Lena stood where Julie once presided. Her eyes glanced greedily at the display she had witnessed. Even from here, there seemed to be some sort of emergency. Something happened. Lena smirked. "We weren't informed. Happy days, it's time to strike," she crackled with glee.
Lena then turned around to face her three cohorts.
Her eyes shifted over to Mayor Julie, who was behind her desk, reading important documents. A brown cb radio box that rested on her desk beeped, and a muffled old voice came over the line. "Hey, a large group of Nards, that Vincent guy, and his brother left. You know, the kid that gave the speech."
Julie shrugged and continued to look over her papers.
The members' eyes shifted to Julie.
Lena sashayed over to Julie's desk. "Don't you think that's important?"
"One comes to understand that if Vincent is involved, something big is happening. The Nard king, or whatever he calls himself, acted suspiciously."