

I open my eyes and light invades my vision, making me squint my eyes to adjust to the light. I am laying on a bed in the nurses office. I look to my side and find Haley holding my hand while sleeping her head on the bed. I look ahead of me and find Oscar sitting on a chair while staring at me. He smiles softly at me, I smile back. He stands up and walks up to me. He places his hand on my forehead.

“Are you okay?” He asks.

“Yes. What happened?” I ask him.

“The nurse says it was a panic attack, which apparently has been caused by high levels of anxiety. She says that you should calm down and stop doing things that make you anxious or give you stress. I told her that it might not be possible because the thing at is giving you anxiety, lives with you. She then says you should see a therapist or psychiatrist.” He explains in detail, which makes me giggle.

He smiles at me. He softly caresses my check with a soft smile his face.

“You are going to be okay.” He says sweetly. It feels warm and nice to have him around. I feel a a tear run down my face and I start cry while I look at his kind and soft face. He grabs my hand, almost like he is telling me that his here. I can’t help but feel safe around him.

“Help me.” I cry while squeezing his hand. “Please.” I beg. He quickly reacts and pulls me in for a hug.

“It’s going to be okay. I promise. I am going to make him pay.” He says while I cry in his arms. He hold me protectively, letting me cry. “Cry all you want.” He says while hold me. I hold on tighter to him while I let out everything I have be holding back.

I have never felt at peace in my whole life. I have never felt like I needed anyone before but with him I want him to hold me. I know it’s just because he is here now and there is no way that I could actually like him and him like me. I just can’t believe it. I feel myself drift of to sleep in his arms. I have already stopped cry and now I feel tired. He pets my head calmly.

“It’s okay. You can sleep now.” He says softly feeling me drift off. He lays me head down on pillow soft and pets my head. He bend down a places a soft and warm kiss on my forehead. “I am coming right back. I will wake you when it’s time to go home.” He speaks so softly and in a calming voice while still touching my hair softly, almost like I will break. He stands and proceeded to walk away while my eyes slowly close. I reach out my hand to grab him, stopping him from leaving.

“Stay, please.” I say in a low voice. My eyes are almost close so I can only see a shadow figure. He walks back at sits next to me.

“Okay.” He says while I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I wake up and Oscar is still besides me. He is holding my hand. He smiles at me softly while he stares at me.

“Hey.” He says while rubbing his thumb on my hand.

“Hey.” I say while I sit up.

“The nurse says you should be fine since it was just a panic attack. I got you notes from class. School is over so we should go.” He says while I get off the bed. He helps me. He is making it seem like it is such a big deal. It is almost like I broke my legs. He has his hand around my waist while we walk down the halls and he is carrying my bag. He is taking care of me like I was actually so sick.

“I am fine. You don’t have to hold me.” I tell him while trying to get his hand away from my waist but he grasp tightens.

“I know. I just want to do it.” He says while we walk to his car.

He helps me sit on the passengers seat. He closes the door for me and rushes to the driver seat. He gets in and smiles at me.

“Are you ready?” He asks while a joyful smile on his face I can’t help myself but smile back. I nod at him and he starts the car. We drive away from school and we are heading to my home.

“Why are you doing this? Why do take care of me?” I ask him in a low voice. I hear him chuckle.

“I do it because I like you. I thought you knew that already.” He say while smiling. I feel my face heat up and my heartbeat rises. “Oh my, you are blushing.” He says happily. I shake my head.

“I am not.” I deny.

“Yes you are.” He argues.

“No I am not.”

“Yes you are.”


“Are.” This continues for a while.

“Okay whatever. You still don’t have to treat me like I broke my leg.” I say ending the meaningless argument.

“I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed.” He say while I notice the car slowing down. I look out the the window and we are close to my house. He slows down a few houses down. “I don’t want you go back there. I don’t want you to be with your brother.” He says angrily. “Why don’t your parents interfere?” He asks curiously.

“They started it.” I say in a low voice while looking down.

“What do you mean?” He asks.

I take a deep breath bracing myself. I am actually going to say it.

“Mike is not my biological brother. My dad married his mom. We are not related any way. His mom hates my guts and my dad don’t give a shit about me. My mom left home at a young age. His mom have been abusing me for as long as I can remember and Mike just follows his mom. My dad doesn’t do anything about it. I am honestly scared of going into that house everyday.” I explain to him, I notice him closing his hand into a fist.

“Why don’t you go to the police and report them? Child abuse is against the law.” He says angrily.

“I don’t have any where to go. I will be an orphan. I am still a minor and there is a chance that they might not even believe me. It is my word against theirs. I don’t have proof of their abuse. Going to the police could cause more problems than anything. I don’t have anyone. I am all alone in this I just have to deal with it until I am old enough to leave.” I explain to him. He looks frustrated and angry. He stops the car and I notice that we are here. He looks at me with sad eyes.

“I am sorry.” He says. I smile at him.

“It is not your fault.” I say while I get out the car. “Thanks for the ride” I say while I walk to my house.

“Wait!” He shouts. I turn and find him behind me. He grabs my face and I feel a soft, tender surface crush my lip. My open in shock while his soft lip land on mine. He lets my go and smiles while my cheeks heat up. “Think about me.” He say while he hugs me. I hug him back feeling warmth come from him. He lets my go and kisses my forehead. He turns and waves at me. “See you tomorrow.” He says. I smile at him and wave back, my heat beats faster at the thought of the kiss. I turn back to look at the house and I can’t seem to feel sad or down. I hear the car engine drive away and that’s when I notice it.

There is an extra car in the parking lot. I carry my bag while only thinking about Oscar and how his body felt on mine. It was so warm and his biceps are so strong, I could feel them when he hugs me. I don’t even care about the extra car or my family. I walk into the house and I hear voices coming from the kitchen. Some belong to my parents but one voice sounds different. I walk to kitchen while on the way there I see Mike sitting on the couch with his arms crossed and staring into to kitchen. I walk into the to see who is there. I see my parents but the third person caught me by shock. I drop my bag while I look at her, unable to believe that it is actually her.
