We finally arrive at the camp site. Everyone rushed to get out of the bus to stretch their legs. I needed to get out of the bus to get fresh air that didn't come through a window, before I vomit all over the place. The thing about me is that I get car sick, it becomes worse when we travel long distances, example, when we go to national camps, we usually leave the province and go to other cities. So because of this car sickness, I can't really move around a lot in the bus. I usually just sleep to prevent anything from happening. We unloaded our bags and got assigned to our rooms to sort out sleeping arrangements there too. The boy's rooms were on the other side of the field while the girl's rooms were closer to the hall. Very responsible for them to do that if you ask me. After the girls and I finished, we headed outside to meet with the other people and we started with introducing ourselves. This is a regional camp,so there are other schools here too. I stand between Lionel and Damien. I look around the circle we've made, noticing familiar faces from previous years and the new faces too. While looking around, my eyes land on the most gorgeous specimen I have ever seen in this camp. I mean, nobody beats Michael.B.Jordan, but he isn't bad. He's definitely new, I know because if I had known who he is, we would've been dating by now, if not married. It's his turn to tell us his name and all that jazz, and I have never been this eager to know a stranger's name before. I feel a slight jab against my side. I know it's from Damien. I look up at him as he mouths ,"It's your turn doofus." I was so zoned out that I didn't realise we were halfway across the circle and as Damien so sweetly said, it is my turn. The only thing that was ringing in my head was Mr sexy's name, yes I did give him a nickname. It suits him. Trevor. Its echoing. I feel another jab, this time it was Lionel, and I realised that I haven't said a thing yet. "TREVOR!" I cringe at how loudly I said that and mentally facepalm myself. I look around and everyone is laughing just like I thought they'd be. I look at Mr sexy and he was already looking at me with wide eyes. I also saw his cheeks flush a little and I couldn't have been any more embarrassed. "Alright, alright quiet down. We've all had embarrassing moments in our lives before. Hey, my name is Amira and I'm in grade ten. I'm also part of the school's club management team." Lionel goes next until we all finish. We play a few games until we get called to the hall for the proper introductions with the teachers.
Inside the hall, after introductions were said and done, we play more games. It's usually like this on the day of arrival. We play a few games until dinner time and then do something else until bed time which is at ten pm. One of the games we play is forty years on an iceberg , where we stand in groups (depending on how many people the teacher says should be in a group) and we ask questions about each other . We continuously switch groups until each of us know at least half of the people at camp. It is a great game to make new friends. I now have a new love for this game because I got new information on Mr sexy. We actually have a lot in common. His favourite colour is blue, like me. Favourite breakfast meal is pancakes.....like me. Okay, to be fair, the only reason I don't like pancakes is because I get hungry quickly after I've eaten them. It's like they just vanish on their way to my tummy. I hear bells ringing already. I was probably going to dream about him during the small amount of sleep I usually get during these camps. The games are finally over and the teacher tells us to head to our rooms to get our cutlery for dinner time, she also plays the theme song for the camp. The theme song is an alternative for an alarm or bell. So whenever they call us, for either food, activities, hall time or morning routine, they play the song. This time the camp's theme song is Dance monkey by Tones and I. After that , we are finally dismissed to go get our stuff. As soon as I get inside the room I face plant myself on my bed, "urrrggghhh, my feet are killing me." "We are all tired babygirl, suck it up." I hear Chelsey say to me. She's such a meanie. I playfully throw a pillow at her and she throws it back with so much force, I almost fell off the bed. This girl! Chelsey is one of the three females in this room that are in grade eleven. And then Omphile and I are in grade ten, and Pearl in grade nine. She had to retry the grade because her math wasn't good enough for them to let her through. The other juniors have their own room next door to ours. We all talk until the song plays and we head out to get our food. We have this tradition that whenever we get food, We sing a prayer to bless the food. "for health and strength and daily food, we praise thy name oh lord. For health and strength and daily food we praise thy name oh lord. Amen×9 , we praise thy name oh lord." After that we all get our food and we sit wherever and eat. These people always serve food that's too little, in my opinion. It's never enough for me. Chris has complained too , but he stopped. He probably fills up with his snacks.
It's finally bed time, but I'm a bit disappointed that I barely got to talk to Trevor. What would we have spoken about though, global warming? Either way, I won't let this bring me down. This was still day one of camp, four more left. By the time we leave this, I hope I'd have gotten his number. Huh, Someone that sparked my interest at camp, that sure as hell is a first. These other guys weren't bad .....but they just weren't IT for me, you know! I just hope he doesn't think I'm weird or some sort of psycho. I am, but he doesn't need to know that yet. I also hope he isn't a jerk, you know there's always some sort of turn off with these cute guys.
I toss and turn for most of the night until I finally get some sleep with the last thought on my mind being that this camp will definitely be different.