Amira's POV
I was smiling all the way to my room. I really had a wonderful night tonight I had never enjoyed talking to someone so much that I lose awareness of my surroundings. I get into our room to change and half of the girls are already dressed in their pajamas, eating their chips(crisps). "Hey guys" I greet while walking to my suitcase that's under my bed. "Hi Mira" "Hi Ami" Pearl and Omphile greet simultaneously. "So how have you guys been,what's been happening with you guys". "We're good,nothing much happening ", Pearl replies,"but we see you getting cozy with Mr hottie Trev,what's happening there?" Omphile adds. These girls love gossip. "(Laughing) nothing much either,we're just getting to know each other is all. He is a really nice guy..." There's silence. They look at me expecting more,as if I'm going to say more. I'm used to not sharing much with others as I do with Paballo and Chris. I just don't see the need for others other than them to know my business. "Well,that's it,there's nothing else I can say really". "Really,or is that you don't want to tell us anything?" " I don't want to say anything ". I see the looks of anger and disappointment on their faces. "I just don't want to jinx anything you know..." "oh...we understand,well...I'm rooting for you guys anyway, you look cute together." Pearl responds,but Omphile still doesn't look convinced. I don't care anyway,I'm not seeking for their approval and it honestly doesn't matter to me if they accept this or not,or if they gossip ,they just shouldn't interfere my life and business. I've finally changed into my cute bunny onesie and grab my mug and teaspoon.
I walk out of the room ,heading to where most of the others probably are. Once I get there, I notice some have also changed their clothes while others decided to stay uncomfortable in their costumes. I mean,you can only last so long in certain clothing items you bras and skinny jeans. But let them do them. Damnit,I should've gotten here faster. These damn boys finished all the cookies! At least they didn't song all the sugar again like in grade 7. I had to drink sugarless coffee because of them ,it wasn't bad,at least the creamer was sweet. Anyway,so because Trevor isn't here,I take this opportunity to steal my best friend away from everyone. I feel like I've neglected him you know,even though he's also been busy with Tanushri...still,we haven't talked in a while. "Christopher Thando Mtungwa" He doesn't like it when people call him by his full name...but who am I to listen to that,I'm his best friend of course, I'd like to think I can get away with it". He looks at me with a scowl,"what?" "I need to talk to you ". I make sure I'm audible enough for some of the people around us to hear us,I also stand across form the table to put woke some distance between us. "What is it this time,I swear it's always something with you". I gasped dramatically, " What did you just say to me?" I say a bit louder this time ,we have the attention of everyone around us. "You heard me. It's always something. You are never truly satisfied. You always want to fight with me. Do you enjoy seeing me riled up,huh?" He says angrily,with his arms flailing around him. We should be professional actors you know,because we definitely know how to put on a show. I put a scowl on my face, "Me,I'm never satisfied? Well you're right,because you never satisfy me. Don't you think if you were doing your part none of this would be happening. I'm tired Chris. Tired of being the only one always putting in the effort. I think you know where this going now,this way we'll both be happy". "Just say it,I'm a man,I'm ready". He puffs his chest with is arms akimbo. I put on a solemn look,"'s over " I say while I put my left hand on my forehead and turn around dramatically, with my right arm stretched out behind me. I look back to Chris and see him hold his hands on his chest,falling to his knees with a look of pain on his face "Oh no,the pain...the paaaaiiin" He finally falls on his back and lays still. I run to him,"Oh no Chris my love,don't die on me. I love you Chris. I love yoouuu" I wail out loud ,but Chris had to ruin everything because he couldn't keep it in. He breaks out in loud and uncontrollable laughter,and because of that,I join him too. Most of the people around us were cracking up because they know our antics and the crazy stuff we do. Others have confused lookson their faces. We even got the attention some of the teachers. I help him get up and clean him up and we continue mixing our coffee. "So what's been going on with you?"He asks me ,I actually wanted to ask you actually, we haven't talked in a while ...and we need to catch up". "We just talked yesterday ". "Argh it feels like last week...anyway,I see you getting it on with Tanushri. What's going on there ?" "Nothing really, not yet anyway. She's really cool you know,I'm really feeling her,hopefully something happens tomorrow, you know". "I know ,I know what you mean". "Of course I know what you mean. I see you getting cozy with my roommate huh!" "Roommate? " I laugh at that,I didn't think that they were that close to call each other roommates. "Yeah,he's mos my roommate we share a cabin"."Mos?" "Listen here,this is South Africa, and I'm mixed l,so the vernacular is bound to come out. Los my(leave me) " Okay ,okay calm down". I say laughing "no need to fight ". "Okay,okay! I get it,and by the way,I wasn't getting defensive and I wasn't fighting and who even uses that term anymore?" "I do,I just did,and it won't be the last time I use it". Alright. Ek los jou(I'll leave you to it) "Dankie"(thank you). He checks his non existent watich on his wrist,"oh would you look at the time,it's getting late. I know it looks like I'm leaving you...but there's actually not but,I am just leaving you here". "But we just started talking ,and I'm not done drinking my coffee ". "I know ,but I'm tired and you know tomorrow is a long day,so early night for me". "Argh you are such a party pooper and bad friend,it's fine you can leave". He walks away chuckling. That was so weird of him,he's never just left me like this. I wonder what's going on with him. I hope it isn't because of Tanushri...