Still day 2-lmao


"He didnt realise that I stopped. Thank godess for that.

I just farted.


I can't help but crack up. I couldn't believe I just ruined the moment by farting, who does that? Talk about silent but deadly. I hope he doesn't find out it's me. I mean, nothing could get more embarrassing than that right

Trevor's POV

That girl, there's just something about her man. To think i was just about to kiss and then the moment got ruined by that wretched smell. I can't help but laugh, what a way to ruin the moment. Its definitely something new. I bet she doesn't know that I know that she did it, that smell was way too close to be coming from somewhere else in that room. I walk to rest the rest of the guys and I see that Chris already had my cutlery for me. "Thanks man, I appreciate it." I look at him a while longer and I couldn't help but think of when I saw him and Amira hugging. Amira, that is a really beautiful name and suits her. I wonder if they are together, I hope they aren't. I look up just in time to see her coming from the room and I can't help but smile a little. She walks like a model, literally. You'd never think she could ruin a beautiful moment by farting. I think I have a one up on her with that, I'll never let it go. She comes up to us and she goes directly to Chris and they start talking and laughing. Ahhhhhh....I can't help but feel a tiny bit jealous. She looks so happy with him. I bet I can make her twice as happy as he does.....wait , what am thinking. I can't believe I thought like that. Looking at them, I see them smirk at each other and she moves back a bit, what is she doing? She puts her cutlery down and starts singing. Sounds like she's singing mamma Mia. Hey don't judge, I know the song, I watched the movie, so what. She's even doing the routine, yeah I know that one too. She's not the best singer, but she's okay. I see Chris also join her, but he doesn't sing. Are they always like this, it's kinda boring really.

Amira's POV

I stomp my feet along with rhythm of the song.

"Just one look and I can hear the bell ring, one more look and I forget everything. Oh wooha ho. Mamma Mia, here I go again, my my how can I resist you.

Mamma mia, does it show again, my my, just how much I missed you.

YES! I've been broken hearted, since the day we parted.

Why why, did I ever let you go

Mamma mia, now I really know

My my, I should not have let you go."

I was dancing with Chris and singing to him, since he refuses to embarrass himself by singing with. I swear I have to do all the work in this friendship. Urgghh. After we finish, we notice that we gathered a crowd. Some were laughing, and some were clapping. Us being a dramatic duo, we held hands and took multiple bows. They finally call for us to line up for dinner time.(its better than what I made it sound like, sorry). We do the whole jazz before we get our food and sit wherever. This time i decided to sit with my buddy Chris, we needed a little catch up anyway. Who knows, maybe he already has a girlfriend, this guy is fast when it comes to these things. "Hey buddy, how you been doin'? "Lol, why did you have to say it like that. I'm great. How you been?" "I'm good, so let's catch up." "Okay what do you....." "why didnt you tell me you're sharing a room with Trevor?" I interrupt before he could finish his sentence. Its rude, I know, and I also know he won't answer because I interrupted him. He looks at me with his right eyebrow raised, keeping his mouth shut. See what I mean. It's the reason why we are best friends, we both hate being shut off like that. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry for interrupting, I just wanted to know. I know you saw me almost drool on the first day."

"I know, I didnt tell you because I wanted you to find out on your own, and because i wanted us to talk like this about him. I didnt know how I was going to bring him up, but you just did. So let's do this. Tell me the deets." Oh my godess, he is such a girl when it comes to talks like these. I giggle a little, and see him looking at me with wide eyes. "What has the guy done to you, you never giggle. You guys just met yesterday. Today isn't even over. Did something happen?" One thing is, I could never properly hide my emotions from Chris, I'm like an open book to him. So it came to know surprise when he noticed that I didn't answer and I was avoiding his eyes, he immediately picked up that something, infact did happen. "Oh my goodness, did something happen, or almost happen?" "Lol something almost happened alright. After my speech yesterday I walked away heading to my room, and he came with me. I just went to get my cutlery and come back out, that's why you saw him coming from the direction of our rooms. Anyway, heading out, I switched off the light before actually stepping out of the door, and I tripped. Long story short, he saved me, we were about to kiss until he ran out of the room, but I stayed inside." "That asshole, why did he just run out like that. You know what, you don't deserve him babygirl. Just quit it with him already." "Woah woah, before you go punch the guy. There's a reason he ran. I stayed because I was embarrassed." "Why were you embarrassed, it's not like you farted or anything like that. Wow, that would be so good." He starts laughing. Wow, no thanks sherlock, sometimes I don't like him. He finally stops laughing and looks at me, waiting for me to answer, even though he figured to answer on his own. "Yes I farted Chris, are you happy? I farted okay, i farted and i ruined the moment before we actually kiss." I whisper yell at him because i refuse to let more people know about this. Imagine if the entire camp found out. News travels fast around here, but at least I know Chris won't share this, and I hope Trevor hasn't connected any dots. "You know what, let's just leave this conversation here, I'm going to bed early today. Godess forbid I make a fool out of myself again in the hall." I get up and take my stuff with me and go to my room. I'll just wash everything tomorrow morning before breakfast.

"Goodnight, sweet dreams. Or should I say smelly ones?" He laughs even more. "Say it louder bro, I don't think Zimbabwe heard you clearly. And goodnight to you too." I walk out before I hear any more of his mean laughs.