Gilded Age: The Abandoned Ones

Food, drink and a little bit of light, that was all they wanted. Their brethren sealed them in here, the ones that changed. They left them to die. His claws and feet dug at the boulder. Instead of fierce growls, all he could manage were dried whines.

Abandoned–their king abandoned them. So they tried to kill him. It was his duty to die for someone stronger to take over. If it wasn't for that woman, their king would have added to someone's strength.He heaved, as his eyes felt heavy. The Nards abandoned the Nards. How ironically funny. The thing that bound them together was this curse that ran from generation to generation.

Once the curse broke for some of their kind, they fled, fled to the king who abandoned his duty.

The Nard leaned against the boulder. Cold sweat leaked from his slime-covered skin. His eyes felt heavy. The Nard could hear his other cursed brethren galloping to a stop before him.