Sydney's pov......

Ever since the death of Alia, things changed...it was hard to move on and it was difficult to accept the fact that Alia was really gone. Hunter didn't eat, he didn't even speak to anyone well except Axel, he just stared at Alia's picture most of the time. So Axel, Cary and Jude decided to take him out for "Fresh air" at least that's what Jude called it.

The rest of us just sat in the main room observing Kai who was still unconscious.

"What do you think is wrong with him" Sue asked looking so sad.

I shook my head "No one knows".

" Alia would have known" Julia stated "She was our park healer" and that was all it took for her to start crying again.

Sia got up and went to sit beside her "Ohh Julia".

Julia wiped her tears " Am sorry, I think I've got something stuck in my eyes".

"Hunter blames me for what happened to Alia" Queen Selena suddenly said.

Kiera shook her head "No way....why will you say that my Queen".

" He refuses to speak to me".

"Hunter doesn't talk with anyone anymore" I stated.

"But he speaks to Axel".

"Well maybe there is a reason, and it's best known to him but am not sure it's because of Alia's death my Queen".

Queen Selena bit her lips "I miss her so much".

I nodded " Everyone does".

Just then, there was a knock on the door and I quickly stood up to go open the door and there stood a young boy and girl, there were both holding luggages.

I cocked my brows "Who are you?".

The girl frowned at me " I should be asking you that question miss".

The boy who had an ear pod on closed his eyes and smirked

"A vampire..Hmmm".

The girl frown deepened "What is a Vampire doing in this house or are you a slave".

The boy shook his head "Not a Slave". Who the hell was he, and how did he know so much.

Suddenly out of nowhere two hands pulled the ears of the girl and boy "Don't you have any respect Dale and Aimee".

The owner of the voice came in view, she was a middle age woman but she was so....beautiful. She had curly brown hair which was long to just above her waist and her eyes were ash, she also had a strange aura..like someone of great might and power.

The one called Dale groaned "But I didn't do anything".

"Are you sure about that darling".

I bowed "My name is Sydney, it's nice to meet you....come in and I'll get who you came to see".

The middle age women looked at me strangely "Yeah right".

She entered with the other two and grinned "Am home" She suddenly announced.

Everyone wore a shocked look when they sighted her and they got up to bow to her including Queen Selena.

Queen Selena walked up to her and hugged her tightly "I didn't think you would come mother".

Mother? What in the world was going on here, did Queen Selena have a mother.

Mother touched Queen Selena's cheeks and smiled "And why won't i dear". She looked around "Where are my boys".

"They went out" Julia quickly answered, she walked up to her and hugged her "I've missed you so much mom".


" I've missed you too sweetheart".

Aimee pouted "everyone is only concerned about Queen mother huh, no one cares about me".

Julia grinned and went to hug Aimee "Everyone cares about you and Dale Aimee".

Aimee smiled "I missed you all, unlike Dale".

Dale ignored them and went to sit on one of the couches comfortably, he sighted Kai's unconscious body on the other couch "Who's this".

"My brother" Kiera answered.

Dale cocked his head and stared at him "A Jinn".

He stretched forth his hands and a liquid bottle appeared, he opened Kai's lips and poured everything in his mouth "He just need few minutes and he will be up and back to normal".

No one looked suprised except from me and Kiera who smiled widely "Thank you".

"Who are you" I found myself asking.

He looked at me and grinned "No one special, vampire princess".

Just then, the door opened and Jude, Axel and Cary entered. Cary's eyes immediately drifted to Aimee and Axel's to the Queen mother.

"What are you doing here" They both said at the same time.

Aimee frowned "Ohh come on big bro, am also a part of this park so don't I have the right to come to my park house".

Cary shook his head "No you don't, none of you are supposed to be here".

The Queen mother rolled her eyes and faced Axel "Where is my son".

Son? Did Julia and Axel have another brother?. Just then, Hunter walked into the house and he stooped in his tracks when he sighted the Queen mother "Mo...Mother" he mumbled.

Mother?...Now I was really confused.

The Queen mother face fell as she walked towards Hunter and hugged him "My son".

Son? Oh shit, I looked at both of them and I became over confused, I thought she was the mother of Julia and Axel then why was she calling Hunter her son.

Hunter still wore a sad expression as he walked up to a couch and sat down "What are you doing here mother".

Axel frowned "That's exactly the same question I asked her but she refused to give me an answer".

"I called her here" Selena suddenly said.

"You called her here" Axel repeated like he was trying to understand the meaning and then he scowled "Why would you do that".

