

I get ready for school in my room. Conner and Jackson are going to drop me off and they also have to talk to the principal about the school fees. I walk out of my room and find buckets of white paint besides the door. I smile at the thought of drawing on my walls. I walk into the living room, Conner and Jackson are sitting by the kitchen table eating bread while Lucas is asleep on the couch. I walk into the kitchen and greet them.

"Good morning." I say while smiling at them.

"Morning." They respond while smiling back at me. I grab a banana from the table.

"I am all set." I say while I start walking away but I'm stopped by someone grabbing my hand. I turn to find Conner staring at me seriously. I look at him shocked and confused.

"Is that all you are eating?" He asks while staring at me. I smile sheepishly.

"Yes." I respond in a low tone.

"Why?" He asks seriously.

"Because...." I trail off because I don't have a reason.