Suddenly Beck pinned Cary to the wall,his elbows on Cary's neck and his claws were pointed at Cary's neck.

"BECK" I scolded.

"Stay out of this Sydney" he gritted his teeth then faced Cary "You know what....don't surrender,you are gonna die anyways".

Cary cocked his head to his side and smiled widely at me "if you still plan on getting married to this jerk, then tell him that if he knows what is good for him and that if he still values his claws and elbows,then he should get his hands off me and retreat".

I knew that Beck stood no chance against Cary. Although Beck was strong and agile,Cary on the other hand was once an assassin. He killed more than a hundred hunters singlehandedly and he didn't even break a sweat,he could take Beck down with the tip of his fingers. Even though I had never seen Cary fight,I knew he was far...far better than Beck.

"No one retreats unless I say so" Father suddenly said coming over to meet us with his personal guards,he smiled proudly at Beck when he saw Beck pinning Cary to the wall.

Hunter stepped forward and smirked "Conrad.......,it's been a while,hasn't it?".

Conrad was dad's real name and very few people were aware of that fact. How did Hunter know his name and how could he call it so boldly without even a tint of fear?.

Father took a step back,his face had suddenly turned pale after he sighted Hunter "What...what are you here my lord?".

MY LORD!,what in the world was going on here.

"Well...I came to have a little chitchat with your daughter here".

"About what if I may ask?" Father was talking so politely.

"That happens to be none of your business" Hunter answered curtly "But it's good that you are here,I also wanna tell you about something important".

Father nodded and faced the guard "Retreat".

"But my king,they are..... Beck began to argue but father cut him short "I am your king,so you will do exactly as I tell you to,let go of that nightcrawler and make your men retreat".

Beck bowed "As you wish my king". He released his grip on Cary and signaled for his men to retreat leaving only Hunter,Cary,Father,Father's guards,Me,and Beck.

Hunter smiled "That's better don't expect me to stand and speak to you,do you Conrad?".

"Not at all Sire". My father just called an Omega SIRE!,was he scared of Hunter.

He ordered his guards and they left and came back with three chairs, Hunter,Cary and father sat down but then Hunter frowned "I hope my eyes are deceiving me and am not seeing you sitting down when I am sitting Conrad?".

Dad quickly stood up and shook his head "I would never my lord".

You have got to be kidding me! I looked at Beck who looked equally confused but then I saw Cary grinning,that only meant he knew something about what was going on.

Hunter sat comfortably on the couch "Ohh yeah....I said I wanted to tell you something important........, I hope you are not planning on attacking the wolf clan even after your daughter has returned to you safe and sound?".

Beck gritted his teeth "Of course we are,you guys lied to us,you told us that she was dead,heaven know just how you guys maltreated her while she was in your custody".

Hunter clicked his tongue and faced Beck "That question wasn't directed to you boy.....don't you know that when your elders are speaking,you keep shut".

Beck raised his brows "Elder?" He chuckled sarcastically "You are practically my age mate".

"Beck that is enough" father scolded.

Hunter bit his lips and addressed father "Your to be son-in-law has a loose mouth,its nice though but endeavour to tell him that it won't lead him anywhere,it will only take him to his early grave".

"I apologize on his behalf sire".

Hunter waved his hands "Yeah...yeah...... Now back to business, if you decide to attack the wolf clan then you will only end up losing and if Axel set his eyes on you Conrad,then am sorry to say but your kingdom will end up without their lovely king".

Father raised his brows surprised "Do you know the Alpha Lord sire?".

Hunter chuckled "Know the Alpha lord.....the Alpha lord you are talking about is my best friend and my Alpha".

"Your Alpha???". Just then,father bursted out in fury "You are part of his pack,you supported that hooligan in kidnapping my daughter".

Hunter leaned forward and frowned "Your words your words. You will not speak that way about me or Axel,am I clear?".

Father gritted his teeth "Yes sire".

" assuming you will change your mind about attacking my people?".

"Yes sire,as you wish".

Hunter smiled "That's better".

He got up and I used that opportunity to walk up to Cary who also just stood up. Dragging him by the arm,I whispered in his ears "What just happened, why is my dad so fearful of Hunter?".

He grinned "There are a lot of things you are not aware of princess".

"Well then,am listening".

He shook his head "No..No..,you will have to figure it out yourself but let's just say... Hunter is a badass and is feared by many".

"That doesn't explain anything".

"That's the point,it's not suppose to".

"'s time to leave" Hunter called over. Cary walked over to Hunter and put his left hand on Hunter's shoulder.

I suddenly felt a lump in my throat and an urge to cry "Will I be seeing you guys again?" I managed to choke out.

Hunter smiled at me "I can't say for sure Sydney. In a few days,you will be getting married and you might forget all about us,but...if fate decides that you belong to us then we will definitely meet again but till then, do keep safe".

I frowned "Something's wrong Hunter?,what is going on at home?". Home! I had already considered Axel's home to be mine.

Cary winked at me "Nothing we can't handle princess" and they disappeared.

Father rushed to me,observing me "Are you hurting darling?,did they hurt you?".

"Am completely fine father".

He sighed relieved "Thank goodness" then he frowned at me "You shouldn't be in the company of the likes of him".

I chuckled "Hunter is my friend father and he is completely harmless but the way you just addressed him made him seem like a god when he is only an omega".

He sighed "If only you knew who he really is,then you will also be frightened by him".