The meeting

My day started with me being a nervous wreck. I ate my breakfast like I am sitting on a hot stove. I finished my breakfast in seconds. Lilly and zay are suspicious of my behavior but didn't ask anything other than showing concern that I am gonna choke on my food with the speed I am stuffing my face.

After leaving the apartment I drove my car like a madwoman and It's a miracle that I didn't get a ticket for driving above the speed limit.

I attended all classes like I am in another world. It's just a casual meeting nothing more. Why am I behaving like this? If I behave like this I am going to get a panic attack and I don't want that to happen.

I am currently sitting in my last class feeling like the classroom is closing on me and it's becoming hard to breathe. " no Scarlett don't behave like a teenager and this is not your first date or he is your boyfriend. You are just going to meet him because he wants to apologize, it's just a formal meeting between two strangers" I gave a pep talk to myself, and slowly my breathing becomes normal.

Yesterday I texted omer to come to the cafe In which I work. I choose this cafe because I feel somewhat less nervous in a familiar place.

It took me ten minutes to reach the cafe and to my horror omer is already sitting in the cafe at the last table. I forget the pep talk which I gave myself before coming here and become a nervous wreck again and started pacing in front of the cafe not getting the courage to enter.

Omer is looking as usual like he came straight from a magazine. he is wearing a navy blue suit which fits him like a glove and showing his broad shoulders, flat stomach and giving him a powerful aura.

I am drooling at the man candy sitting there not knowing that every woman in the cafe is undressing him with their eyes. I am brought back from my daze by my colleague jasmine. She is an Asian with small eyes and a cute little button nose, brown hair, and a petite figure. We all call her Jaz and she is an overly cheerful and kind girl. She is in high school and working here to pay her fees and bills.

" stop drooling Scarlett you are ruining your shirt with your drool," Jaz said standing beside me. I immediately tried to wipe my chin to remove drool but to my embarrassment, I am not drooling and I got caught checking omer out and embarrassed myself by wiping my chin.

" ha ha ha ha ha I got you. Oh my God look at your face you are looking like you got caught stealing cookies from a jar. You are too funny scar. I can't stop laughing" Jaz said laughing out loud holding her belly. Her small eyes disappeared because of how hard she is laughing. I got more embarrassed by the attention we are getting from the people and thank God omer is still distracted by his phone and not witnessing my embarrassment.

" Jaz stops it we are getting attention and you are embarrassing me ." I hissed at her and dragged her by holding her elbow to the back of the cafe where employees keep their stuff and relax in their free time.

" sorry scar but your face looks very funny when you got caught drooling at that fine specimen," Jaz said still laughing.

" I am not drooling at anyone jaz. I just zoned out and you just startled me that's it" I said defending myself.

" whatever scar I know what you are doing standing at the entrance for straight five minutes not moving from there. I saw you the minute you entered the cafe. So, defend yourself how much you want but we both know the truth" jaz said smirking.

" no, I am not drooling and not staring at omer. So stop assuming Jaz" I said going to my locker to put my bag in it. My shift starts in two hours.

" so, you know that handsome hunk's name huh? Jaz asked still smirking.

" umm yeah, he is my roommate's brother," I said not telling her anything other than that. if I tell her that he came here for me then she is going to make it a big deal out of nothing.

" ohh, who? that redhead's brother? What is her name? I forgot and it is a difficult name to remember" she said removing her apron.

" yeah, zayreen's brother," I said.

" that's why I thought he looked familiar," jaz said going to her locker to change into her clothes because her shift ended.

" yeah okay then I'll go and say hi to him, he knows that I work here," I said avoiding her eyes.

"um okay see you tomorrow," Jaz said waving at me.

I gathered all my courage and did my breathing exercise, I left the locker room with my newfound courage," keep calm, keep calm. Don't embarrass yourself" I repeated these words in my head till I reached the table. Omer still doesn't saw me approaching. He is as usual on his phone doing God knows, what.

I cleared my throat to gain his attention and he lifted his head so fast that I thought he strained his neck.

" hey when did you come," he asked gesturing me to take the seat opposite him.

" just now" I replied plopping myself on the chair and took the menu to stop my hands from shaking due to my nervousness.

" hmm so what do you want to order," omer asked scanning the menu.

" This cafe is famous for pancakes and their milkshake," I said smiling at him.

" hmm okay then we will order pancakes," omer said putting the menu on the table and signaling for the waiter to come. Veronica is my other colleague. We call her plastic barbie because she had done more jobs on her body than anyone. I am not against surgery, we can change our body according to us but everything has a limit and she doesn't know any limits.

Ugh why her! I know for sure that she is going to flirt with omer without any shame and she always keeps her goods on display like I said she doesn't have any limits and displaying everything is one of them.

She made her way to us walking like she is on a ramp adjusting her uniform's shirt or more like pulling it down. Determination in her eyes to flirt with her new prey. I hope and pray that omer doesn't fall for her flirtations.

" How may I help you cutie," Veronica said winking at omer and ignoring my presence, wait cute? From which angle is he looking cute. She doesn't even know how to flirt. I am thankful that omer just ignored her remark and wink and started placing our order.

" umm Scarlett which pancakes do you want? I ordered chocolate chip pancakes" omer asked waiting for my answer and at last, plastic barbie acknowledged my presence and gave me a fake smile, and in a sickly sweet voice she asked, " Hey Scarlett I didn't see you there".

" you are busy doing your job like usual," I said giving her a fake smile too. She understood what I said and narrowed her eyes at me.

" Yeah, what to say I am good at what I do unlike some people," she said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and placed my order the same as omer. With a last wink, she left our table swaying her hips adding more sway.

I rolled my eyes at her antics and turned my head towards omer but to my surprise, he is busy with his mobile. I thought Veronica's antics are getting to him but no he is avoiding all her advances and being a gentleman. I don't know is he acting like a gentleman or truly a gentleman.

Veronica came with our orders and placed them on the table and specifically she placed omer's plate in front of him with a tissue and I know what is there in that tissue. She left us before giving me a smirk stating that she won or something. I don't care if omer took that tissue and her number on it and I don't care if they meet or whatever. Why should I care what they do with each other?

But why am I feeling like burning from inside? Is it jealousy? But why am I jealous? Ugh, I have to remove all these thoughts from my head. I am brought back by omer waving his hand in front of my face " to earth Scarlett" he said eating his pancakes.

"um sorry I just zoned out for a minute" I apologized and started eating my pancakes.

" figured, so, I just want to say that I am very sorry for my behavior that night. My intention is not to upset you." Omer said clearing his throat.

" it's okay it's just I got upset by the way you talked and I want to clarify that I never asked zayreen to recommend you to give me a job," I said looking into his eyes showing that what I am saying is true.

" I know you didn't say anything to zayreen regarding the job and I know my sister is crazy and I am just caught off guard that's why I behaved that way and didn't get the chance to clarify," He said giving me a guilty smile.

" thank you for clarifying your behavior I appreciate it and you are forgiven, " I said smiling genuinely.

" thank you so much Scarlett I thought I lost my second chance also," he said holding my hand and smiling widely.

His smile and his touch are making me giddy and warm inside. I just want to stop this moment and live in it forever. I don't know why I am feeling all these but these feelings are making me alive again. I am liking every second of sitting here with omer while he is holding my hand and chatting away. What it is called but I am liking it whatever it may be and I hope I am not gonna regret anything.