Loyal and Airlond stood. Their air of authority is undeniable. Their thoughts each took different turns. Airlond’s face held a tight grimace. His eyes hardened, staring at his dead comrades. The people he was to lead. Have they grown so weak in the lap of their recent luxury’s? Did teaming up with the two races offer benefits or complacency?
Loyal’s eyes searched the scene. She winced while turning a way. A few tears gathered and fell. She wondered about the few feet between the Nard king and her. She placed a hand on his forearm. “I am sorry for your losses.”
He shrugged her hand off while grunting. “You cry too much for a leader.”
Loyal nodded. “It seems all I do is lead and cry. I wasn’t ready for this,” she admitted.
He blinked, tilted his head, his mouth switched to the right side, and then to the left. “We have become weak, after reverting.”
Loyal paused, hand still outstretched. “Is it weakness?”