I'm so sorry for the late update, I've been busy with school since it started and this is my final year of high school too, so things are a bit hectic. But I'm working out a timetable and getting my things in order. At least I've been writing, just not publishing. From now on, it'll be 2 chapters a week.
We dance for a while and converse a little too. It's nice talking with her like this. We've talked before yes, but it's different tonight, more intimate in a way. It's probably the setting and all that, yeah let's say that. "You're an interesting character you know, got any other questions for me?" I ask/tell her. "Okay, this is an important question for me, I ask almost all new people this question.... are you a foodie?" She has the most innocent look of her face. What the hel...Halloween?( This no profanity rule is getting to me) that's a very weird question to ask. "I love food , I do however have limited ingestion. So I'm not a very big foodie. I guess you could say I'm still at the early stages." "Okay. Well...I don't know what else to ask." She shrugs. "I'll day anyway. I'm a profound sports lover and a vocalist...a flippin good one I'd like to believe." "Okay, are you gay?" Do I look gay? "Nope, as straight as a ruler. I like them with an XX chromosome." She laughs at that statement. "Okay, now I'm out of questions." "How about you, spill your preferences, liked and dislikes, do's and don'ts." "I don't like spit talkers. I don't like being interrupted while I'm speaking. I only refer to my partners as baby when I talk about them, but I don't use pet names for them. I prefer it that way. I just feels weird using a pet name for a grown person. I read , I write, I eat, I exercise almost daily." "What's a spit talker?" "A spit talkers is someone who spits when they talk. I usually go with the saying ,'say it don't spray it!' Or my personal favourite, 'if I can do it, so can they." I'm so stupid, it was literally in the name 'spit talkers'. "You have an interesting persona" "how so?" "Its just interesting. I've never come across anything like it, but then again expect anything when it comes to pretty girls right." She giggles a little. "Thank you." "My pleasure, how many partners have you had? I mean its probably not my place , but if you don't mind telling." "You're right, it's not your place. I've had one, the other four were just flings." "See what I mean, you're dangerous." She laughs at that, "I still don't see it, how am I dangerous?" "You just don't strike me as the type to do flings. Four flings is by no means normal. You either had a mutual agreement or closed your heart off." "I'm sure, no I know my four is nothing compared to other females out there. Some of them go through men like they're going through outfits, picking out what they think is perfect, try it, and if it doesn't look good, they try the next one. Call it a mutual agreement, but I also call them flings because they didnt even last a full month. Wait , what type do I strike you as?" I couldn't help but agree with her on her statement. "The type that doesn't take nonsense." "You're right, I don't. But people still see the need to want to see how far they can go with stretching the limit. That's why they didnt last, I just wasn't going to take their nonsense." She has this serious look on her face. Damn, it's clear she's not easy to please. I would have to work very hard if I want to be with her.....wait.... "are you currently dating someone?" I ask curiously. "No, are you?" Oh thank goodness she's single. "No, but let's say I was thinking on embarking on one with you. Would you let me?" I ask hopefully. "I honestly don't know. Dating me is not easy, and I'm currently enjoying being single." I pay no mind to that last sentence and mask my disappointment. "Why is that? And how difficult?" "There's a lot going on right now for me. I don't go out, and I have a curfew. And I'd say a 7 out of 10 in difficulty. I'm not easy Mr Trevor." I kinda like it when she calls me that, its formal but it works for her...for me. "I fail to see how that's a problem" "and I don't just jump into a relationship. Goodness no, I date when there are feelings." "Okay, I get you." "Why do you want to pursue one with me?" Does her curious mind ever just stop or take a break? "Your character traits interest me, I'm intrigued." I say honestly, she laughs "intrigued..well, good to know I left you a little gobsmacked." Gobsmacked, who even uses that word? I chuckle, she is definitely something else.
We are so engrossed in our bubble that we didnt even realise the music stopped even though we're still dancing and talking. I can honestly say that I've never gotten this lost and sucked in a conversation with a female, but I like it. Now that we are aware of our surroundings, i pull her away from the floor and we go outside into the beautiful night. Once we get there we just stay in comfortable silence for a while. This is nice...until i break it. "Did you have a good time?" I hope she did, because I had the best time, "yes i did, had the best time Thank you. Did you?" "Took the words right out of my mouth." I grin. We stare at each other a little longer and i step a closer to her. Gosh she has beautiful eyes, her right eye is a lighter brown than her left eye. They are even more beautiful when she faces the both the sun and moon. The lighter brown becomes hazel and the darker brown becomes lighter. She has beautiful honey caramel skin that looks soft to the touch. I reach out to touch her cheek and she leans into my hand. She finally closes the space between us..but to my disappointment, she kisses my cheek. At least I got a kiss, it's not a total loss. Her lips linger longer before she steps back. She has the most adorable smile on her face, its reassuring in a sense, like everything is going to be alright. "Well, the night isn't over yet and I'm starting to get uncomfortable in my dritten suit as you called it. I'm going to change into my pajamas and come back out for coffee and biscuits. I don't know if you'll be there you'll be there so I'm going to say goodnight in advance. Goodnight!" She doesn't wait for my response, she just turns around and walks back to her room.
What a night it has been...but I wouldn't change a thing.