Sydney's pov............

Beck and father believed us (well our made up story of Kai been missen and we going to search for him) and father agreed for the wedding to be conducted again and this time, I agreed to it. I wanted this now.

But there was a problem today, a very big problem. Today was the moon festival day, a celebration that took place once in every four years. It was the one day when every supernatural being in the universe observed peace and unity and this year, it was to be hosted by the werewolves.

Do you know what that meant, it meant we were all going to Axel's home, I was going to see him again. What of if father found out that we are mates?, what of if Axel found out that I was getting married?.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to" Kiera stated worried.

I took a deep breath "Am fine, I'll go, I have to".

Kia sighed " This is so not gonna end well".

**************************************************** Father, me, Beck, Kia, Kiera and some bodyguards were the ones to represent our clan.

When we got there, Aimee was the one who opened the door for us, she raised her brows when she sighted my father looking very annoyed (seems like she had gotten the full gist) "Come in" she said reluctant.

We entered the house to already meet a full house. There was a long dinning table and there were more than enough chairs to accommodate all representatives coming from different clans. There were three head chairs and Queen mother was already sitted on one and then there was an overall Alpha which I think was meant for Queen Selena, she was the moon goddess after all. Cary, Dale, Aimee, Sue, Sia and Jude were already sitted and they acted like they didn't even know me. It was good though, I was in no mood for for any commotion, so we took our seats next to the other representives there.

Just then, Axel and Queen Selena entered and everyone payed their respect to them, then they took their seats on the remaining two head seats. But I thought Queen Selena was supposed to sit on the Alpha seat. But just then, Hunter walked in and everyone got up to bow to him including Axel and Queen Selena. What in the world was going on here, I really needed to find what exactly Hunter was. He took his seat and nodded for everyone to take their seats.

He nodded at Queen Selena who stood up and cleared her throats "You are all welcome to the moon festival ceremony, the one time all supernaturals are regarded as one. Firstly, we will start with the thanksgiving ceremony and I'll start........Am thankful for my best friends and my pack"

She sat down and Axel stood up "Am thankful for Hunter, my best friend who is my number source of living and happiness, am also thankful for my pack, my clan, and my country".h

Were and Queen Selena still having an argument, I wonder.

He sat down and Hunter still looking weary sighed "Am thankful for Axel, Selena, my friends, my family and for the soul of Alia".

He didn't even stand up and no one had a problem with that.

Everyone took their turns saying what they were thankful for and it finally got to Beck's turn, oh crap!

He stood up "Am thankful for my king, my fellow vampires and my fiancee" He helped me up and kissed me "We're getting married soon".

I looked at Axel who did not look a bit affected by the news, Did he really hate me that much, I wonder.

I closed my eyes, holding back the tears but just then, I heard a loud thud and I opened my eyes only to see people crowding someone who was unconscious on the ground, AXEL.

Selena looked panicked "This festival is adjourned, please everyone leave as you can see, there is an emergency here".

I immediately rushed to Axel's unconciuos body "Axel....Axel

..what happened".

Father frowned at me " Sydney what is the meaning of this, let's go home".

I shook my head as I saw Axel been layed on the couch "Am not going anywhere, my mate needs me".

Beck raised his brows "Mate?"

"Yes, Axel is my mate".

There was complete silence in the room before father looked like he was about to explode "You betrayed me".

"No father I didn't, it was not my fault, I didn't choose this"

"Well you have to choose, it's either your family or this monsters".

Selena frowned " Your words.........

. today is the moon festival".

"Who cares about a fucking festival, Make your choice Sydney".

I knelt beside Axel's couch "I can't leave him father, he really needs me".

"Well then Sydney looks like you have made your choice, Beck let's get out of here".

"But uncle, you can't leave your daughter here" Kiera stated.

"She's no daughter of mine, Kai....Kiera, let's go".

Kiera walked up to Cary and held his hands "Am sorry uncle but am also staying with my mate".

"Fine.... and you Kai".

Kai looked around and sighed "I told you guys that this was not gonna end well, Why do I always have to be the one caught in the middle of this drama".

He walked up to a couch and sat down.

"i can't believe this" father growled "None of you should bother coming back to us when these monsters betray you" and he left.

"Beck..... I pleaded.

"I'll talk to him" Beck said and left.

I touched Axel's cheeks "What's happening to you Axel".

"You decided to become someone else's bride when your mate is very much alive, what did you expect to happen" Kai said drily.

Queen mother nodded "The jinn is right, all mates have a bond that makes them inseparable".

I looked at Axel "Is he gonna be alright".

"Yeah, right about........Now"

And Axel opened his eyes and looked around "What happened".

"You passed l out sugar" Queen mother explained.

I sighed happily "Now I can go" I turned to go but Aimee stopped me.

"You can't go Sydney, if you go then Axel will die".

"WHAT!!" We both said at the same time.

She nodded "Yes, Axel has rejected you enough, you are going to be staying here and you are going to be also staying in his room too, eating with him and do everything with him".

"You are in no place decide for me, you don't have the right and I clearly disagree with everything you just said " Axel snarled frowning.

"Well then get ready to die Alpha".

"This is unbelievable" He got up and left obviously annoyed.

Julia hugged me tightly "Welcome back Sydney".

And just like that, I was back to the house.