"The man got careless!"
Doctor Calx then switched his gaze to check Creed's progress. Pushing up his glasses, he sighed. Honestly, the kid was doing fine. He worried for a second that Creed panicked and used Full Admission. Well, Full Admission is good for a full heal in combat, but there are still drawbacks. Especially if you do not know what you are dealing with. Doctor Calx rolled up his sleeves and quickly strolled over to Creed. "Tell me what you need,'' said Doctor Calx.
Creed's eyes widened and he gasped, but he continued monitoring the patient. Now was not the time. His ears had a slight patch of pink. Creed narrowed his eyes. "I need a mirrodex blood transfusor."
Doctor Calx chuckled, then flicked Creed's ear. "You did an okay job, but never deviate from the patient for an instant. A single moment is life and death. Now, Spike, finish and remove yourself from the wound. You need to retrieve the necessary equipment."