Gurgling the minty foam out of my mouth, I stepped out of the bathroom but was pushed inside once again—not gently too—by the hands of Rei.
“Did you have to push me? I could have slipped,” I hissed at her. Though it did not seem like she cared.
“Maybe you should have. Hopefully your mind will start working with that.”
“Why would that ever work?! This is not a cartoon!” Rei simply shrugged and waited for me to say something with her brow raised and arms crossed in front of her.
I had no idea what she wanted me to say. Well, I did have several ideas but was not sure which one she wanted me to start with.
So I simply asked her, “What?”
“I’m waiting for your explanation on why you shut us out.”
“I—” Ah, that One would think that just because I knew, or had an inkling of, what she might ask, I would also have the answer for the question. I didn’t. “Do we have to talk here? It’s kinda stuffy in here—”