Day 3-finally

Day two seemed like a long day right. I honestly just want this camp to be over now.

My alarm rings waking me up. Arrgg, it's time to get ready for another day. I follow the same routine I did for yesterday...well, without waking the girls up like I previously did. I get my stuff and to the empty showers to do my thing. After I finish, I go back to my room and check the timetable for today. Seems like we don't have a lot of activities so I can wear my pair of jeans. I pair them with a black shirt and my white trainers. I fix the nest I call my hair and check my phone before I head outside. I got a few texts from my mom, dad, and a few friends, so I respond to them quickly and then I head out. It's still six forty five, so it won't be long until everyone else comes out. I wait with the other kids that are already outside and we all talk. I don't know if I said this before, but one of the reasons I love camp so much is because we are all one big family. We might go to different schools, but we put all that aside when we get here. Lucas suggests that we play ninja l, so we stand in a proper circle and the game starts with him. While playing, the rest started coming out of their rooms. Now some of them wanted to play with, so we have to restart the game. But I'm already tired, so just decide not to play with and stand with Trevor and we talk a little. I finally realised that there's no need for me to be nervous around him and whatever happens, there's no need to be embarrassed too. I'm only human, and farting is only a natural body process to release gassy toxins. And besides, I didn't come to this camp to impress him, I came to enjoy myself and possibly get chosen for nationals. So we talk a little until the song plays calling us to the hall for body beat. I honestly love this, the remix songs that they play are really amazing and enjoyable. I always lose myself in them, causing me to sometimes lose track of the steps, but I regain myself.

After body beat we have a bible session. We all sit in groups of five to six people, look at our pages and read the scripture of the day. So how this goes is, we read the scripture, and we go around the circle discussing what each of us understand from it. The scripture today says, "I said, 'Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.'" Everyone around the circle say what they want to say , everyone being Chris, Trevor, Thuto, Steezy and I. "God will always be waiting for us. He said it himself when he said , come as you are. The kingdom of God waits for you. Just ask, and you will receive. Open your eyes and you will see. Open your ears, and you will hear. All we gave to do is connect to our spiritual selves. We have to learn how to see spiritually, hear spiritually, and be connected. Learn and except who you we truly are. Unlearn everything that you have learned, that you know, because new and greater unfathomable knowledge will be given to you when you step foot into the kingdom." Unfortunately, before I could finish, it is already time for us to go raise the flags outside. The raising of the flags ceremony is done every morning. We raise both the land service and the country's flag and we sing the anthems that goes with each flag. Its mandatory that we do this every morning, also mandatory that we know the lyrics of these songs.

After that morning routine and breakfast, we have a few minutes to just chill before we go back in the hall for movies. Yes we watch movies in the afternoon okay, we've gotten used to it. Some went to their rooms to get their own snacks, and the rest went to get their bowls for the popcorn the kitchen will be serving to us. After all of that, we go inside the hall. I decide to drag Chris with me and I get cozy between him and Trevor while the movie starts. Seems the movie we'll be watching is The Greatest Showman.


Even though I've seen this movie before I can't help but think it's the perfect one to watch right now. I'm sitting next to Amira.....and GODESS she smells so good, I could just sniff her for the rest of the day if I could. That sounded so wrong, I meant inhale her scent. I know English guys. Chris is sitting on her other side. Speaking of, you know i saw him talking to this other girl earlier on, and they seemed to getting cozy. I wonder if Amira knows about her. I think is a douche for playing with two women like that. I know that him and Amira are just best friends, but you get what I mean. I think he should've said something to her....if she doesn't know yet. Shame on him. She seems so focused on the movie, it would be just terribly terrible if I disturb her. So I spoke her shoulder anyway, I want attention. And I want it from her. Gosh I'm such a baby. "Hey Amira..." she ignores me, so I poke her again, "hey Amira, hey look at me." Don't you just hate being disturbed during a movie you so badly want to watch in peace? I do too, i just feel like punching that person that has the gaul to disturb me. "Amiiiraaaa, Amira....hey hey girl." "Oh my goodness! What, what WHAAT THE FRIZBIZ DO YOU WANT FROM ME , And it better be worth it because may the good godess forgive me for what I'm going to do to you!!" I went so far back in my seat I could have fallen if it wasn't for the armrests. Damn she is scary when she's angry. Never mess with a black woman I tell ya, because if looks could kill, I would've never existed. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I just wanted us to talk, that's it. No need to get you knickers in a knot." Luckily for us, no one could really hear us, because half of them weren't even paying attention to the movie, they were just talking amongst themselves. She scowls at me. She looks so adorable.....and scary, but adorable when she's angry. If she were a cartoon, I'm sure steam would be coming out of her ears. "I can't believe you right now, is that really the only reason you called me, disturbed me from the movie?" "Well...yes?." I say it like it's a question. I chuckle nervously. Do you think now would be a good time to let her know that I know she farted, probably not right? I have another way, "you know, you could've just told me that night that you wanted a kiss.." i see her eyes widen, she looks a little caught off guard. Gotcha! I smirk a little. What I didnt expect was for her to recover so quickly, she looks at me with a serious face. I wonder if anyone has ever told her she has a 'don't mess with me face' ? "Just eff off Mr jokester, I'm trying to to watch my movie." She looks ahead to the projector. I tried getting her attention again, but all I got were ugly looks from the other students, probably telling me to shut it.

What a way to ruin things even more Trev. I'll try again later though. The day isn't over.