"Nigga the veyron glide
Tell the paparazzi get the lens right
got the window down, top, blowin' la
Got the hazards on, only doin' five"
that was my alarm ringing, but I just let it continue because the song hasn't reached my favourite part yet.
"You can catch me, Rih, in the new la Ferrar'
And the truck behind me got arms
Yeah, longer than LeBron
Just waitin' for my thumb like the fonz
Woo! This beast tastes like lunch
But its runnin' from veneers and its runnin' from the front
But every day, hey, wasn't lemonade
I was afraid, once a nigga graduate
Would I be okay , so I prayed and I played
Its Rihanna nigga
My constellation in space"
With that I finally switch it off. The alarm wakes me up at five in the morning. Rise and shine is at seven, but we wake up an hour or two earlier so that we can get to the showers first and not have to wait a very long time to get clean. We wouldn't repeat that mistake again. Grade eight was wild when it came to the shower time, females are animals I tell you. I get out of bed and that's when I realised that everyone else was still asleep, like the alarm didn't just ring. Aawww they look so cute when asleep, I just hate to be the bad guy ,but they'll get over it and thank me later. So I reset the alarm, multiple alarms that will ring a minute after each other , starting at five thirty and ending at five forty. Ten minutes of torture for them because I know they aren't morning people. As soon as the song plays, I get closer to each individual's ears and play it loud. I got a few pillows thrown at me and my phone fell twice. No hard feelings. They all got up murmuring a few profanities my way, but I heard some of them loud and clear. I just laughed it off and grabbed my stuff and went the showers. When I got there, there was no one, thankfully. I finished getting clean a few minutes later and made my way back to our room making sure the towel was wrapped securely around me. I take a look at the schedule on my phone so that I can dress accordingly. Seems we have a lot of games and activities today, that's means getting dirty too. Yeeeyy!. Once I get to the room, I take the leggings and shirt with my trainers out of the suitcase and put them on. I fix my bed and lay on it while waiting for the song to play. I get busy on my phone and a few minutes later the door opens revealing the others coming in. Chelsey, Faith, Dessery, Pearl and Omphile, all coming in looking disgruntled even after showering, shame. I got the scowls, as expected and a few good mornings. Faith and Dessery start playing music and we all sing and dance along while they got dressed. It is was quite the show really. Faith dancing with her shorts halfway up and Pearl dancing with her shirt halfway down. The song that's playing is UNO by Nasty C. Once they finished, we went outside to wait. We left our phones behind because we weren't going to need them. The nice thing about camp is that , we are so busy having fun that we don't feel the need to play with our phones. The only time we'd probably be using a phone is when we take pictures together.
It's still six thirty, time runs slow when you're waiting. There weren't that many people outside, some of them are still asleep in their rooms, that's a fact. We greet the others and jump into a conversation. We were in the middle of the field so we could see all the rooms. A few minutes later the guys in Chris's room walked out with him and Trevor in tow. I cannot even believe Chris didnt tell me him and Trevor sleep in the same room , I mean, I know I didnt tell him about this new found attraction, but as my best friend , he's supposed to read my mind and know right? This guy! Well, I definitely need to have a word with him. They made their way to us and I ran to Chris and squished him in a bear hug. "You're hurting me Amira." " I Can't breathe " did I listen.......no. "AMI..." I let go of him and laugh before he finishes his yelling. We ended up laughing together. We could never get mad at each other for long, but I'll still talk to him. When I turned to the group, there was a pair of eyes on me already. It was Trevor. His face looked emotionless, but I swear i saw a quick flash of anger across his eyes. Was he looking at me like that? Oh hell naw! Nobody looks at me like that.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He seems a bit shocked that I just asked that out loud. "I wasn't looking at you, I was looking ahead of you." He had a smirk on his face. "Is that why you looked jealous when Chris and I hugged?" I could also see the blush creeping us his face. He just started something i was more than happy to finish honey. "Seems to me like you were the only one doing the hugging. No need to force things babygirl." He just called me babygirl!. This guy is an official jerk. Typical of these cute guys. It's TRUE when they say blinded by beauty. I was THIS CLOSE to punching him the face. "Why you little mmmhhmmm mmhhmm..." my voice was muffled by Chris's hand. "OKAY, I think that is enough for one morning, I'm sure the song is going to play soon." Thank godess he stopped me before I went too far. He knows I far I can go. True to his word, the song plays and we went inside the hall to start this day off with body beat. Chris usually stands with Lionel, Damien and the other guys and I stand with the girls. They start playing the music videos and we all start dancing along and enjoying ourselves. While dancing I feel a pair of eyes on me, and when I turned to look it was Trevor. This would have been cute yesterday, but now that he's opened his big mouth, it's actually creepy. I send a scowl at him and ho back to enjoying the best way to wake my body up.
After the morning routine with breakfast we prepare ourselves for the activities of the day. While waiting for the teachers to call us, we all gather on the field to play Ha Ka Saw, which is one of our land service traditional games, and my favourite one too. Not to brag, but I consider myself a master at this game. We are all in a circle and they call for me to explain to the new juniors how the game goes. The kids understand me better , that's why they always call me to explain. I teach them the rules and we show them a trial run of how the game goes. Before we start though, I mix the students up so that seniors are standing next to juniors, and I put myself between Trevor and Chris. "Trevor, are you sure you want to stand next to Amira?" Lionel was screaming across from us . I actually saw looks of pity from other students heading Trevor's way. "Yeah, she can't be that bad right?" And there was a roar of laughter after his last comment. "The problem is not that she's bad, it's far from that, it's that she's too good, I could switch places with you man, at least I know her better." "Nope, I think I'm good man, I think I can handle it." Chris and I look at each other and I smirk at him
Let the games begin Mr Trevor.