Sue, Creed, Crystal, Airlond, and Mininna stood in front of the tall steel and glass building. After a brief conversation, they each bounded away in their separate teams.
Once Crystal was alone, her hardened eyes softened. How was she going to tell Ashley? Did the wolves tell her? How was she going to explain this? Should she have gone home first?
A short distance away, a Nard warrior approached Mininna and the king. "The boulder is gone," whispered the Nard warrior.
Airlond and Mininna stopped moving.
Mininna mentally froze.
Airlond sighed as he glanced toward Creed's back. There are some things that others should not know.
Crystal noticed the Nard warrior approaching. So, she kept her back to them and walked slowly. It seemed strange. So, without saying any words, she summoned a different wolf, a distance away at her house.
The wolf, startled at first, quickly went spirit form and immediately floated away.