Day 3-annoying prick

Could he have been any more annoying? Well, the answer is yes. Its times like these that I wish I was a witch with a wand so that I could hex him into oblivion. "You know, I'm not going to that easily until you talk to me, the day is not over yet." "Oh my goodness can I just watch the damn movie in peace please?,or i will report to one of the teachers for harrassment, and it won't end well for you." "Fine, but can we please just talk a little after the movie ends?" "Okay,now leave me alone." Finally I watch the rest of the movie without any interruptions.

The movie is over and I just can't wait to hear what Trevor has to say(note the sarcasm). We walk out of the hall together. Chris is with Tanushri, his new fling. "Okay, so....what did you want to talk to me about?" "I just want us to start over. I also want to apologize for what I did in there and all the other other times I overstepped or did something wrong. I'm sorry. I also realise that I kind of came at you in not the best way and too quickly. I swear I'm not usually like this. So...can we restart this thing that's happening between us?" He was rubbing the back of his neck while speaking, showing his nervousness. He is so cute when he is like this. "Sure. I'd like that very much." I say with a small smile and a blush creeping up my cheeks. "Hi, my name is Trevor." He says with a smile and extends his hand for me. I take it in mine and shake it a little. "Hi, my name is Amira." I look into his beautiful eyes. We stay in this position for a long time, just staring into each other's eyes, hands still together. I am the first to realise this and I snap out out of it, feeling flustered... "uhm, I think you can let go of my hand now." I say softly, still looking up at him. If I could, i would just look into his eyes all day every day. He still doesn't let go, but I don't pull away either. I feel like he is staring into my soul with the way he is looking at me. "I really think you should let go, your hand is sweating onto mine." That got to him, because he finally let go. He clears his throat, "oh right....yeah, yeah, sorry about that. You have really soft hands." "Thank you...uhm, you have really...hard ones? I guess" I say more like a question. This is so awkward. "Thank you...I guess. Well we should get going." "Yeah, let's go."

We meet up with everyone else who are sitting on the field grass. I sit myself next to Chris and Trevor sits next to Steezy. "Alrighty, so what are you guys talking about today?" "Religion." Thuto answers. "Okay, what about it?" I ask. "Some of the guys were just saying that christianity and ancestors shouldn't be mixed together." Chris answers, and I frown at that. Seems like my geniusness is needed here. "You know, and I mean no offense at all in what I'm about to say, but I never understood people who say such things. How? If that's the case the Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are just names? There are countless people in the bible, dead people who worshiped and praised god, they even have their own gospels by the way. Countless times in that same bible where is actually says 'God of our ancestors.' My problem is the people who just associate ancestors with witchcraft and evil spirits and visual and all that stuff, or people who say ancestors are demonic spirits. Keep in mind that that same ancestor is the reason you are even alive today, through reproduction, also keep in mind that you'll also be someone's ancestor in a thousand years. I honestly think its lack of proper knowledge and common sense that makes some people say this. No one ever said you should worship your ancestors, just acknowledge them, there is a difference. I guess that's why they say common sense isn't so common after all." "Amen to that sister, preach." Faith and Dessery yell in unison, making me laugh a little. "Thank you, I'll be here all night." "Are you always like this, so....full of yourself?" Trevor asks. "Honey please, if not me, then who else is going to fill me up?, and also, stop being such an annoying prick." I smirk at him. And with that, everyone cracks up, oblivious to the fact that we were smiling at each other.


She just amazes me every time she opens that big mouth of hers. I wonder how she comes up with these...these... words so quickly. Maybe she's written all this stuff down before right? Yeah, that could be the case. Or maybe she just knows all these stuff and that's how she always knows what to say. Either way, it just makes me want to pursue her more. I can't say I like her already, too soon, but what o could tell is a relationship with her definitely won't be boring. She's quick witted enough to keep me on my toes. I'll have another chance to talk to her tonight. We have this thing called a 'Sokkie' tonight. It's basically a party, without the food. We dress nice, depending on the theme and enjoy our night with music, and dancing and all that goodness. It's also a chance for all the guys to couple up with their lucky gals and shoot their shots. I'll definitely take any opportunity I'll get to have that time with Amira. Just to talk to her, listen to her voice. Maybe get her a little pissed because I like it when she gets pissed. I may or may not get a kiss too. You know, just wishful thinking. We'll just see how it goes. The theme is Halloween, meaning anything goes(anything appropriate). So I decided to dress up like good ole Lucifer. I mean, I do capture the souls of the innocents with my charming looks anyway, might as well dress the part. Chris is dressed like a....peliphant?...a elinguin? His top half is an elephant, and his bottom half is a penguin. What a peculiar outfit. I shake my head and walk out of the room heading for the hall, hoping that Amira is already there. Again, wishful thinking, because we all know girls take their sweet time to get ready.

But when she did come though, she definitely blew my horns off. Lol what is with that school and their weirdos. She's a cute weirdo though, besides the point. She came in dressed like a cat with dragon wings. A dritten?.... or a drat? No, drat sound weird, definitely dritten. I don't even want to talk about how the others are dressed.Not going to lie, it does suit her. I walk up to her and she smirks at me. "I see you finally accepted who you truly are, the devil indeed. How long did it take you to realise that?" "Haha very funny, and what's with your outfit, I've never seen anything like it." "Well, you've never seen anything like me so.... unique is always different. It will find a way to stand out." She pats her shoulders at that. I really admire the self love. I stare at her a little longer before I ask her the question I've been wanting to ask her tonight.

"Would you like to dance my young dritten?" I bow and extend my hand. "Dritten, really?" She asks laughing "yeah it was either that or drat, and that didnt sound right to me. So dritten." "Well, I like it, and yes, I would love to dance. She offers her hand and I take it in mine and waltz her to the dance floor to start our night.