Need For Power

I never realized how awful exercising is. And harmful too, in terms of your social life.

Mind you, it’s not like I was the hit in parties every week before I met the three celestial black monks. I honestly don’t even know if we have parties like that. Maybe watching too many American shows is distorting my views on college life. Eh, guess I’d never know.

Point being, I did have a social life. I did have fun every now and then. Going to game parlors, or parks, or movies, or maybe even going to fancy cafes to eat overpriced food with my friends. Nothing fancy, you know (except the cafes). Just simple pleasures of life (again, except the cafes).

And look at what my life has been reduced to now.

Every day of the week, I have to now leave the college in a hurry, rush towards the mall and sneak my way into the ladies washroom.