The Queen mother went to sit beside Hunter "Because my baby needs me".

Hunter shook his head "Am fine mother".

"No you are not darling".

"Why is Dale and Aimee also here" Cary asked. Was he not happy to see his own sister.

Aimee pouted "Am I not allowed to come visit my own brother and park members big Bro".

"No, you should be in school LEARNING".

"Well we are on summer break".

Cary frowned "LIAR!! When I went to the house, you were there and you told me that you were on summer break"

"Well I lied then but can you blame me...I was so excited when I heard you were alive, I had to come see for my myself".

"Whatever, what about you Dale, why are you here?".

Dale still very relaxed nodded "I came here for my sister" He looked around "Where is she?".

Hunter froze in his couch and the whole room became silent.

He cocked his head lazily "Why is everyone suddenly so Quiet".

Jude looked down "Alia is....Alia is dead".

Dale stood up abruptly and his ear pod fell from his ears as he looked completely shocked"What".

The Queen mother nodded "Yes dealing, I also got the news...Mark is also dead".

Aimee eyes widened "O My God".

Dale faced the ground and he suddenly started shaking "You promised to take care of her, you all promised".

"It's no one fault Dale" Sue defended.

"After Mom and Dad passed away, she was the only one I had left".

The Queen mother shook her head pathetically "We know darling, she was even pregnant".

Hunter winced and Axel frowned "What do you think you are doing mum".

"What's wrong sugar".

"You are making the situation worse".

"That's not my intention sweetheart".

Dale suddenly barged out of the house .

"Ohh crap" Aimee said and followed him.

Suddenly Kai jerked twice and opened his eyes.

Everyone gasped as Kai sat up and rubbed his eyes "What....What happened".

Kiera rushed and hugged her brother "I thought I lost you".

"Hey sis, you are been too emotional".

"Can you blame me".

Sue stared at him, her eyes filled with tears. I knew she was holding back the urge to hug him, I felt so sorry for her.

Everyone took their turns hugging him, but Hunter just uttered one word "Glad" he was still sitting down.

He looked around at the sad faces in the room "You guys weren't able to save the mountain wolf, where you".

I shook my head "No".

The Queen mother sighed "It's so sad, she died at such a young age and with another life force in her".

Hunter got up and headed upstairs. Axel gritted his teeth at his mother "You have to leave now mother".

The Queen mother raised her brows "And why should I, am here to console my son".

"No, you are only making matters worse by repeatedly mentioning that Alia died pregnant, it's killing Hunter mum".

The Queen mother's face saddened "I never thought of it like that".

"You never think before you do anything".

"Axel don't speak to your own mother like that" Queen Selena scolded.

So I kinda figured out that she was Axel's and Julia's real mother but why she also addressed Hunter like her real son was still like a mystery to me.

Axel frowned at her "You have no right to interfere in this issue Selena".

The Queen mother shook her head "Of course she does, she is like my daughter after all".

"She shouldn't have called you here".

"Why do you keep saying that".

"Because you always make matters worse and besides you are not supposed to be here in this kind of situation".

"I called Mother here because Hunter needs her" Queen Selena defended.

"No, Hunter doesn't need anyone, his prefectly fine".

"His not fine Axel and we both know that, his like a living corpse".

Axel scowled very angrily "You will not address my best friend in that way Selena".

"What about me, am I not also your best friend".

"I don't know anymore Selena, I don't know you anymore".

"Isn't that a little too harsh to say Axel" I suddenly butted in and I regretted ever doing that. He glared daggers at me "I can't remember ever asking for your opinion".

I shook my head "I never meant harm, I was just speaking my mind".

"Keep whatever is in your mind there, you should leave now shouldn't you...your cousin is alright now and your plans worked didn't it".

"What are you talking about?".

He cocked his head "Huh really, wasn't this all your plan, to turn us against each other, to stay in this house and destroy all of us just like you did to Alia".

And I slapped him, I had to because it was already too much, I couldn't bear his insults anymore, he had crossed the limits by saying what he just said.

Tears rolled my cheeks "How can you.... how can you say such a thing, Alia was like an elder sister to me. Why do you always accuse me of every bad thing that has happened to you guys and all I wanna do is to just be a good mate to you, I just want you to love me, even if it's just a little bit but you just keep hurting me".

I turned to face Kai and Kiera "Let's go, this is the last time I'll try to help this family" And we left.

"How are we going to face your father Sydney, what are you going to tell Beck" Kai asked.

I shook my head "I don't know, we'll figure something out. I will do anything except to go back to that house".